Aṇguttara Nikāya

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Aṇguttara Nikāya
Pañcaka Nipāta
14. Rāja Vaggo

The Book of the Gradual Sayings
The Book of the Fives
Chapter XIV: The Rajah

Sutta 135

Paṭhama Patthanā Suttaṃ

The Aim (a)[1]

Translated by E. M. Hare

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[1] Thus have I heard:

Once the Exalted One dwelt near Sāvatthī;
and there he addressed the monks, saying:


'Yes, lord,' they replied;
and the Exalted One said:

"Monks, if he have five things,[2]
an anointed warrior rajah's eldest son
makes rule his aim.

What five?

Herein, monks, the anointed warrior rajah
is well born on both sides,
pure in descent
as far back as seven generations
both of mother and father,
and without reproach
in point of birth;

is handsome,
he has a wondrous lotus-like beauty;[3]

is dear and lovely is he to his parents;

dear and lovely to town and country folk;

and in matters of skill that belong to anointed warrior rajahs:
and sword skill,[4]
he is fully[5] trained.




And it occurs to him:

"I am well born on both sides,
pure in descent
as far back as seven generations
both of mother and father,
and without reproach
in point of birth.

Wherefore should I not make rule my aim?

I am handsome,
and have a wondrous lotus-like beauty.

Wherefore should I not make rule my aim?

I am dear and lovely is he to my parents.

Wherefore should I not make rule my aim?

I am dear and lovely to town and country folk.

Wherefore should I not make rule my aim?

In matters of skill that belong to anointed warrior rajahs:
and sword skill, I am fully trained.

Wherefore should I not make rule my aim?"

Monks, if he have these five things,
the warrior rajah's eldest son
makes rule his aim.




Even so, monks,
if he have five things,[6]
a monk makes the destroying of the cankers
his aim.

What five?

Herein, monks, a monk has faith,
he believes in the enlightenment of the Tathāgata:

"Of a truth he is the Exalted One,
[118] arahant,
fully enlightened,
abounding in wisdom and right,
the well-gone,
the world-knower,
the incomparable tamer of tamable men,
the teacher of devas and men,
the Buddha, the Exalted One."

he has health and wellbeing,
a good digestion,
which is neither over-cold
nor overheated,
but even
and suitable for striving;

he is not deceitful
nor a make-believe,
but declares himself to the Master
or to his wise fellows in the godly life
just as he really is;

he abides in active energy
to give up evil things,
and to hold to good things;
staunch and strong in effort,
he shirks not the burden of righteousness;

he has insight
and is endowed therewith
into the way of the rise and fall of things,
with Ariyan penetration
into the utter destruction öf Ill.




And it occurs to him:

"I have faith,
and believe in the enlightenment of the Tathāgata:
'Of a truth he is the Exalted One,
fully enlightened,
abounding in wisdom and right,
the well-gone,
the world-knower,
the incomparable tamer of tamable men,
the teacher of devas and men,
the Buddha, the Exalted One.'

Wherefore should I not make
the destroying of the cankers
my aim?

I have health and wellbeing,
a good digestion,
which is neither over-cold
nor overheated,
but even
and suitable for striving.

Wherefore should I not make
the destroying of the cankers
my aim?

I am not deceitful
nor a make-believe,
but declares myself to the Master
or to his wise fellows in the godly life
just as I really am.

Wherefore should I not make
the destroying of the cankers
my aim?

I abide in active energy
to give up evil things,
and to hold to good things;
staunch and strong in effort,
I shirk not the burden of righteousness;

Wherefore should I not make
the destroying of the cankers
my aim?

I have insight
and am endowed therewith
into the way of the rise and fall of things,
with Ariyan penetration
into the utter destruction öf Ill.

Wherefore should I not make
the destroying of the cankers
my aim?"

Verily, monks, if he have these five things,
the monk makes the destroying of the cankers
his aim.'


[1] Patthana, pa+√arth, forward-good or goal.

[2] Aṇgā.

[3] Cf. above, § 75.

[4] Comy. the sixteen, adding: writing, sealing, arithmetic, ete. Cf. Ud. 31.

[5] Anavayo. Comy. samattho, paripuṇṇo.

[6] Dhammā; Cf. above. § 53 for these, there aṇgā.

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