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Saṃyutta Nikāya
II. Nidāna Vagga
12. Nidāna Saṃyutta
5. Gahapati Vagga

The Book of the Kindred Sayings
Part II. The Book Called the Nidāna-Vagga
Containing Kindred sayings on Cause
and Other Subjects
12. The Kindred Sayings on Cause
5. The Housefather

Sutta 49

Paṭhama Ariya Sāvaka Suttaṃ

The Ariyan Disciple (1)

Translated by Mrs. Rhys Davids
Assisted by F. L. Woodward

Originally Published by
The Pali Text Society
Public Domain


[77] [54]

[1][bodh] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove||
in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"The well taught Ariyan disciple, brethren, does not [wonder]:

'How now?

What being, what comes to be?

From the arising of what, what arises?[1]

There being what,
does name-and-shape come to be?

There being what,
does sense come to be?

There being what,
does contact come to be?

There being what,
does feeling come to be?

There being what,
does craving come to be?

There being what,
does grasping come to be?

There being what,
does becoming come to be?

There being what,
does birth come to be?

There being what,
does decay-and-death come to be?'

Nay, brethren, the well taught Ariyan disciple has come to know,
without depending upon another,
that here:

'This being,
that comes to be;
from the arising of this,
that arises.[2]

There being consciousness,
name-and-shape comes to be.

There being name-and-shape,
sense comes to be.

There being sense,
contact comes to be.

There being contact,
feeling comes to be.

There being feeling,
craving comes to be.

There being craving,
grasping comes to be.

There being grasping,
becoming comes to be.

There being becoming,
birth comes to be.

There being birth,
decay-and-death comes to be.

Thus it is he knows that of such is the arising of the world.'




Nor does the Ariyan disciple, brethren, [wonder]:

'How now?

There not being what,
what does not come to be?

From the ceasing of what
does what cease?[3]

There not being what,
does name-and-shape not come to be?

There not being what,
does sense not come to be?

There not being what,
does contact not come to be?

There not being what,
does feeling not come to be?

There not being what,
does craving not come to be?

There not being what,
does grasping not come to be?

There not being what,
does becoming not come to be?

There not being what,
does birth not come to be?

There not being what,
does decay-and-death not come to be?'

Nay, brethren, the well taught Ariyan disciple has come to know,
without depending upon another,
that here:

'This not being,
that does not come to be.

From the ceasing of this,
that ceases.[3]

That there not being consciousness,
name- [55] and-shape does not come to be.

That there not being name-and-shape,
sense does not come to be.

That there not being sense,
contact does not come to be.

That there not being contact,
feeling does not come to be,

That there not being feeling,
craving does not come to be.

That there not being craving,
grasping does not come to be.

That there not being grasping,
becoming does not come to be.

That there not being becoming,
birth does not come to be.

That there not being becoming,
decay-and-death does not come to be.'

Thus it is he knows that thus this world ceases.




When, brethren, the Ariyan disciple thus knows as it really is
the coming to pass
and the passing away of the world,
he is what we call
an Ariyan disciple who has won the view,
won vision,
has arrived at this Norm,
sees this Norm,
his is the knowledge of the trained man,
the lore of the trained man,
has won to the stream of the Doctrine;
he is Ariyan with the insight of revulsion,
he stands knocking at the door of the Deathless."[4]


[1] The clauses: - 'There being what, do activities come to be? There being what, does consciousness come to be?' are found in only one MS., a Burmese, used by Feer.

[2] 'There being ignorance, activities arise; there being activities, consciousness arises.' This also is found only in the one Burmese MS.

[3] The corresponding clauses (see preceding note) also occur only in this Burmese MS.

[4] See §§ 27, 28, 33.

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