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Saṃyutta Nikāya
3. Khandha Vagga
32. Valāha Saṃyutta

The Book of the Kindred Sayings
3. The Book Called the Khandhā-Vagga
Containing Kindred Sayings on the Elements of Sensory Existence and other Subjects
32. Kindred Sayings on Cloud-Spirits

Suttas 1-57

Translated by F. L. Woodward
Edited by Mrs. Rhys Davids

Copyright The Pali Text Society
Commercial Rights Reserved
Creative Commons Licence
For details see Terms of Use.



Sutta 1

Suddhika Suttaṃ


[1.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"I will teach you, brethren, about the devas belonging to the cloud-groups[1].

Do ye listen to it.

"And which, brethren, are the devas belonging to the cloud-groups?

They are devas (embodied) in cool-clouds,
devas (embodied) in hot clouds,
devas (embodied) in thunder clouds,[2]
devas (embodied) in wind clouds,
devas (embodied) in rain clouds.

These, brethren, are called

'The devas belonging to the cloud-groups.'"



Sutta 2

Sucarita Suttaṃ


[2.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
saluted him,
and sat down at one side.

Seated at one side
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one,
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the devas
belonging to the cloud group?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one practises good conduct
in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The devas belonging to the cloud-group
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the devas belonging to the cloud-group!'

After death he is reborn in the company
of the devas belonging to the cloud-group.

That, brother, is the reason,
that is the cause
why a certain one is reborn in the company
of the devas belonging to the cloud-group."



Suttas 3-52


Supporters by Offerings 1-50



Sutta 3

Anna-dāyaka Sītavalāhaka Suttaṃ

Cool-cloud Food Giver

[3.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the cool-cloud devas?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one
practises good conduct in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The cool-cloud devas
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the cool-cloud devas!'

Then he becomes a giver
of offerings of food,
and alter death he is reborn in the company
of the cool-cloud devas.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the cool-cloud devas."



Sutta 4

Pānadāyaka Sītavalāhaka Suttaṃ

Cool-cloud Drink Giver

[4.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the cool-cloud devas?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one
practises good conduct in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The cool-cloud devas
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the cool-cloud devas!'

Then he becomes a giver
of offerings of drink,
and alter death he is reborn in the company
of the cool-cloud devas.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the cool-cloud devas."



Sutta 5

Vatthadāyaka Sītavalāhaka Suttaṃ

Cool-cloud Clothing Giver

[5.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the cool-cloud devas?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one
practises good conduct in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The cool-cloud devas
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the cool-cloud devas!'

Then he becomes a giver
of offerings of clothing,
and alter death he is reborn in the company
of the cool-cloud devas.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the cool-cloud devas."



Sutta 6

Yānadāyaka Sītavalāhaka Suttaṃ

Cool-cloud Carriage Giver

[6.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the cool-cloud devas?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one
practises good conduct in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The cool-cloud devas
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the cool-cloud devas!'

Then he becomes a giver
of offerings of carriage,
and alter death he is reborn in the company
of the cool-cloud devas.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the cool-cloud devas."



Sutta 7

Mālādāyaka Sītavalāhaka Suttaṃ

Cool-cloud Flowers Giver

[7.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the cool-cloud devas?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one
practises good conduct in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The cool-cloud devas
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the cool-cloud devas!'

Then he becomes a giver
of offerings of flowers,
and alter death he is reborn in the company
of the cool-cloud devas.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the cool-cloud devas."



Sutta 8

Gandhadāyaka Sītavalāhaka Suttaṃ

Cool-cloud Scents Giver

[8.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the cool-cloud devas?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one
practises good conduct in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The cool-cloud devas
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the cool-cloud devas!'

Then he becomes a giver
of offerings of scents,
and alter death he is reborn in the company
of the cool-cloud devas.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the cool-cloud devas."



Sutta 9

Vilepanadāyaka Sītavalāhaka Suttaṃ

Cool-cloud Unguents Giver

[9.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the cool-cloud devas?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one
practises good conduct in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The cool-cloud devas
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the cool-cloud devas!'

Then he becomes a giver
of offerings of unguents,
and alter death he is reborn in the company
of the cool-cloud devas.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the cool-cloud devas."



Sutta 10

Seyyadāyaka Sītavalāhaka Suttaṃ

Cool-cloud Seat Giver

[10.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the cool-cloud devas?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one
practises good conduct in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The cool-cloud devas
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the cool-cloud devas!'

Then he becomes a giver
of offerings of seats,
and alter death he is reborn in the company
of the cool-cloud devas.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the cool-cloud devas."



