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24. Āvāsika Vagga

The Book of the Gradual Sayings
The Book of the Fives
Chapter XXIV: In Residence

Sutta 237

Dutiya Avaṇṇāraha Suttaṃ

Stinginess (a)

Translated by E. M. Hare

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[1] Thus have I heard:

Once the Exalted One dwelt near Sāvatthī;
and there he addressed the monks, saying:


'Yes, lord,' they replied;
and the Exalted One said:

"Monks, if a monk in residence
follow the course of five things,
as his reward he is surely cast into hell.

What five?

Without testing or plumbing the matter,
he speaks in praise of the unpraiseworthy;

without testing or plumbing the matter,
he speaks in dispraise of the praiseworthy;

he is stingy over (sharing) his lodging,
greedy[1] as to it;

stingy as to the family (who provides),
greedy as to it;

and he rejects the gift of faith.

"Monks, if a monk in residence
follow the course of these five things,
as his reward he is surely cast into hell.




Monks, if a monk in residence
follow the course of five things,
as his reward he is surely set in heaven.

What five?

After testing and plumbing the matter,
he speaks in praise of the praiseworthy;

after testing and plumbing the matter,
he speaks in dispraise of the unpraiseworthy;

he is not stingy over (sharing) his lodging,
not greedy as to it;

not stingy as to the family (who provides),
not greedy as to it;

and he accepts the gift of faith.

Monks, if a monk in residence
follow the course of these five things,
as his reward he is surely set in heaven.


[1] Āvāsa-paligedhī Comy. āvāsaṃ balava-giddhi-vasena gilitvā viya (gijjka, Skt. gṛdhra, is a vulture).

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