Samyutta Nikaya Masthead

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Saṃyutta Nikāya
I. Sagātha Vagga
7. Brāhmana Saṃyutta

The Book of the Kindred Sayings
I. Kindred Sayings with Verses
7. The Brāhmana Suttas

Translated by Mrs. Rhys Davids
Assisted by Sūriyagoḍa Sumangala Thera
Public Domain



II: The Lay Adherents


Sutta 22

Khomadussa Suttaṃ





The Exalted One was once staying among the Sākyans
at a Sākyan township named Khomadussa.[1]

Now at an early hour
the Exalted One dressed himself and,
taking bowl and robe,
entered the township of Khomadussa for alms.

And just then the brahmin householders of the place
were assembled in their place of council
to transact some matters,
and the god was raining drop by drop.

Then the Exalted One came up to the hall,
and they saw him coming from afar.

And seeing him, they said:

"Who now are these shaveling friar-men?

And what can they know about council rules?"[2]

Then the Exalted One addressed the brahmin house-fathers of Khomadussa in the verse: —

"No 'council' that where are no pious gentlemen,[3]
Nor gentle they whose speech observes no rule.
They who have put far from them lust and enmity
And dullness, they become good gentlemen.

When this was spoken,
the Khomadussa brahmin housefathers said to the Exalted One:

"Most excellent, Master Gotama, most excellent!

As if one raised up
that which had been overthrown,
or revealed
that which had been hidden,
or declared the way
to one who was bewildered,
or carried an oil-lamp into the dark,
so that they that had eyes could see,
even so is the Norm in many ways made manifest by Master Gotama.

Lo! We go for refuge to Gotama the Exalted One,
to the Norm,
and to the Order.

May Master Gotama suffer us as a lay-adherents,
who from this day forth
as long as life endures
has taken in him refuge!"


[1] Meaning 'linen cloth'; 'because of the preponderance (usmnnattā) of such,' says B.; but whether as made there, or worn, or both, does not appear. I can find no other reference to the place.

[2] Lit. 'hall-rule' (sabhā-dhamma). According to B., there was a side-entrance to avoid disturbing those who were comfortably seated, but the Buddha, aware that he would be creating or suffering discomfort, walked 'straight' in (ujukam eva āgacchati), angering the audience. He had previously 'willed the rain to fall.' The reason is not given, unless it served as an excuse for taking shelter.

[3] Santo: 'wise, good men.' Comy.

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