Samyutta Nikaya Masthead

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Saṃyutta Nikāya
5. Mahā-Vagga
51. Iddhi-Pāda Saṃyutta
2. Pāsāda-Kampana Vagga

Sutta 13

Chando Suttaṃ


Translated from the Pali by Thanissaro Bhikkhu.
Sourced from the edition at
Provenance, terms and conditons



[1][pts][olds] "Monks, if a monk attains concentration, attains singleness of mind[1] founded on desire, that is called concentration founded on desire.

He generates desire, endeavors, arouses persistence, upholds and exerts his intent for the sake of the non-arising of evil, unskillful qualities that have not yet arisen... for the sake of the abandoning of evil, unskillful qualities that have arisen... for the sake of the arising of skillful qualities that have not yet arisen... (and) for the maintenance, non-confusion, increase, plenitude, development, and culmination of skillful qualities that have arisen.

These are called the fabrications of exertion.

This is desire, this is concentration founded on desire, these are the fabrications of exertion.

This is called the base of power endowed with concentration founded on desire and the fabrications of exertion.

"If a monk attains concentration, attains singleness of mind founded on persistence, that is called concentration founded on persistence...

"If a monk attains concentration, attains singleness of mind founded on intent, that is called concentration founded on intent...

"If a monk attains concentration, attains singleness of mind founded on discrimination, that is called concentration founded on discrimination.

He generates desire, endeavors, arouses persistence, upholds and exerts his intent for the sake of the non-arising of evil, unskillful qualities that have not yet arisen... for the sake of the abandoning of evil, unskillful qualities that have arisen... for the sake of the arising of skillful qualities that have not yet arisen... (and) for the maintenance, non-confusion, increase, plenitude, development, and culmination of skillful qualities that have arisen.

These are called the fabrications of exertion.

This is discrimination, this is concentration founded on discrimination, these are the fabrications of exertion.

This is called the base of power endowed with concentration founded on discrimination and the fabrications of exertion."


[1] Cittassa ekaggatā. On the meaning of this term, see AN 5:151, note 1

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