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26. Upasampadā Vagga

Sutta 261

Sakad-Āgāmi-Phalaṃ Suttaṃ[ed1]

Stinginess 8

Translated from the Pali by Thanissaro Bhikkhu.
Provenance, terms and conditons



[1][pts] "Without abandoning these five qualities,
one is incapable of realizing the fruit of once-returning.

Which five?

Stinginess as to one's monastery [lodgings],
stinginess as to one's family [of supporters],
stinginess as to one's gains,
stinginess as to one's status,
and stinginess as to the Dhamma.

Without abandoning these five qualities,
one is incapable of realizing the fruit of once-returning.

"With the abandoning of these five qualities,
one is capable of realizing the fruit of once-returning.

Which five?

Stinginess as to one's monastery [lodgings],
stinginess as to one's family [of supporters],
stinginess as to one's gains,
stinginess as to one's status,
and stinginess as to the Dhamma.

With the abandoning of these five qualities,
one is capable of realizing the fruit of once-returning."


[ed1] Bhk. Thanissaro included an abridged version of this sutta in his version of #259. It has been broken out and reconstructed so that it may easily be compared to the Pali and the PTS translation. The title follows his previous scheme.


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