Aṇguttara Nikāya

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Aṇguttara Nikāya
Pañcaka Nipāta
I: Sekha-Bala Vagga

The Book of the Gradual Sayings
The Book of the Fives
I: The Learner's Powers

Sutta 5

Sikkhā-Paccakkhāna Suttaṃ

The Training

Translated by E. M. Hare

Copyright The Pali Text Society
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[4] [3]

[1][olds][upal][bodh] 'Monks, whatsoever monk or nun
disavows the training
and returns to the lower life,[1]
five matters for self-blame and reproach[2]
from the standpoint of Dhamma
come to him here and now.

What five?

In you[3] (he thinks)
there was verily no faith in right things,
no conscientiousness,
no fear of blame,
no energy and
no insight into right things.

Monks, whatsoever monk or nun
disavows the training
and returns to the lower life,
these five matters for self-blame and reproach
from the standpomt of Dhamma
come to him here now.




Monks, whatsoever monk or nun
lives the godly life in perfect [4] purity,
though with tearful face
he cries in pain and distress,
five matters for self-praise
from the standpoint of Dhamma
come to him here now.

What five?

(He thinks) in you, verily,
there was faith in right,
fear of blame,
energy and
insight into right things.

Monks, these five matters for self-praise
from the standpoint of Dhamma
come to him here now.'


[1] See notes on this phrase at G.S. i. 143; Dial. i. 223.

[2] The Sinh. edit. reads vādānupātā, our text vādānuvādā.

[3] Te.

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