Aṇguttara Nikāya

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Aṇguttara Nikāya
VIII. Aṭṭhaka Nipāta
VI. Gotamī Vagga

The Book of the Gradual Sayings
VIII. The Book of the Eights
VI: The Gotamid

Sutta 53

Sankhitta Gotami-y-Ovāda Suttaṃ

Dhamma in Brief[1]

Translated from the Pali by E.M. Hare.

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[1][than] THUS have I heard:

Once the Exalted One was staying at the Gabled Hall in Mahāvana near Vesālī,
Mahā-Pajāpati, the Gotamid, came to him and saluted and stood to one side.

So standing, she spoke thus to the Exalted One:

"Well were it for me, lord,
if the Exalted One would teach me Dhamma briefly,
so that after hearing the Exalted One's word
I might dwell alone,
and resolute."




"Those things of which you know thus:

These things lead to passion,
not to release therefrom;

these to bondage,
not to release therefrom;

these to the piling up[2] (of rebirth),
not to [187] the dispersion thereof;

these to wanting much,
not to wanting little;

these to discontent,
not to contentment;

these to sociability,
not to solitude;

these to indolence,
not to exertion;

these to luxury,[3] not to frugality

- of these things hold definitely:

'This is not Dhamma;
this is not the discipline;
this not the word of the Teacher.'




But as to those things of which you know: 'This thing leads to ~, not to' in the Pali.

p.p. explains it all — p.p.

But as to those things, O Gotamid, which you know
lead to dispassion,
not to passion;

to release from bondage,
not to bondage;

to the dispersion of rebirth,
not to the piling up (of rebirth);

to wanting little,
not to wanting much;

to contentment,
not to discontent;

to solitude,
not to sociability;

to exertion
not to indolence;

and to frugality,
not to luxury;

be assured that they are Dhamma,
the discipline
and the word of the Teacher."


[1] Cf. the whole of this sutta with VII, § 79 (p. 96 f.) above.

[2] Ācayāya. Comy. vaṭṭassa vaḍḍhanatthāya. Bu. adds that Mahāpajapati attained arahantship by this exhortation. The sutta recurs at Vin. ii, 258.

[3] Dubbharatāya; so Vin., but Comy. and S.e. dubh-; Comy. glosses, dupposanatthāya. Rhys Davids translates: hard to satisfy, difficult to support.

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