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Saṃyutta Nikāya
5. Mahā-Vagga
48. Indriya Saṃyutta
4. Sukh'Indriya (or Uppaṭi) Vagga

Sutta 39

Araṇi or Kaṭṭh'Opama Suttaṃ

An Analysis (of the Feeling Faculties) (4)

Translated from the Pali by Thanissaro Bhikkhu.
Provenance, terms and conditons



[1][pts] "Monks, there are these five faculties.

Which five?

The pleasure-faculty, the pain-faculty, the happiness-faculty, the distress-faculty, the equanimity-faculty.

"In dependence on a contact to be experienced as pleasure, the pleasure-faculty arises.

Being eased, one discerns, 'I am eased.'

With the cessation of that very contact to be experienced as pleasure, one discerns, 'What was experienced as coming from that — the pleasure-faculty arising in dependence on a contact to be experienced as pleasure — ceases and grows still.'

"In dependence on a contact to be experienced as pain, the pain-faculty arises.

Being pained, one discerns, 'I am pained.'

With the cessation of that very contact to be experienced as pain, one discerns, 'What was experienced as coming from that — the pain-faculty arising in dependence on a contact to be experienced as pain — ceases and grows still.'

"In dependence on a contact to be experienced as happiness, the happiness-faculty arises.

Being happy, one discerns, 'I am happy.'

With the cessation of that very contact to be experienced as happiness, one discerns, 'What was experienced as coming from that — the happiness-faculty arising in dependence on a contact to be experienced as happiness — ceases and grows still.'

"In dependence on a contact to be experienced as distress, the distress-faculty arises.

Being distressed, one discerns, 'I am distressed.'

With the cessation of that very contact to be experienced as distress, one discerns, 'What was experienced as coming from that — the distress-faculty arising in dependence on a contact to be experienced as distress — ceases and grows still.'

"In dependence on a contact to be experienced as equanimity, the equanimity-faculty arises.

Being equanimous, one discerns, 'I am equanimous.'

With the cessation of that very contact to be experienced as equanimity, one discerns, 'What was experienced as coming from that — the equanimity-faculty arising in dependence on a contact to be experienced as equanimity — ceases and grows still.'

"Just as when, from the conjunction and combining of two fire sticks, heat is generated and fire produced, while from the separation and laying down of those fire sticks the heat coming from them ceases and grows still; in the same way, in dependence on a contact to be experienced as pleasure, the pleasure-faculty arises...

"In dependence on a contact to be experienced as pain, the pain-faculty arises...

"In dependence on a contact to be experienced as happiness, the happiness-faculty arises...

"In dependence on a contact to be experienced as distress, the distress-faculty arises...

"In dependence on a contact to be experienced as equanimity, the equanimity-faculty arises.

Being equanimous, one discerns, 'I am equanimous.'

With the cessation of that very contact to be experienced as equanimity, one discerns, 'What was experienced as coming from that — the equanimity-faculty arising in dependence on a contact to be experienced as equanimity — ceases and grows still.'"



Of Related Interest:

MN 146


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