Samyutta Nikaya Masthead

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Saṃyutta Nikāya
I. Sagātha Vagga
10. Yakkha-Saṃyutta

The Book of the Kindred Sayings
I. Kindred Sayings with Verses
10. The Yakkha Suttas

Sutta 4

Manibhadda Suttaṃ


Translated by Mrs. Rhys Davids
Assisted by Sūriyagoḍa Sumangala Thera
Copyright The Pali Text Society.
Public Domain.



[4.1][than] THUS HAVE I HEARD: —

The Exalted One was once staying among the Magadhese,
at the Maṇimāla Temple,
in the haunt of the yakkha Maṇibhadda.[1]

Then that yakkha drew near to the Exalted One,
and before him uttered the verse:—

"To one of mind alert luck ever comes;
He prospers with increasing happiness.
For him to-morrow is a better day.
And wholly from all hate is he released."[2]

[The Exalted One:—]

"To one of mind alert luck ever comes;
He prospers with increasing happiness.
For him to-morrow is a better day.
Not wholly from all hate is he released.
For him whose mind ever by night and day
In harmlessness, in kindness[3] takes delight,
Bearing his share in love for all that lives,
In him no hate is found toward anyone."[4]


[1] These names have not been met with elsewhere.

[2] Feer found the first stanza in his Burmese MS. only, and prints it in brackets. They are possibly interpolated to let the Exalted One make the usual response, for Buddhaghosa takes no notice of the corrected view, but comments only on the 'Not wholly,' etc.x

[3] I have inserted this term as representing the positive meaning of the negative term (a-hiṇsā).

[4] The last two lines occur in the Cakkavāka Jātaka (iv, 71). B. gives mettaṃ so and mettaṃso as alternative interpretations. The Jāt. Comy. gives only the one I have adopted (mettā-aṇso, koṭṭhāso).

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