Sutta 11

Āvasathadāyaka Sītavalāhaka Suttaṃ

Cool-cloud Lodging Giver

[11.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the cool-cloud devas?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one
practises good conduct in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The cool-cloud devas
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the cool-cloud devas!'

Then he becomes a giver
of offerings of lodgings,
and alter death he is reborn in the company
of the cool-cloud devas.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the cool-cloud devas."



Sutta 12

Padīpeyyadāyaka Sītavalāhaka Suttaṃ

Cool-cloud Lamps and Oil Giver

[12.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the cool-cloud devas?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one
practises good conduct in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The cool-cloud devas
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the cool-cloud devas!'

Then he becomes a giver
of offerings of lamps and oil,
and alter death he is reborn in the company
of the cool-cloud devas.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the cool-cloud devas."



Sutta 13

Anna-dāyaka Uṇhavalāhakā Suttaṃ

Hot-cloud Food Giver

[13.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the hot-cloud devas?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one
practises good conduct in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The hot-cloud devas
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the hot-cloud devas!'

Then he becomes a giver
of offerings of food,
and alter death he is reborn in the company
of the hot-cloud devas.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the hot-cloud devas."



Sutta 14

Pānadāyaka Uṇhavalāhakā Suttaṃ

Hot-cloud Drink Giver

[14.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the hot-cloud devas?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one
practises good conduct in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The hot-cloud devas
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the hot-cloud devas!'

Then he becomes a giver
of offerings of drink,
and alter death he is reborn in the company
of the hot-cloud devas.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the hot-cloud devas."



Sutta 15

Vatthadāyaka Uṇhavalāhakā Suttaṃ

Hot-cloud Clothing Giver

[15.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the hot-cloud devas?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one
practises good conduct in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The hot-cloud devas
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the hot-cloud devas!'

Then he becomes a giver
of offerings of clothing,
and alter death he is reborn in the company
of the hot-cloud devas.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the hot-cloud devas."



Sutta 16

Yānadāyaka Uṇhavalāhakā Suttaṃ

Hot-cloud Carriage Giver

[16.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the hot-cloud devas?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one
practises good conduct in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The hot-cloud devas
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the hot-cloud devas!'

Then he becomes a giver
of offerings of carriage,
and alter death he is reborn in the company
of the hot-cloud devas.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the hot-cloud devas."



Sutta 17

Mālādāyaka Uṇhavalāhakā Suttaṃ

Hot-cloud Flowers Giver

[17.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the hot-cloud devas?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one
practises good conduct in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The hot-cloud devas
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the hot-cloud devas!'

Then he becomes a giver
of offerings of flowers,
and alter death he is reborn in the company
of the hot-cloud devas.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the hot-cloud devas."



Sutta 18

Gandhadāyaka Uṇhavalāhakā Suttaṃ

Hot-cloud Scents Giver

[18.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the hot-cloud devas?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one
practises good conduct in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The hot-cloud devas
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the hot-cloud devas!'

Then he becomes a giver
of offerings of scents,
and alter death he is reborn in the company
of the hot-cloud devas.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the hot-cloud devas."



Sutta 19

Vilepanadāyaka Uṇhavalāhakā Suttaṃ

Hot-cloud Unguents Giver

[19.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the hot-cloud devas?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one
practises good conduct in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The hot-cloud devas
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the hot-cloud devas!'

Then he becomes a giver
of offerings of unguents,
and alter death he is reborn in the company
of the hot-cloud devas.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the hot-cloud devas."



Sutta 20

Seyyadāyaka Uṇhavalāhakā Suttaṃ

Hot-cloud Seat Giver

[20.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the hot-cloud devas?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one
practises good conduct in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The hot-cloud devas
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the hot-cloud devas!'

Then he becomes a giver
of offerings of seats,
and alter death he is reborn in the company
of the hot-cloud devas.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the hot-cloud devas."



Sutta 21

Āvasathadāyaka Uṇhavalāhakā Suttaṃ

Hot-cloud Lodging Giver

[21.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the hot-cloud devas?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one
practises good conduct in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The hot-cloud devas
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the hot-cloud devas!'

Then he becomes a giver
of offerings of lodgings,
and alter death he is reborn in the company
of the hot-cloud devas.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the hot-cloud devas."



Sutta 22

Padīpeyyadāyaka Uṇhavalāhakā Suttaṃ

Hot-cloud Lamps and Oil Giver

[22.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the hot-cloud devas?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one
practises good conduct in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The hot-cloud devas
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the hot-cloud devas!'

Then he becomes a giver
of offerings of lamps and oil,
and alter death he is reborn in the company
of the hot-cloud devas.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the hot-cloud devas."



