Aṇguttara Nikāya

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Aṇguttara Nikāya
12. Andhakavinda Vagga

The Book of the Gradual Sayings
The book of the Fives
Chapter XII: Andhakavinda

Sutta 114

Andhakavinda Suttaṃ

At Andhakavinda

Translated by E. M. Hare

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[1][than] Thus have I heard:

On one occasion,
when the Exalted One was dwelling among the Magadhese at Andhakavinda,[1]
the venerable Ānanda came to him,
saluted and sat down at one side.

And the Exalted One spoke thus
to the venerable Ānanda,
so seated:

[107] 'Ānanda, the monks that are novices,
lately gone forth,
come newly to this Dhamma[2] and discipline —
those monks, Ānanda, verily[3]
must be made to take heed of,
enter into
and stand fast in five things.

What five?

Say thus:

"Come you, sirs,
be virtuous;
live restramed in the restraint of the Obligations,[4]
perfected in conduct and habit;
see danger in the smallest fault;
and, in your endeavour,
train in the steps of the training!"

Thus must they be made to take heed of,
enter into,
and stand fast in
the restraint of the Obligations.

And say thus:

"Come you, sirs,
live with the sense-doors guarded,
awake to the watch,[5]
be wise in wakefulness,[6]
with the ways of the mind[7] well watched,
possessed of a heart that is awake
and on watch!"

Thus must they be made to take heed of,
enter into,
and stand fast in
the restraint of the senses.

And say thus:

"Come you, sirs,
be little in talk,
make a limit to talk!"

Thus must they be made to take heed of,
enter into,
and stand fast in
the limiting of talk.

And say thus:

"Come you, sirs,
be forest-dwellers,
seek ye the ways of the forest-wilderness,
the outland bed and seat!"

Thus must they be made to take heed of,
enter into,
and stand fast in
seclusion as to the body.

And say thus:

"Come you, sirs,
be right in view,[8]
seeing right!"

Thus must they be made to take heed of,
enter into,
and stand fast in
seeing right."

Ānanda, the novices,
lately gone forth,
come newly to this Dhamma and discipline,
must be made to take heed of,
enter into,
and stand fast
in these five things.'


[1] Our Comy. is silent; S.A. i, 220, a village. It presumably lay between Benares and Rājagaha; see Vin. i, 109, 220 and 224.

[2] This is stock; see Vin. i, 40; M. i, 457; S. 1, 9.

[3] Vo.

[4] Pātimokkha.

[5] Ārakkhasatino. Comy. dvāra-rakkhikāya satiyā samannāgatā.

[6] Nipakasatino (text nipakka). Comy. dvāra-rakkhanakena va ñāṇena samannāgata-satino.

[7] Sārakkhitamānasā; Cf. Sn. 63; SnA. 116; Thag. 729.

[8] Our text and S.e. read sammā-diṭṭhikā, but Comy. -diṭṭhino.

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