Aṇguttara Nikāya

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Aṇguttara Nikāya
Pañcaka Nipāta
15. Tikaṇḍaki Vaggo

The Book of the Gradual Sayings
The Book of the Fives
Chapter XV: Three-thorn Grove

Sutta 150

Dutiya Samaya-Vimutta Suttaṃ

Occasional Release (b)

Translated by E. M. Hare

Copyright The Pali Text Society
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[1][olds] Thus have I heard:

Once the Exalted One dwelt near Sāvatthī;
and there he addressed the monks, saying:


'Yes, lord,' they replied;
and the Exalted One said:

"Monks, these five things
lead to the falling away
of a monk who is occasionally released.

What five?

Delight in (body) work,
delight in gossip,
delight in sleep,
delight in unguarded doors of the senses,
no moderation in eating.

Verily, monks, these five things
lead to the falling away
of a monk who is occasionally released.




"Monks, these five things
lead to the not falling away
of a monk who is occasionally released.

What five?

Non-delight in (body) work,
non-delight in gossip,
non-delight in sleep,
non-delight in unguarded doors of the senses,
and moderation in eating.

Verily, monks, these five things
lead to the not falling away
of a monk who is occasionally released.

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