Dīgha Nikāya
Sacred Books of the Buddhists
Volume IV
Dialogues of the Buddha
Part III
Translated from the Pali
T.W. Rhys Davids and
C.A.F. Rhys Davids
In the Public Domain
Names in
Āṭānāṭiya Suttantaṃ
[Note.—In the list of names, p. 195, § 10, those who in the Canon are elsewhere met with as specifically Yakkhas, or as Gandhabbas only are marked *. Those who are also met with as Vedic gods are marked †.]
† Inda, Dial. I, 310, cf. II, 299, called Indra, II, 308 (in Saṃyutta I, 206, Petavatthu II, 9, 65, 66, we meet with an Inda-ka Yakkha).
† Soma, Dial. I, 310; II, 290.
† Varuua, Dial. I, 310; II, 290; S. I, 219.
Bhāradvāja (?); in Dial. I, 304 an ancient brahmin Rishi. Cf. Vin. Texts II, 130. *
† Pajāpati, Dial. I, 310; II, 308; S. I, 219.
Candana, Dial. II, 288; M. Ill, 199; S. I, 53; IV, 280.
* Kāmaseṭṭha, Dial. II, 288 (misprinted in Dial. II, 288 as Rāmaº).
* Kinnughaṇḍu, Dial. II, 288.
* Nighaṇḍu, Dial. II, 288.
Panāda, Dial. II, 288, cf. above, p. 76; Psalms of the Brethren, 130; other references ibid., n. 1.
Opamañña, Dial. II, 288.
Mātali, Dial. II, 288; S. I, 221 f.; Jāt. I, 202; V, 383, 397.
* Cittasena, Dial. II, 288.
* Naḷa, Dial. II, 288.
* Suro Rājā (? Suro and Rājā).
* Janesabha, Dial. II, 288.
* Sātāgira, Sn., ver. 153 f.
* Hemavata, Sn.. ver. 154 f.
* Puṇṇaka, Jāt. VI, 255 f.
* Sīvaka, S. I, 211; Vin. Texts III, 181 f.
Mucalinda, in Vin. Texts I, 80 a nāga king.
Vessāmitta, Dial. II, 287; in I, 304 an ancient brahmin Rishi.
Pañcālacaṇḍa in Jāt. V, 430, 437, brahmin, in ibid. VI, 433, a prince.
* Āḷavaka, S. I, 213 ; Sn. I, 10.
† Pajunna, S. I, 29 f.; Jāt. I, 331; IV, 253.
Dīgha, M. I, 210.
Serissaka, Vim. 84, 21.