Aṇguttara Nikāya

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26. Upasampadā Vagga

The Book of the Gradual Sayings
The Book of the Fives
Chapter XXVI: Acceptance

Suttas 318-322

Translated by E. M. Hare

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Suttas 318

Appamatta-kavissajjaka Suttaṃ

He Who Metes Out Small Things[1] (1)

[318.1] Thus have I heard:

Once the Exalted One dwelt near Sāvatthī;
and there he addressed the monks, saying:


'Yes, lord,' they replied;
and the Exalted One said:

"Monks, if a monk follow the course of five things,
he ought not to be selected as one who metes out food.

What five?

He goes astray from wish,
he goes astray from hatred,
he goes astray from confusion,
he goes astray from fear,
and he knows not what is meted out from what is not.

Monks, if a monk follow the course of these five things,
he ought not to be selected as one who metes out food.

"Monks, if a monk follow the course of five things,
he may be selected as one who metes out food.

What five?

He does not go astray from wish,
he does not go astray from hatred,
he does not go astray from confusion,
he does not go astray from fear,
and he knows what is meted out from what is not.

Monks, if a monk follow the course of these five things,
he may be selected as one who metes out food.



Suttas 319

Dutiya Appamatta-kavissajjaka Suttaṃ

He Who Metes Out Small Things (2)

[319.1] Thus have I heard:

Once the Exalted One dwelt near Sāvatthī;
and there he addressed the monks, saying:


'Yes, lord,' they replied;
and the Exalted One said:

"Monks, if a monk follow the course of five things,
he ought not to be selected as one who metes out food,
if selected,
he ought not to be sent.

What five?

He goes astray from wish,
he goes astray from hatred,
he goes astray from confusion,
he goes astray from fear,
and he knows not what is meted out from what is not.

Monks, if a monk follow the course of these five things,
he ought not to be selected as one who metes out food,
if selected,
he ought not to be sent.

"Monks, if a monk follow the course of five things,
he may be selected as one who metes out food,
if selected,
he may be sent.

What five?

He does not go astray from wish,
he does not go astray from hatred,
he does not go astray from confusion,
he does not go astray from fear,
and he knows what is meted out from what is not.

Monks, if a monk follow the course of these five things,
he may be selected as one who metes out food,
he may be sent.



Suttas 320

Tatiya Appamatta-kavissajjaka Suttaṃ

He Who Metes Out Small Things (3)

[320.1] Thus have I heard:

Once the Exalted One dwelt near Sāvatthī;
and there he addressed the monks, saying:


'Yes, lord,' they replied;
and the Exalted One said:

"Monks, if a monk who is one who metes out food follow the course of five things,
he ought to be known as a fool.

What five?

He goes astray from wish,
he goes astray from hatred,
he goes astray from confusion,
he goes astray from fear,
and he knows not what is meted out from what is not.

Monks, if a monk who is one who metes out food follow the course of these five things,
he ought to be known as a fool.

"Monks, if a monk who is one who metes out food follow the course of five things,
he ought to be known as insightful.

What five?

He does not go astray from wish,
he does not go astray from hatred,
he does not go astray from confusion,
he does not go astray from fear,
and he knows what is meted out from what is not.

Monks, if a monk who is one who metes out food follow the course of these five things,
he ought to be known as insightful.



Suttas 321

Catuttha Appamatta-kavissajjaka Suttaṃ

He Who Metes Out Small Things (4)

[321.1] Thus have I heard:

Once the Exalted One dwelt near Sāvatthī;
and there he addressed the monks, saying:


'Yes, lord,' they replied;
and the Exalted One said:

"Monks, if a monk who is one who metes out food follow the course of five things,
he ought to be known as one who goes about to hurt and injure himself.

What five?

He goes astray from wish,
he goes astray from hatred,
he goes astray from confusion,
he goes astray from fear,
and he knows not what is meted out from what is not.

Monks, if a monk who is one who metes out food follow the course of these five things,
he ought to be known as one who goes about to hurt and injure himself.

"Monks, if a monk who is one who metes out food follow the course of five things,
he ought to be known as one who does not go about to hurt and injure himself.

What five?

He does not go astray from wish,
he does not go astray from hatred,
he does not go astray from confusion,
he does not go astray from fear,
and he knows what is meted out from what is not.

Monks, if a monk who is one who metes out food follow the course of these five things,
he ought to be known as one who does not go about to hurt and injure himself.



Suttas 322

Pañcama Appamatta-kavissajjaka Suttaṃ

He Who Metes Out Small Things (5)

[322.1] Thus have I heard:

Once the Exalted One dwelt near Sāvatthī;
and there he addressed the monks, saying:


'Yes, lord,' they replied;
and the Exalted One said:

"Monks, if a monk who is one who metes out food follow the course of five things,
he ought to be known as one as one whose reward will be hell.

What five?

He goes astray from wish,
he goes astray from hatred,
he goes astray from confusion,
he goes astray from fear,
and he knows not what is meted out from what is not.

Monks, if a monk who is one who metes out food follow the course of these five things,
he ought to be known as one whose reward will be hell.

"Monks, if a monk who is one who metes out food follow the course of five things,
he ought to be known as one whose reward will be heavon.

What five?

He does not go astray from wish,
he does not go astray from hatred,
he does not go astray from confusion,
he does not go astray from fear,
and he knows what is meted out from what is not.

Monks, if a monk who is one who metes out food follow the course of these five things,
he ought to be known as one whose reward will be heavon.


'I allow you, O Bhikkhus, to appoint as disposer of trifles a Bhikkhu who has (&., as before, down to the end of the Kammavâkâ). Each separate needle, and pair of scissors, and pair of sandals, and girdle, and pair of braces, and filtering cloth, and regulation strainer, and plait, and half-plait, and gusset, and half-gusset, and binding, and braiding, is to be given away. If the Samgha has any ghee, or oil, or honey, or molasses, he is to give it away for personal consumption only, and if it be wanted, he is to give it a second and a third time.'

p.p. explains it all — p.p.

[1] That is, needles, scissors, sandles, girdles, braces, etc.; see S.B.E. xx, 222.

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