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23. Dīgha-Cārika Vagga

The Book of the Gradual Sayings
The Book of the Fives
Chapter XXIII: Wandering Afield

Sutta 228

Ussūra-Bhatta Suttaṃ

The Meal

Translated by E. M. Hare

Copyright The Pali Text Society
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[1] Thus have I heard:

Once the Exalted One dwelt near Sāvatthī;
and there he addressed the monks, saying:


'Yes, lord,' they replied; and the Exalted One said:

"Monks, there are these five disadvantages
in a family who eat
when the sun is right up.[1]

What five?

Their honoured visitors
they honour not in time;

the devas who receive oblations
they honour not in time;

recluses and brāhmans
who have but one meal a day
abstain from eating at night,
eating at wrong times,
they honour not in time;

their slaves,
and men
work as men averse[2] from work;

moreover as long as food is eaten unseasonably
it lacks strengthening[3] qualities.

Monks, these are the five disadvantages
in a family who eat
when the sun is right up.'




"Monks, there are these five advantages
in a family who eat
in season.

What five?

Their honoured visitors
they honour in time;

the devas who receive oblations
they honour in time;

recluses and brāhmans
who have but one meal a day
abstain from eating at night,
eating at wrong times,
they honour in time;

their slaves,
and men
work as men not averse from work;

moreover as long as food is eaten seasonably
it does not lack strengthening qualities.

Monks, these are the five advantages
in a family who eat
in season.'


Ussūra. After the sun is fully risen, that is, noon to one o'clock. Not after the time when the shadow cast by an upright stick in India is two-finger-widths past where it makes no shadow (noon).

p.p. explains it all — p.p.

[1] Ussūra. Comy. atidivā.

[2] Vimukha. Comy. observes: they give up and sit down.

[3] Anojavanta. Comy. ojaṃ pharituṃ na sakkoti.

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