Sutta 23

Anna-dāyaka Abbhavalāhakā Suttaṃ

Thunder-cloud Food Giver

[23.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the thunder-cloud devas?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one
practises good conduct in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The thunder-cloud devas
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the thunder-cloud devas!'

Then he becomes a giver
of offerings of food,
and alter death he is reborn in the company
of the thunder-cloud devas.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the thunder-cloud devas."



Sutta 24

Pānadāyaka Abbhavalāhakā Suttaṃ

Thunder-cloud Drink Giver

[24.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the thunder-cloud devas?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one
practises good conduct in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The thunder-cloud devas
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the thunder-cloud devas!'

Then he becomes a giver
of offerings of drink,
and alter death he is reborn in the company
of the thunder-cloud devas.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the thunder-cloud devas."



Sutta 25

Vatthadāyaka Abbhavalāhakā Suttaṃ

Thunder-cloud Clothing Giver

[25.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the thunder-cloud devas?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one
practises good conduct in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The thunder-cloud devas
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the thunder-cloud devas!'

Then he becomes a giver
of offerings of clothing,
and alter death he is reborn in the company
of the thunder-cloud devas.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the thunder-cloud devas."



Sutta 26

Yānadāyaka Abbhavalāhakā Suttaṃ

Thunder-cloud Carriage Giver

[26.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the thunder-cloud devas?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one
practises good conduct in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The thunder-cloud devas
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the thunder-cloud devas!'

Then he becomes a giver
of offerings of carriage,
and alter death he is reborn in the company
of the thunder-cloud devas.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the thunder-cloud devas."



Sutta 27

Mālādāyaka Abbhavalāhakā Suttaṃ

Thunder-cloud Flowers Giver

[27.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the thunder-cloud devas?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one
practises good conduct in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The thunder-cloud devas
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the thunder-cloud devas!'

Then he becomes a giver
of offerings of flowers,
and alter death he is reborn in the company
of the thunder-cloud devas.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the thunder-cloud devas."



Sutta 28

Gandhadāyaka Abbhavalāhakā Suttaṃ

Thunder-cloud Scents Giver

[28.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the thunder-cloud devas?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one
practises good conduct in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The thunder-cloud devas
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the thunder-cloud devas!'

Then he becomes a giver
of offerings of scents,
and alter death he is reborn in the company
of the thunder-cloud devas.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the thunder-cloud devas."



Sutta 29

Vilepanadāyaka Abbhavalāhakā Suttaṃ

Thunder-cloud Unguents Giver

[29.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the thunder-cloud devas?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one
practises good conduct in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The thunder-cloud devas
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the thunder-cloud devas!'

Then he becomes a giver
of offerings of unguents,
and alter death he is reborn in the company
of the thunder-cloud devas.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the thunder-cloud devas."



Sutta 30

Seyyadāyaka Abbhavalāhakā Suttaṃ

Thunder-cloud Seat Giver

[30.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the thunder-cloud devas?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one
practises good conduct in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The thunder-cloud devas
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the thunder-cloud devas!'

Then he becomes a giver
of offerings of seats,
and alter death he is reborn in the company
of the thunder-cloud devas.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the thunder-cloud devas."



Sutta 31

Āvasathadāyaka Abbhavalāhakā Suttaṃ

Thunder-cloud Lodging Giver

[31.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the thunder-cloud devas?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one
practises good conduct in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The thunder-cloud devas
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the thunder-cloud devas!'

Then he becomes a giver
of offerings of lodgings,
and alter death he is reborn in the company
of the thunder-cloud devas.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the thunder-cloud devas."



Sutta 32

Padīpeyyadāyaka Abbhavalāhakā Suttaṃ

Thunder-cloud Lamps and Oil Giver

[32.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the thunder-cloud devas?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one
practises good conduct in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The thunder-cloud devas
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the thunder-cloud devas!'

Then he becomes a giver
of offerings of lamps and oil,
and alter death he is reborn in the company
of the thunder-cloud devas.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the thunder-cloud devas."



Sutta 33

Anna-dāyaka Vātavalāhakā Suttaṃ

Wind-cloud Food Giver

[33.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the wind-cloud devas?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one
practises good conduct in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The wind-cloud devas
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the wind-cloud devas!'

Then he becomes a giver
of offerings of food,
and alter death he is reborn in the company
of the wind-cloud devas.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the wind-cloud devas."



Sutta 34

Pānadāyaka Vātavalāhakā Suttaṃ

Wind-cloud Drink Giver

[34.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the wind-cloud devas?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one
practises good conduct in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The wind-cloud devas
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the wind-cloud devas!'

