Aṇguttara Nikāya

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Aṇguttara Nikāya
XVII. Āghāta Vaggo

Sutta 161

Paṭhama Āghāta-Paṭivinaya Suttaṃ

Removing Annoyance[1]

Translated from the Pali by Ñanamoli Thera.
For free distribution only.

From The Practice of Loving-kindness (Metta) (WH 7),
by Ñanamoli Thera,
(Kandy: Buddhist Publication Society, 1987).
Copyright ©1987 Buddhist Publication Society.
Used with permission.



[1][pts][than] "Bhikkhus, there are these five ways
of removing annoyance,
by which annoyance
can be entirely removed by a bhikkhu
when it arises in him.
What are the five?

"Loving-kindness can be maintained in being
towards a person with whom you are annoyed:
this is how annoyance with him can be removed.

"Compassion can be maintained in being
towards a person with whom you are annoyed;
this too is how annoyance with him can be removed.

"Onlooking equanimity can be maintained in being
towards a person with whom you are annoyed;
this too is how annoyance with him can be removed.

"The forgetting and ignoring of a person with whom you are annoyed can be practiced;
this too is how annoyance with him can be removed.

"Ownership of deeds
in a person with whom you are annoyed
can be concentrated upon thus:

'This good person is owner of his deeds,
heir to his deeds,
his deeds are the womb
from which he is born,
his deeds are his kin
for whom he is responsible,
his deeds are his refuge,
he is heir to his deeds,
be they good or bad.'
This too is how annoyance with him
can be removed.

"These are the five ways
of removing annoyance,
by which annoyance
can be entirely removed in a bhikkhu
when it arises in him."


[1]JBT notes: I got the Pali title from the IBRIC (BJT) edition (; the English title is my translation, which adopts Nanamoli's "removing"


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