Aṇguttara Nikāya

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Aṇguttara Nikāya
VIII. Aṭṭhaka Nipāta
VI. Gotamī Vagga

The Book of the Gradual Sayings
VIII. The Book of the Eights
VI: The Gotamid

Dutiya Aṭṭha-Puggala Suttaṃ

Sutta 60

The Eight Persons (a)

Translated from the Pali by E.M. Hare.

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[1] THUS have I heard:

Once the Exalted One was dwelling near Sāvatthī,
at Jeta Grove,
in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

There the Exalted One addressed the monks, saying:


"Yes, lord," they replied, and the Exalted One said:

2. "Monks, there are these eight persons worthy of offerings,
worthy of gifts,
worthy of oblations,
meet to be reverently saluted,
the world's peerless field for merit.

What eight?

The Streamwinner,

he who attains to the realization of the fruit of Streamwinning,

the Once-returner,

he who attains to the realization of the fruit of the Once-returner,

the Non-returner,

he who attains to the realization of the fruit of the Non-returner,

the Arahant,

and he who attains to to the realization of the fruit of Arahantship.[ed1]

Monks, these are the eight persons worthy of offerings
worthy of gifts,
worthy of oblations,
meet to be reverently saluted,
the world's peerless field for merit."|| ||



Lo! Four there are who travel [on the Way],
And there are four who in fruition stand:
This the community of lofty worth,
Eight persons these (pre-eminent) 'mong men.
A gift to this community by men
Bestowing alms, by mortals seeking good,
Performing deeds of merit, which ensures
Rebirth (as man), is very rich in fruit.'


[ed1] Hare has for this: "the Arahant, and he who attains to Arahantship." In the Pali the wording is the same for all four.

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