Then he becomes a giver
of offerings of drink,
and alter death he is reborn in the company
of the wind-cloud devas.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the wind-cloud devas."



Sutta 35

Vatthadāyaka Vātavalāhakā Suttaṃ

Wind-cloud Clothing Giver

[35.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the wind-cloud devas?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one
practises good conduct in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The wind-cloud devas
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the wind-cloud devas!'

Then he becomes a giver
of offerings of clothing,
and alter death he is reborn in the company
of the wind-cloud devas.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the wind-cloud devas."



Sutta 36

Yānadāyaka Vātavalāhakā Suttaṃ

Wind-cloud Carriage Giver

[36.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the wind-cloud devas?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one
practises good conduct in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The wind-cloud devas
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the wind-cloud devas!'

Then he becomes a giver
of offerings of carriage,
and alter death he is reborn in the company
of the wind-cloud devas.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the wind-cloud devas."



Sutta 37

Mālādāyaka Vātavalāhakā Suttaṃ

Wind-cloud Flowers Giver

[37.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the wind-cloud devas?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one
practises good conduct in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The wind-cloud devas
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the wind-cloud devas!'

Then he becomes a giver
of offerings of flowers,
and alter death he is reborn in the company
of the wind-cloud devas.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the wind-cloud devas."



Sutta 38

Gandhadāyaka Vātavalāhakā Suttaṃ

Wind-cloud Scents Giver

[38.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the wind-cloud devas?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one
practises good conduct in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The wind-cloud devas
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the wind-cloud devas!'

Then he becomes a giver
of offerings of scents,
and alter death he is reborn in the company
of the wind-cloud devas.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the wind-cloud devas."



Sutta 39

Vilepanadāyaka Vātavalāhakā Suttaṃ

Wind-cloud Unguents Giver

[39.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the wind-cloud devas?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one
practises good conduct in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The wind-cloud devas
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the wind-cloud devas!'

Then he becomes a giver
of offerings of unguents,
and alter death he is reborn in the company
of the wind-cloud devas.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the wind-cloud devas."



Sutta 40

Seyyadāyaka Vātavalāhakā Suttaṃ

Wind-cloud Seat Giver

[40.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the wind-cloud devas?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one
practises good conduct in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The wind-cloud devas
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the wind-cloud devas!'

Then he becomes a giver
of offerings of seats,
and alter death he is reborn in the company
of the wind-cloud devas.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the wind-cloud devas."



Sutta 41

Āvasathadāyaka Vātavalāhakā Suttaṃ

Wind-cloud Lodging Giver

[41.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the wind-cloud devas?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one
practises good conduct in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The wind-cloud devas
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the wind-cloud devas!'

Then he becomes a giver
of offerings of lodgings,
and alter death he is reborn in the company
of the wind-cloud devas.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the wind-cloud devas."



Sutta 42

Padīpeyyadāyaka Vātavalāhakā Suttaṃ

Wind-cloud Lamps and Oil Giver

[42.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the wind-cloud devas?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one
practises good conduct in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The wind-cloud devas
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the wind-cloud devas!'

Then he becomes a giver
of offerings of lamps and oil,
and alter death he is reborn in the company
of the wind-cloud devas.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the wind-cloud devas."



Sutta 43

Anna-dāyaka Vassavalāhakā Suttaṃ

Rain-cloud Food Giver

[43.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the rain-cloud devas?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one
practises good conduct in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The rain-cloud devas
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the rain-cloud devas!'

Then he becomes a giver
of offerings of food,
and alter death he is reborn in the company
of the rain-cloud devas.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the rain-cloud devas."



Sutta 44

Pānadāyaka Vassavalāhakā Suttaṃ

Rain-cloud Drink Giver

[44.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the rain-cloud devas?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one
practises good conduct in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The rain-cloud devas
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the rain-cloud devas!'

Then he becomes a giver
of offerings of drink,
and alter death he is reborn in the company
of the rain-cloud devas.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the rain-cloud devas."



Sutta 45

Vatthadāyaka Vassavalāhakā Suttaṃ

Rain-cloud Clothing Giver

[45.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the rain-cloud devas?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one
practises good conduct in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The rain-cloud devas
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the rain-cloud devas!'

Then he becomes a giver
of offerings of clothing,
and alter death he is reborn in the company
of the rain-cloud devas.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the rain-cloud devas."



Sutta 46

Yānadāyaka Vassavalāhakā Suttaṃ

Rain-cloud Carriage Giver

[46.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the rain-cloud devas?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one
practises good conduct in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The rain-cloud devas
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the rain-cloud devas!'

