III. Tika Nipāta
II. Rathakāra Vagga
The Book of the Threes
Sutta 13
Āsaṃsa Suttaṃ
Translated from the Pāḷi
Michael M. Olds
[13][pts][bodh][upal] "Three, beggars, are the persons to be seen
existing in the world.
What three?
One lacking aspiration,
one aspiring,
one that has passed beyond aspiring.
And what person, beggars,
is lacking aspiration?
Here, beggars,
a person is reborn in a low family,
a family of ruffians, or
a family of hunters, or
a family of bamboo workers, or
a family of cart makers, or
a family of garbage collectors,
food and drink hard to find,
hard to get a livelihood,
where just getting grub and duds
is difficult.
And he is
of unpleasant appearance,
hard to look at,
he is half blind, or
crippled, or
lame, or
he does not gain food,
he does not receive
He hears:
'Sucha one of the ruling class,
has been consecrated
with the ruling class consecration.'
But he does not have the thought:
'When will they consecrate me
with ruling class consecration?'
This, beggars,
is what is called
a person lacking aspiration.
And what, beggars,
is an aspiring person?
Here, beggars,
the eldest son
of a crowned king of the ruling class
ambitious to be consecrated but
stagnating unconsecrated.
He hears:
'Sucha one of the ruling class,
has been consecrated
with the ruling class consecration.'
And he has the thought:
'When will they consecrate me
with ruling class consecration?'
This, beggars,
is what is called
an aspiring person.
And what, beggars,
is the person who has
passed beyond aspiring?
Here, beggars,
we have a crowned king
of the ruling class.
He hears:
'Sucha one of the ruling class,
has been consecrated
with the ruling class consecration.'
But he does not have the thought:
'When will they consecrate me
with ruling class consecration?'
Why is that?
Whatever, beggars,
was his earlier aspiration
to be consecrated
with the ruling class consecration,
has been resolved by him.
This, beggars,
is what is called
a person who has passed beyond aspiring.
These are the three persons, beggars,
to be seen existing in the world.
Even so, beggars,
three persons
are seen to exist among the beggars.
What three?
One lacking aspiration,
one aspiring,
one that has passed beyond aspiring.
And what, beggars,
is the person lacking aspiration?
Here, beggars,
a person has poor ethical standards,
bad form,
secretive works.
A fake shaman,
a pretend shaman.
One not living the godly life
though pretending to do so.
Inwardly putrid,
by nature impure.
He hears:
'Sucha one of the beggars,
having destroyed the corrupting influences
has at this time
in this seen thing
through higher knowledge
come to know the
release in heart
release by wisdom
without corrupting influences
and has risen up into
and resides therein.'
But he does not have the thought:
'When will I,
having destroyed the corrupting influences
at that time
in this seen thing
through higher knowledge
come to know the
release in heart
release by wisdom
without corrupting influences
and rise up into
and reside therein?'
This, beggars,
is what is called
a person who is lacking aspiration.
And what, beggars,
is the person who has aspirations?
Here, beggars,
a beggar has ethical standards,
is of good form.
He hears:
'Sucha one of the beggars,
having destroyed the corrupting influences
has at this time
in this seen thing
through higher knowledge
come to know the
release in heart
release by wisdom
without corrupting influences
and has risen up into
and resides therein.'
And he has this thought:
'When will I,
having destroyed the corrupting influences
at that time
in this seen thing
through higher knowledge
come to know the
release in heart
release by wisdom
without corrupting influences
and rise up into
and reside therein?'
This, beggars,
is what is called
a person who has aspiration.
And what, beggars,
is the person who has passed beyond aspirations?
Here, beggars,
a beggar is an Arahant,
corrupting influences destroyed.
He hears:
'Sucha one of the beggars,
having destroyed the corrupting influences
has at this time
in this seen thing
through higher knowledge
come to know the
release in heart
release by wisdom
without corrupting influences
and has risen up into
and resides therein.'
But he does not have the thought:
'When will I,
having destroyed the corrupting influences
at that time
in this seen thing
through higher knowledge
come to know the
release in heart
release by wisdom
without corrupting influences
and rise up into
and reside therein?'
Why is that?
Whatever, beggars,
was his earlier aspiration
to destroy the corrupting influences
and at that time
in this seen thing
through higher knowledge
come to know the
release in heart
release by wisdom
without corrupting influences
and rise up into
and reside therein
has been resolved by him.
This, beggars,
is what is called
a person who has passed beyond aspiring.
These, beggars,
are the three persons,
to be seen existing among the beggars.