Samyutta Nikaya Masthead

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Saṃyutta Nikāya
5. Mahā-Vagga
46. Bojjhanga Saṃyutta
2. Gilāna Vagga

Sutta 16

Tatiya Gilāna Suttaṃ (Maha Cunda Thera Bojjhanga)

Ill (Factors of Enlightenment)

Translated from the Pali by Piyadassi Thera.
For free distribution only.
From The Book of Protection,
translated by Piyadassi Thera
(Kandy: Buddhist Publication Society, 1999).
Copyright ©1999 Buddhist Publication Society.
Used with permission.



[1][pts][bodh] Thus have I heard:

On one occasion the Blessed One was living near Rājagaha in the bamboo grove in the squirrels' feeding ground. At that time, he was afflicted with a disease, was suffering therefrom, and was gravely ill.

Then the Venerable Maha Cunda[1] 'arising from his solitude at eventide'[2] approached the Blessed One, saluted him, and sat down beside him.

To the Venerable Maha Cunda thus seated, the Blessed One said:

"O Cunda, let the factors of enlightenment occur to your mind."

"These seven factors of enlightenment, bhante (Ven. Sir), are well expounded and are cultivated and fully developed by the Blessed One. They conduce to perfect understanding, to full realization and to Nibbāna. What are the seven?

i. "Mindfulness, the factor of enlightenment, bhante, is well expounded by the Blessed One, and is cultivated and fully developed by the Blessed One. It conduces to perfect understanding, to full realization and to Nibbāna.

ii. "Investigation of the Dhamma, the factor of enlightenment, bhante, is well expounded by the Blessed One and is cultivated and fully developed by the Blessed One. It conduces to perfect understanding, to full realization and to Nibbāna.

iii. "Persevering effort, the factor of enlightenment, bhante, is well expounded by the Blessed One and is cultivated and fully developed by the Blessed One. It conduces to perfect understanding, to full realization and to Nibbāna.

iv. "Rapture, the factor of enlightenment, bhante, is well expounded by the Blessed One and is cultivated and fully developed by the Blessed One. It conduces to perfect understanding, to full realization and to Nibbāna.

v. "Calm, the factor of enlightenment, bhante, is well expounded by the Blessed One and is cultivated and fully developed by the Blessed One. It conduces to perfect understanding, to full realization and to Nibbāna.

vi. "Concentration, the factor of enlightenment, bhante, is well expounded by the Blessed One and is cultivated and fully developed by the Blessed One. It conduces to perfect understanding, to full realization and to Nibbāna.

vii. "Equanimity, the factor of enlightenment, bhante, is well expounded by the Blessed One, and is cultivated and fully developed by the Blessed One. It conduces to perfect understanding, to full realization and to Nibbāna.These seven factors of enlightenment, bhante, are well expounded and cultivated and fully developed by the Blessed One. They conduce to perfect understanding, to full realization and to Nibbāna."

"Most assuredly Cunda, they are factors of enlightenment. Most assuredly, Cunda, they are factors of enlightenment."

Thus said the Venerable Maha Cunda, and the Master approved of it. Then the Blessed One recovered from his affliction, and thus disappeared his affliction.


[1] Younger brother of the Venerable Sāriputta.

[2] 'Sayanha samayam patisallana vutthito', not found in the original Samyutta text.


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