Aṇguttara Nikāya

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III. Tika Nipāta
IX. Samaṇa Vagga

The Book of the Gradual Sayings
More-Numbered Suttas

III. The Book of the Threes
IX. The Recluse

Sutta 82

Khetta Suttaṃ


Translated from the Pali by
F.L. Woodward, M.A.

Copyright The Pali Text Society
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[1] Thus have I heard:

Once the Exalted One was dwelling near Sāvatthī.

There the Exalted One addressed the monks, saying:


"Yes, lord," they replied, and the Exalted One said:

"Monks, these three preliminaries
are to be carried out by a yeoman farmer.

What three?

Herein, monks, the yeoman farmer must first of all[1] well plough and harrow his field,
and when these things are done
he must sow his seed at the proper season.

Having done this
he lets in the water
and lets it out again
in proper season.

These are the three preliminaries.

2. In the same way, monks,
these three preliminaries
are to be carried out by a monk.

What three?

The undertaking of the training
in the higher morality,
the undertaking of the training
in the higher thought
the undertaking of the training
in the higher insight.

These are the three.

Wherefore, monks, thus must ye train yourselves:

'Keen shall be our desire
to undertake the training
in the higher morality:
keen shall be our desire
to undertake the training
in the higher thought,
keen shall be our desire
to undertake the training
in the higher insight.'


[1] Paṭigacc'eva (paṭikkacc') = paṭhamam eva. Comy.

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