Aṇguttara Nikāya

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Aṇguttara Nikāya
11. Phāsu-Vihāra Vagga

The Book of the Gradual Sayings
The book of the Fives
Chapter XI: The Abodes of Comfort

Sutta 105

Phāsu-Vihāra Suttaṃ


Translated by E. M. Hare

Copyright The Pali Text Society
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[1] Thus have I heard:

Once the Exalted One dwelt near Sāvatthī;
and there he addressed the monks, saying:


'Yes, lord,' they replied; and the Exalted One said:

"Monks, there are these five comfortable abodes.[1]

What five?

Herein, monks, there is ever present in a monk
amity in act of deed
when among his fellows in the godly life,
both in open and in secret;

there is ever present in a monk
amity in act of word
when among his fellows in the godly life,
both in open and in secret;

there is ever present in a monk
amity in act of mind
when among his fellows in the godly life,
both in open and in secret;

and those virtues,
without a rent,
without blemish,
bringing freedom,
praised hy the wise,
and conducive to concentration —
in such he lives,
one in virtue,[2]
in open and in secret,
among his fellows in the godly life;

and that view,
which is Ariyan,
and leads the doer thereof
to the utter destruction of Ill —
in that he lives,
one in view,
in open and in secret,
among his fellows in the godly life.

Verily, monks, these are the five comfortable abodes.'


[1] The whole sutta recurs at D. ii, 88; DA. ii, 531 has much more to say than Mnrp.; for the fourth clause see above, § 32, below V, § 179; for the fifth Cf. M. i, 69; D. i, 235. For a different set see above, § 94.

[2] Sīlasāmaññagato. Comy. samāna-sīlataṃ gato, ekasadisa-sīlo hutvā-ti attho.

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