Aṇguttara Nikāya

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Aṇguttara Nikāya
XVII. Āghāta Vaggo

The Book of the Gradual Sayings
The Book of the Fives
Chapter XVII: Malice

Sutta 170

Bhaddaji Suttaṃ


Translated by E. M. Hare

Copyright The Pali Text Society
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[1][than] Thus have I heard:

'Once, while the venerable Ānanda was dwelling near Kosambī in Ghosita Park,
the venerable Bhaddaji[1] came up and greeted him and,
after exehanging the words of customary greetings,
sat down at one side.

So seated,
the venerable Ānanda said
to the venerable Bhaddaji:

'Good Bhaddaji,
what is the best of sights,
what the best [149] of sounds,
what, the beat of joys,
what the best of conscious states,
and what is the best of becomings?'

'There is Brahmā, sir,
who is overcomer,
by none overcome,[2]
he is the seer of whatever may be,
with power and dominion;
who sees him
of the Brahmās,
that is the best of sights.

There are the devas of radiant splendour,
in whom joy flows and overflows,
who ever and again utter a cry of:

"Joy, oh joy!"

who hears that sound —
it is the best of sounds.

There are the all-lustrous devas,
rejoicing just in quiet,[3]
who feel joy —
that is the best of joys.

There are the devas
who go to the sphere of nothingness —
theirs is the best of conscious states.

There are the devas
who go to the sphere of neither consciousness nor unconsciousness —
theirs is the best of becomings'
(i.e. lives, or worlds).




'This is but the way of the many folk,
this (talk) of the venerable Bhaddaji.'

'The venerable Ānanda has heard much;
let the venerable Ānanda throw light upon the matter!'.

'Very well, reverend Bhaddaji,
listen and pay attention
and I will speak."

'Yes, sir,' he replied;
and the venerable Ānanda said:

'When,[4] while one looks,
the cankers are destroyed —
that is the best of sights.

When, while one listens,
the cankers are destroyed —
that is the best of sounds.

When, while one rejoices,
the cankers are destroyed —
that is the best of joys.

When, while one is conscious,
the cankers are destroyed —
that is the best of conscious states.

When, while one has become,[5]
the cankers are destroyed —
that is the best of becomings.'


[1] See Brethr. 129.

[2] This is stock; Cf. D. i, 18; iii, 135; A. ii, 24; It. 15: abhibhū anabhibhūto, sometimes used of the Tathāgata.

[3] Te santaṃ yeva tusitā. S.e. reads te santaññ'eva sukhitā.

[4] Anantarā, no interval, immediately. Comy. anantarā yeva!

[5] Yathā bhūtassa.

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