Aṇguttara Nikāya

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Aṇguttara Nikāya
VIII. Atthaka Nipāta
IX. Sati-Vagga

The Book of the Gradual Sayings
VIII. The Book of the Eights
Chapter IX: Mindfulness

Sutta 85

Tathāgat-ā-dhivacana Suttaṃ


Translated from the Pali by E.M. Hare.

Copyright The Pali Text Society
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[1] THUS have I heard:

Once the Exalted One was dwelling near Sāvatthī.

There the Exalted One addressed the monks, saying:


"Yes, lord," they replied, and the Exalted One said:

"'Recluse,'[1] monks, is a term for the Tathāgata,
the arahant,
wholly awakened.

'Brahmāna,' monks, is a term for the Tathāgata,
the arahant,
wholly awakened.

'Discoverer,'[2] monks, is a term for the Tathāgata,
the arahant,
wholly awakened.

'Healer,' monks, is a term for the Tathāgata,
the arahant,
wholly awakened.

'Stainless,' monks, is a term for the Tathāgata,
the arahant,
wholly awakened.

'Pure,' monks, is a term for the Tathāgata,
the arahant,
wholly awakened.

'Knower,' monks, is a term for the Tathāgata,
the arahant,
wholly awakened.

'Freed,' monk, is a term for the Tathāgata,
the arahant,
wholly awakened.



What by recluse should be attained,[3]
By brahmana by god-life[4] won,
What gotten by discoverer.
What unsurpassed by healer found,
What by the pure and stainless won,
What by the knower should be known,
What freedom by the freed attained -
All that in battle I have won;
Set free from bonds I make man free.
Supremely tamed elephant[5]
Am I, adept and wholly cool.[6]


[1] This is quoted at Sn.A. 161.

[2] Vedagū: winner of knowledge; see Ud.A. 119 for definition.

[3] Comy. namely guṇa: virtue, goodness.

[4] Vusīmatā, ibid.'. By having lived the godly life, the brahma-cariya; see Sn.A. 601; cf. Mrs. Rhys Davids' Gotama, p. 95: the god-way.

[5] Nāgo'mhi. The Comy. is silent. Meaning elephant or cobra, nāga stands for mysterious life; cf. Dhp. 320, 329. Cf. also A. iii, 346: Nāgaṃ vo kittayissami, na hi aguṃ karoti so; cf. also Sn. 522; Sn.A. 428; Pss. Brethren, 210; S.B.E. x, ii, 89.

[6] Parinibbuto.

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