The Questions of King Milinda
Part II
Chinese books on Nāgasena |
The Buddhist canon |
Vasubandhu's reference to Nāgasena |
Kshemendra's reference to Milinda |
The Mahāvamsa on Assagutta and Vattaniya |
The Kathā Vatthu |
Milinda and other authorities on the soul theory |
The Milinda later than the Kathā Vatthu |
Book IV. The Solving of Dilemmas |
41st Dilemma. Why should houses (Wihāras) be built for the houseless ones? |
42nd Dilemma. Was not the Buddha immoderate in food? |
43rd Dilemma. Was not Bakkula said to be superior (in health) to the Buddha? |
44th Dilemma. Why is the Buddha's teaching called both new and old? |
45th Dilemma. Did not the Bodisat once kill animals in sacrifice? |
46th Dilemma. Did not the Bodisat once abuse the Buddha? |
47th Dilemma. Was not Kassapa the Buddha less powerful than the potter? |
48th Dilemma. Why is the Buddha called both Brahman and king? |
49th Dilemma. Did not the Buddha teach for hire? |
50th Dilemma. Did not the Buddha once doubt? (See no. 34.) |
[viii] 51st Dilemma. Was not the Buddha taught by others? |
52nd Dilemma. Why can there be only one Buddha at a time? |
53rd Dilemma. Did not the Buddha put the Order above himself? |
54th Dilemma. As a layman can reach Arahatship, why enter the Order? |
55th Dilemma. Did not the Buddha, having tried and abandoned asceticism, nevertheless still insist on it? |
56th Dilemma. Men sometimes throw off the robes. Why not test candidates before initiation? |
57th Dilemma. How is it that Arahats suffer bodily pain? |
58th Dilemma. Why cannot an offender, who is not aware of his offence, enter the Path? |
59th Dilemma. How can a guilty Samana purify gifts? |
60th Dilemma. The 'soul' in water |
61st Dilemma. Why does the Order trouble itself about learning, and about buildings and gifts? |
62nd Dilemma. Why cannot a layman, who can become an Arahat, continue as one? |
63rd Dilemma. How is it that an Arahat can do wrong? |
64th Dilemma. What is there that is, but not in the world? |
65th Dilemma. What is there that is without a cause? |
66th Dilemma. Karma-born, cause-born, and season-born |
67th Dilemma. What becomes of dead devils? |
68th Dilemma. Why did not the Buddha promulgate all the Rules of the Order at once? |
69th Dilemma. How does the sun get cool? |
70th Dilemma. Why is the sun hotter in winter? |
71st Dilemma. How can Vessantara's giving away of his children be approved? |
72nd Dilemma. Why did the Bodisat undergo penance? |
73rd Dilemma. Which is stronger, virtue or vice? |
74th Dilemma. Do the dead derive advantage from gifts given here? |
75th Dilemma. Dreams and sleep |
76th Dilemma. Is death ever premature? |
[ix] 77th Dilemma. How can there be wonders at the graves of Arahats? |
78th Dilemma. Cannot all men be converted? |
79th Dilemma. Is Nirvāna all bliss, or partly pain? |
80th Dilemma. The form, figure, duration, &c., of Nirvāna |
81st Dilemma. The realisation of Nirvāna |
82nd Dilemma. The place of Nirvāna |
Book V. The Problem of Inference |
§ 1. How can you know that the Buddha ever lived? |
4. The ordinary city, and its architect, shops, and inhabitants |
5. The City of Righteousness, and its architect |
6. The flower bazaar therein |
7. The perfume bazaar therein |
8. The fruit bazaar therein |
10. The antidote bazaar therein |
11. The medicine bazaar therein |
12. The ambrosia bazaar therein |
13-20. The jewel bazaar therein, and the seven jewels of the Truth |
21. The general store bazaar therein |
22. The inhabitants of the City of Righteousness |
23. The generals in the City of Righteousness |
The chaplains in the City of Righteousness |
The lamplighters in the City of Righteousness |
The peace-officers in the City of Righteousness |
The shop-keepers in the City of Righteousness |
The drunkards (!) in the City of Righteousness |
The watchmen in the City of Righteousness |
The lawyers and judges in the City of Righteousness |
The bankers in the City of Righteousness |
24. The conclusion drawn by inference |
Book VI. The Voluntary Extra Vows |
§ 1. Can laymen attain Nirvāna? |
6. The twenty-eight advantages of the vows |
7. The eighteen good qualities that come from keeping them |
[x] § 10. No Arahatship without having kept them |
12-15. Similes |
16. He who, being unworthy, takes the vows |
18. He who, being worthy, takes the vows |
20. Details of the thirteen extra vows |
24. The example of Upasena |
25. The thirty graces of the true recluse |
26. The example of Sāriputta |
Book VII. Similes of Arahatship |
§ 1. Detailed list of these similes, sixty-seven being still preserved, and thirty-eight being now lost |
19. Wonders at the conclusion of Nāgasena's solution of the three hundred and four puzzles |
20. Conversion of Milinda the king |
21. Milinda enters the Order, and becomes an Arahat |
Additions and Corrections |
Index of Proper Names |
379 |
Index of Subjects |
381 |