Then he becomes a giver
of offerings of carriage,
and alter death he is reborn in the company
of the rain-cloud devas.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the rain-cloud devas."



Sutta 47

Mālādāyaka Vassavalāhakā Suttaṃ

Rain-cloud Flowers Giver

[47.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the rain-cloud devas?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one
practises good conduct in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The rain-cloud devas
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the rain-cloud devas!'

Then he becomes a giver
of offerings of flowers,
and alter death he is reborn in the company
of the rain-cloud devas.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the rain-cloud devas."



Sutta 48

Gandhadāyaka Vassavalāhakā Suttaṃ

Rain-cloud Scents Giver

[48.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the rain-cloud devas?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one
practises good conduct in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The rain-cloud devas
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the rain-cloud devas!'

Then he becomes a giver
of offerings of scents,
and alter death he is reborn in the company
of the rain-cloud devas.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the rain-cloud devas."



Sutta 49

Vilepanadāyaka Vassavalāhakā Suttaṃ

Rain-cloud Unguents Giver

[49.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the rain-cloud devas?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one
practises good conduct in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The rain-cloud devas
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the rain-cloud devas!'

Then he becomes a giver
of offerings of unguents,
and alter death he is reborn in the company
of the rain-cloud devas.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the rain-cloud devas."



Sutta 50

Seyyadāyaka Vassavalāhakā Suttaṃ

Rain-cloud Seat Giver

[50.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the rain-cloud devas?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one
practises good conduct in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The rain-cloud devas
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the rain-cloud devas!'

Then he becomes a giver
of offerings of seats,
and alter death he is reborn in the company
of the rain-cloud devas.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the rain-cloud devas."



Sutta 51

Āvasathadāyaka Vassavalāhakā Suttaṃ

Rain-cloud Lodging Giver

[51.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the rain-cloud devas?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one
practises good conduct in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The rain-cloud devas
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the rain-cloud devas!'

Then he becomes a giver
of offerings of lodgings,
and alter death he is reborn in the company
of the rain-cloud devas.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the rain-cloud devas."



Sutta 52

Padīpeyyadāyaka Vassavalāhakā Suttaṃ

Rain-cloud Lamps and Oil Giver

[52.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the rain-cloud devas?"

"Herein, brother, a certain one
practises good conduct in deed,
in word
and thought.

Then he hears it said:

'The rain-cloud devas
are long-lived,
and have much happiness.'

Then he thinks thus:

'0 that when body breaks up after death
I might be reborn in the company
of the rain-cloud devas!'

Then he becomes a giver
of offerings of lamps and oil,
and alter death he is reborn in the company
of the rain-cloud devas.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why a certain one
when body breaks up after death
is reborn in the company of the rain-cloud devas."



Sutta 53

Sīta Suttaṃ


[53.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

[201] "What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why at one time it is cool?"

"There are devas, brother, who are called

When those devas think:

'What if we were to revel in the delight of bodies.'[3]

Then to them according to their heart's desire it becomes cool.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why at one time it is cool."



Sutta 54

Uṇha Suttaṃ


[54.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why at one time it is hot?"

"There are devas, brother, who are called

When those devas think:

'What if we were to revel in the delight of bodies.'

Then to them according to their heart's desire it becomes hot.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why at one time it is hot."



Sutta 55

Abbha Suttaṃ


[55.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why at one time there is a thunder-cloud?"

"There are devas, brother, who are called

When those devas think:

'What if we were to revel in the delight of bodies.'

Then to them according to their heart's desire there is a thunder-cloud.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why at one time there is thunder."



Sutta 56

Vātā Suttaṃ


[56.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why at one time it is windy?"

"There are devas, brother, who are called

When those devas think:

'What if we were to revel in the delight of bodies.'

Then to them according to their heart's desire there is wind.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why at one time it is windy."



Sutta 57

Vassa Suttaṃ


[57.1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brother came to the Exalted One,
and saluting him
sat down at one side.

So seated
that brother thus addressed the Exalted One:

"What is the reason, lord,
what is the cause
why at one time the (sky) god rains?"

"There are devas, brother, who are called

When those devas think:

'What if we were to revel in the delight of bodies.'

Then to them according to their heart's desire the sky-god rains.

This, brother, is the reason,
this is the cause
why at one time the (sky) god rains."


[1] Valāhaka-kāyikā.

[2] Abbha-valākaka, generally in the sense of a cumulus.

[3] Sakāya-ratiyā rameyyāma, lit. 'revel (either) in our own company, (or) our own body' (or) 'in embodied delight."

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