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Saṃyutta Nikāya
II. Nidāna Vagga
12. Nidāna Saṃyutta
3. Dasa-Balā Vagga

The Book of the Kindred Sayings
Part II. The Book Called the Nidāna-Vagga
Containing Kindred sayings on Cause
and Other Subjects
12. The Kindred Sayings on Cause
3. The 'Ten Powers' Suttas

Sutta 23

Upanisa Suttaṃ

Causal Association

Translated by Mrs. Rhys Davids
Assisted by F. L. Woodward

Originally Published by
The Pali Text Society
Public Domain


[29] [25]

[1][than][bodh 2][bodh][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"In him who knows, brethren,
who sees
do I say that the intoxicants are extinct,
not in him who knows not,
neither sees.

And in what, brethren,
in him who knows,
in him who sees
are the intoxicants extinct?

Thus is material shape,
thus is its uprising,
thus its passing away.

Thus is feeling,
thus is its uprising,
thus its passing away.

Thus is perception,
thus is its uprising,
thus its passing away.

Thus are activities,
thus is its uprising,
thus its passing away.

Thus is consciousness,
thus is its uprising,
thus its passing away.

It is in these, brethren,
in him who knows,
in him who sees
that the intoxicants are extinct.




Now in extinction
the knowledge about extinction: -
that I say is causally associated,[1]
not not causally associated.

And what is that which is the cause
of knowledge about extinction?

Liberation is the answer.

I say that liberation is causally associated, not uncausally associated.

And what is that which is the cause of liberation?

Passionlessness[2] is the answer.

Yea, I say that passionlessness is causally associated with liberation.

And what is that which is the cause of passionlessness?

Repulsion is the answer.

Yea, I say that repulsion is causally associated with passionlessness.

And what is that which is the cause of repulsion?

The knowledge and the vision of things as they really are is the answer.

Yea, I say that the knowledge-and-vision of things as they really are is causally associated with repulsion. [26]

And what is that which is the cause of the knowledge and insight of things as they really are?

Concentration = samādhi: serenity

p.p. explains it all — p.p.

Concentration is the answer.

Yea, I say that concentration is causally associated with the knowledge and vision of things as they really are.

And what is that which is the cause of concentration?

Happiness is the answer.

Yea, I say that happiness is causally associated with concentration.

And what is that which is the cause of happiness?

Serenity = passaddhi = impassivity.

p.p. explains it all — p.p.

Serenity is the answer.

Yea, I say that serenity is causally associated with happiness.

And what is the cause of serenity?

Rapture = pītī = enthusiasm

p.p. explains it all — p.p.

Rapture is the answer.

Yea, I say that rapture is causally associated with serenity.

And what is the cause of rapture?

Joy[3] is the answer.

Yea, I say that joy is causally associated with serenity.

And what is the cause of joy?

Faith is the answer.

Yea, I say that faith is causally associated with joy.

And what is the cause of faith?

Suffering is the answer.

Yea, I say that suffering is causally associated with faith.

And what is the cause of suffering?

Birth is the answer.

Yea, I say that birth is causally associated with suffering.

And what is the cause of birth?

Becoming is the answer.

Yea, I say that becoming is causally associated with birth.

And what is the cause of becoming?

Craving is the answer.

Yea, I say that craving is causally associated with becoming.

And what is the cause of craving?

Grasping is the answer.

Yea, I say that grasping is causally associated with craving.

And what is the cause of grasping?

Feeling is the answer.

Yea, I say that feeling is causally associated with grasping.

And what is the cause of feeling?

contact is the answer.

Yea, I say that contact is causally associated with feeling.

And what is the cause of contact?

The sixfold sense-sphere is the answer.

Yea, I say that the sixfold sense-sphere is causally associated with contact.

And what is the cause of the sixfold sense-sphere?

Name-and-shape is the answer.

Yea, I say that Name-and-shape is causally associated with the sixfold sense-sphere.

And what is the cause of name-and-shape?

Consciousness is the answer.

Yea, I say that consciousness is causally associated with name-and-shape.

And what is the cause of consciousness?

Activities is the answer.

Yea, I say that activities are causally associated with consciousness.

And what is the cause of activities?

Ignorance is the answer.

Yea, I say that ignorance is causally associated with activities.

Now therefore, brethren,
activities are in causal association with ignorance,
consciousness is in causal association with activities,
name-and-shape is in causal association with consciousness,
the sixfold sense-sphere is in causal association with name-and-shape,
contact is in causal association with the sixfold [27] sense-sphere,
feeling is in causal association with contact,
craving is in causal association with feeling,
grasping is in causal association with craving,
becoming is in causal association with grasping,
birth is in causal association with becoming,
sorrow is in causal association with birth,
faith is in causal association with sorrow,
joy is in causal association with faith,
rapture is in causal association with joy,
serenity is in causal association with rapture,
happiness is in causal association with serenity,
concentration is in causal association with happiness,
the knowledge and vision into things as they really are is in causal association with concentration,
repulsion is in causal association with the knowledge and vision into things as they really are,
passionlessness is in causal association with repulsion,
liberation is in causal association with passionlessness,
knowledge about extinction [of intoxicants] is in causal association with liberation.

Just as when, brethren,
on some hilltop
when rain is falling in thick drops,
that water,
coursing according to the slope,
fills the hillside clefts
and chasms
and gullies,
these being filled up
fill the tarns,
these being filled up fill the lakes,
these being filled up fill the little rivers,
these being filled up fill the great rivers,
and the great rivers being filled up fill the sea,
the ocean -

Even so, brethren,
activities are in causal association with ignorance,
consciousness is in causal association with activities,
name-and-shape is in causal association with consciousness,
the sixfold sense-sphere is in causal association with name-and-shape,
contact is in causal association with the sixfold sense-sphere,
feeling is in causal association with contact,
craving is in causal association with feeling,
grasping is in causal association with craving,
becoming is in causal association with grasping,
birth is in causal association with becoming,
sorrow is in causal association with birth,
faith is in causal association with sorrow,
joy is in causal association with faith,
rapture is in causal association with joy,
serenity is in causal association with rapture,
happiness is in causal association with serenity,
concentration is in causal association with happiness,
the knowledge and vision into things as they really are is in causal association with concentration,
repulsion is in causal association with the knowledge and vision into things as they really are,
passionlessness is in causal association with repulsion,
liberation is in causal association with passionlessness,
knowledge about extinction [of intoxicants] is in causal association with liberation."


[1] Sa-upanisa: Sa = together with; upanisa = kāraṇa, paccaya, cause, motive, reason. According to the Comy. the knowledge is that reflective understanding which is possible in the supreme Path-stage called the Fruit of Arahantship. Evil is extinguished and you know both that, and why it is so.

Virāgo. ! 'fading away' is not it's more literal meaning! Here and elsewhere Mrs. Rhys Davids understanding of 'literal' must be questioned. The word is vi = dis, un; rāga = Rage, Lust, passion. 'Fading away' is an abstract meaning. She has the two ideas completely reversed.

p.p. explains it all — p.p.

[2] Virāgo, translated in the Causal Law as fading away, its more literal meaning.

[3] Joy (pāmojja) the Comy. rates as a less powerful state than rapture (pīti), leading on to it. This series has never yet won the notice it deserves as a sort of Causal Law formula in terms of happiness.

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