Samyutta Nikaya Masthead

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Saṃyutta Nikāya
5. Mahā-Vagga
48. Indriya Saṃyutta
5. Jarā Vagga

Sutta 44

Pubba-Koṭṭhaka Suttaṃ

Eastern Gatehouse

Translated from the Pali by Thanissaro Bhikkhu.
Proofed against and modified in accordance with the revised edition at
Provenance, terms and conditons



[1][pts] I have heard that on one occasion the Blessed One was staying near Sāvatthī at the Eastern Gatehouse.

There he addressed Ven. Sāriputta:

"Sāriputta, do you take it on conviction that the faculty of conviction, when developed and pursued, gains a footing in the deathless, has the deathless as its final end and consummation?

Do you take it on conviction that the faculty of persistence... mindfulness... concentration... discernment, when developed and pursued, gains a footing in the deathless, has the deathless as its final end and consummation?"

"Lord, it’s not that I take it on conviction in the Blessed One that the faculty of conviction... persistence... mindfulness... concentration... discernment, when developed and pursued, gains a footing in the deathless, has the deathless as its final end and consummation.

Those who have not known, seen, penetrated, realized, or attained it by means of discernment would have to take it on conviction in others that the faculty of conviction... persistence... mindfulness... concentration... discernment, when developed and pursued, gains a footing in the deathless, has the deathless as its final end and consummation; whereas those who have known, seen, penetrated, realized, and attained it by means of discernment would have no doubt or uncertainty that the faculty of conviction... persistence... mindfulness... concentration... discernment, when developed and pursued, gains a footing in the deathless, has the deathless as its final end and consummation.

And as for me, I have known, seen, penetrated, realized, and attained it by means of discernment.

I have no doubt or uncertainty that the faculty of conviction... persistence... mindfulness... concentration... discernment, when developed and pursued, gains a footing in the deathless, has the deathless as its final end and consummation."

"Excellent, Sāriputta.


Those who have not known, seen, penetrated, realized, or attained it by means of discernment would have to take it on conviction in others that the faculty of conviction... persistence... mindfulness... concentration... discernment, when developed and pursued, gains a footing in the deathless, has the deathless as its final end and consummation; whereas those who have known, seen, penetrated, realized, and attained it by means of discernment would have no doubt or uncertainty that the faculty of conviction... persistence... mindfulness... concentration... discernment, when developed and pursued, gains a footing in the deathless, has the deathless as its final end and consummation."



Of Related Interest:

SN 12:68;
AN 6:19–20;
AN 7:46;backmatter/indexes/sutta/an/idx_07_sattakanipata.htm#p46
AN 10:58backmatter/indexes/sutta/an/idx_10_dasakanipata.htm#p58


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