Aṇguttara Nikāya

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II. Dukanipāta
VIII. Nimitta Vagga

The Book of the Gradual Sayings
More-Numbered Suttas

II. The Book of the Twos
VIII. On Characteristics[131]

Suttas 76-85

Translated from the Pali by
F.L. Woodward, M.A.

Copyright The Pali Text Society
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Sutta 76

[76.1][olds] "Monks, with characteristics
arise evil, unprofitable states,
not without them.

By abandoning just those characteristics,
those evil,
unprofitable states exist not."



Sutta 77

[77.1][olds] "Conditioned, monks,
is the arising of evil, unprofitable states,
not unconditioned.

By abandoning just that condition,
those evil, unprofitable states exist not."



Sutta 78

[78.1][olds] "Caused, monks,
is the arising of evil, unprofitable states,
not uncaused.

By abandoning just that cause
those evil, unprofitable states exist not."



Sutta 79

[79.1][olds] "Having constituent parts, monks,
is the arising of evil, unprofitable states,
not without constituents.

By abandoning just those constituent parts,
those evil, unprofitable states exist not."



Sutta 80

[80.1][olds] "Having reasons, monks,
is the arising of evil, unprofitable states,
not without reasons.

By abandoning just those reasons
those evil, unprofitable states exist not."



Sutta 81

[81.1][olds] "Along with objects, monks,
is the arising of evil, unprofitable states,
not without objects.

By abandoning just those objects
those evil, unprofitable states exist not."



Sutta 82

[82.1][olds] "Along with feeling, monks,
is the arising of evil, unprofitable states,
not without feeling.

By abandoning just those feelings
those evil, unprofitable states exist not."



Sutta 83

[83.1][olds] "Along with perception, monks,
is the arising of evil, unprofitable states,
not without perception

By abandoning just those perceptions
those evil, unprofitable states exist not."



Sutta 84

[84.1][olds] "Along with consciousness, monks,
is the arising of evil, unprofitable states,
not without consciousness.

By abandoning just that consciousness
those evil, unprofitable states exist not."



Sutta 85

[85.1][olds] "Monks, it is by making some compounded thing one's object[132]
that evil, unprofitable states arise,
not without doing so.

By abandoning just that compound[133]
those evil, unprofitable states exist not."


[131] 'With characteristic marks by which to distinguish them.' Cf. K.S. v, 188 n., where No.3 of our category is omitted.

[132] Sankhat'ārammaṇā = paccaya-nibbatta-sankhataṇ dhammaṇ ārammaṇaṇ katvā. Comy.

[133] Sankhatassa.

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