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Saṃyutta Nikāya
4. Saḷāyatana Vagga
35. Saḷāyatana Saṃyutta
§ II: Paññāsaka Dutiya
4. Channa Vagga

Sutta 93

Dutiya Dvaya Suttaṃ

A Pair

Translated from the Pali by Thanissaro Bhikkhu.
Proofed against and modified in accordance with the revised edition at
Provenance, terms and conditons



[1][pts][olds][bodh] "It's in dependence on a pair that consciousness comes into play.

And how does consciousness come into play in dependence on a pair?

In dependence on the eye and forms there arises eye-consciousness.

The eye is inconstant, changeable, of a nature to become otherwise.

Forms are inconstant, changeable, of a nature to become otherwise.

Thus this pair is both wavering and fluctuating — inconstant, changeable, of a nature to become otherwise.

"Eye-consciousness is inconstant, changeable, of a nature to become otherwise.

Whatever is the cause, the requisite condition, for the arising of eye-consciousness, that is inconstant, changeable, of a nature to become otherwise.

Having arisen in dependence on an inconstant factor, how could eye-consciousness be constant?

"The coming together, the meeting, the convergence of these three phenomena is eye-contact.

Whatever is the cause, the requisite condition, for the arising of eye-contact, that is inconstant, changeable, of a nature to become otherwise.

Having arisen in dependence on an inconstant factor, how could eye-contact be constant?

"Contacted, one feels.

Contacted, one intends.

Contacted, one perceives.

These phenomena are both wavering and fluctuating — inconstant, changeable, of a nature to become otherwise.

This is how it's in dependence on a pair that eye-consciousness comes into play.

"In dependence on the ear and sounds there arises ear-consciousness....

"In dependence on the nose and aromas there arises nose-consciousness....

"In dependence on the tongue and flavors there arises tongue-consciousness....

"In dependence on the body and tactile sensations there arises body-consciousness....

"In dependence on the intellect and ideas there arises intellect-consciousness.

The intellect is inconstant, changeable, of a nature to become otherwise.

Ideas are inconstant, changeable, of a nature to become otherwise.

Thus this pair is both wavering and fluctuating — inconstant, changeable, of a nature to become otherwise.

"Intellect-consciousness is inconstant, changeable, of a nature to become otherwise.

Whatever is the cause, the requisite condition, for the arising of intellect-consciousness, that is inconstant, changeable, of a nature to become otherwise.

Having arisen in dependence on an inconstant factor, how could intellect-consciousness be constant?

"The coming together, the meeting, the convergence of these three phenomena is intellect-contact.

Whatever is the cause, the requisite condition, for the arising of intellect-contact, that is inconstant, changeable, of a nature to become otherwise.

Having arisen in dependence on an inconstant factor, how could intellect-contact be constant?

"Contacted, one feels.

Contacted, one intends.

Contacted, one perceives.

These phenomena are both wavering and fluctuating — inconstant, changeable, of a nature to become otherwise.

This is how it's in dependence on a pair that intellect-consciousness comes into play."



Of Related Interest:

MN 38;
MN 146;
SN 35:193


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