Aṇguttara Nikāya

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Aṇguttara Nikāya
Catukka Nipāta
XIV: Puggala Vagga

The Book of the Gradual Sayings
The Book of the Fours
XIV: On Persons

Sutta 131

Saṇyojana Puggala Suttaṃ


Translated from the Pali by F. L. Woodward, M.A.

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[1][than][olds] Thus have I heard:

On a certain occasion the Exalted One was staying near Sāvatthī.

Then the Exalted One addressed the monks, saying:


"Yes, lord," they replied, and the Exalted One said:

"Monks, there are these four persons found existing in the world.

What four?

Herein, monks, in a certain person
the fetters that pertain to this world are not got rid of,
those that give rise to rebirth are not got rid of,
those that give rise to becoming are not got rid of.

Herein again in a certain person
the fetters that pertain to this world are got rid of,
but not those that give rise to rebirth,
and not those that give rise to becoming.

Herein again in a certain person
the fetters that pertain to this world are got rid of,
and those that give rise to rebirth are got rid of,
but not those that give rise to becoming.

Herein again in a certain person
the fetters that pertain to this world are got rid of,
and those that give rise to rebirth are got rid of,
and those that give rise to becoming are got rid of.



Now, monks, in what sort of person
are the fetters that pertain to this world not got rid of,
those that give rise to rebirth not got rid of,
those that give rise to becoming not got rid of?

In the Once-returner.

In this person
the fetters that pertain to this world are not got rid of,
those that give rise to rebirth are not got rid of,
those that give rise to becoming are not got rid of.




Again, in what sort of person
are the fetters that pertain to this world got rid of,
but not those that give rise to rebirth,
and not those that give rise to becoming?

In the one who goes upstream,[1]
who goes to the Elder Devas[2]
the fetters that pertain to this world are got rid of,
but not those that give rise to rebirth,
and not those that give rise to becoming




Again, monks, in what sort of person
are the fetters that pertain to this world got rid of,
and those that give rise to rebirth are got rid of,
but not those that give rise to becoming?

In him who passes finally away in mid-term[3]
the fetters that pertain to this world are got rid of,
and those that give rise to rebirth are got rid of,
but not those that give rise to becoming.




Again, monks, in what sort of person
are the fetters that pertain to this world got rid of,
and those that give rise to rebirth are got rid of,
and those that give rise to becoming are got rid of?

In the Arahant.

In this person, monks,
the fetters pertaining to this world are got rid of,
and those that give rise to rebirth are got rid of,
and those that give rise to becoming are got rid of.

So these are the four sorts of persons found existing in the world.'


[1] Uddhaṇsoto. Cf. G.S. i, 213; S. v, 237, etc.; S.B.B. vii, p. 75.

[2] Akaniṭṭha. Comy. def. thus: 'No youngsters there.'

[3] Antarā-parinibbāya. [Ed.: Woodward inserts in parenthesis here "(of deva-life)" which is not in the Pali and is subject to doubt.]


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