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Saṃyutta Nikāya
4. Saḷāyatana Vagga
35. Saḷāyatana Saṃyutta
§ II: Paññāsaka Dutiya
5. Saḷa Vagga

The Book of the Kindred Sayings
4. The Book Called the Saḷāyatana-Vagga
Containing Kindred Sayings on the 'Six-Fold Sphere' of Sense and Other Subjects
35. Kindred Sayings the Sixfold Sphere of Sense
§ II: The 'Second Fifty' Suttas
5. The Chapter of the Six

Sutta 96

Parihāna-Dhamma Suttaṃ

Falling back[1]

Translated by F. L. Woodward
Edited by Mrs. Rhys Davids

Copyright The Pali Text Society
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[76] [45]

[1][bodh][olds] "I will teach you, brethren,
of one whose nature is to fall back,
and of one whose nature is not to fall back:
also the six[2] stations of the conqueror.




And how, brethren, is one of a nature to fall back?

Herein, brethren, at sight of an object,
evil, unprofitable states arise in a brother,
memories and plans,[3]
akin to the fetters that bind.

If a brother welcomes that object,
rejects it not,
puts it not away,
wipes it not out,
does not make it go to utter destruction,
thus should a brother understand of it:

'In profitable states I fall back.

This was called by the Exalted One "falling back."'

Herein, brethren, on hearing a sound with the ear,
evil, unprofitable states arise in a brother,
memories and plans,
akin to the fetters that bind.

If a brother welcomes that object,
rejects it not,
puts it not away,
wipes it not out,
does not make it go to utter destruction,
thus should a brother understand of it:

'In profitable states I fall back.

This was called by the Exalted One "falling back."'

Herein, brethren, on smelling a scent with the nose,
evil, unprofitable states arise in a brother,
memories and plans,
akin to the fetters that bind.

If a brother welcomes that object,
rejects it not,
puts it not away,
wipes it not out,
does not make it go to utter destruction,
thus should a brother understand of it:

'In profitable states I fall back.

This was called by the Exalted One "falling back."'

Herein, brethren, on tasting a savour with the tongue,
evil, unprofitable states arise in a brother,
memories and plans,
akin to the fetters that bind.

If a brother welcomes that object,
rejects it not,
puts it not away,
wipes it not out,
does not make it go to utter destruction,
thus should a brother understand of it:

'In profitable states I fall back.

This was called by the Exalted One "falling back."'

Herein, brethren, on feeling a tangible with the body,
evil, unprofitable states arise in a brother,
memories and plans,
akin to the fetters that bind.

If a brother welcomes that object,
rejects it not,
puts it not away,
wipes it not out,
does not make it go to utter destruction,
thus should a brother understand of it:

'In profitable states I fall back.

This was called by the Exalted One "falling back."'

Herein, brethren, on cognizing a mind-state with the mind,
evil, unprofitable states arise in a brother,
memories and plans,
akin to the fetters that bind.

If a brother welcomes that object,
rejects it not,
puts it not away,
wipes it not out,
does not make it go to utter destruction,
thus should a brother understand [46] of it:

'In profitable states I fall back.

This was called by the Exalted One "falling back."'

Such, brethren, is one whose nature is to fall back.




And how, brethren, is one of a nature not to fall back?

Herein, brethren, at sight of an object,
evil, unprofitable states arise in a brother,
memories and hopes
akin to the fetters that bind.

If a brother welcomes not that object,
rejects it,
puts it away,
wipes it out,
makes it go to utter destruction,
thus should he understand of it:

'In profitable states I am not falling back.

This was called by the Exalted One
"not falling back."'

Herein, brethren, on hearing a sound with the ear,
evil, unprofitable states arise in a brother,
memories and hopes
akin to the fetters that bind.

If a brother welcomes not that object,
rejects it,
puts it away,
wipes it out,
makes it go to utter destruction,
thus should he understand of it:

'In profitable states I am not falling back.

This was called by the Exalted One
"not falling back."'

Herein, brethren, on smelling a scent with the nose,
evil, unprofitable states arise in a brother,
memories and hopes
akin to the fetters that bind.

If a brother welcomes not that object,
rejects it,
puts it away,
wipes it out,
makes it go to utter destruction,
thus should he understand of it:

'In profitable states I am not falling back.

This was called by the Exalted One
"not falling back."'

Herein, brethren, on tasting a savour with the tongue,
evil, unprofitable states arise in a brother,
memories and hopes
akin to the fetters that bind.

If a brother welcomes not that object,
rejects it,
puts it away,
wipes it out,
makes it go to utter destruction,
thus should he understand of it:

'In profitable states I am not falling back.

This was called by the Exalted One
"not falling back."'

Herein, brethren, on feeling a tangible with the body,
evil, unprofitable states arise in a brother,
memories and hopes
akin to the fetters that bind.

If a brother welcomes not that object,
rejects it,
puts it away,
wipes it out,
makes it go to utter destruction,
thus should he understand of it:

'In profitable states I am not falling back.

This was called by the Exalted One
"not falling back."'

Herein, brethren, on cognizing a mind-state with the mind,
evil, unprofitable states arise in a brother,
memories and hopes
akin to the fetters that bind.

If a brother welcomes not that object,
rejects it,
puts it away,
wipes it out,
makes it go to utter destruction,
thus should he understand of it:

'In profitable states I am not falling back.

This was called by the Exalted One
"not falling back."'




And what, brethren, are the six stations of mastery?

Herein, brethren, on seeing an object with the eye
evil unprofitable states do not arise in a brother,
memories and hopes
akin to the fetters that bind.

In such case, brethren,
thus should a brother understand:

'Mastered is this sense-sphere.

This was called
"a station of mastery"
by the Exalted One.'

Herein, brethren, on hearing a sound with the ear
evil unprofitable states do not arise in a brother,
memories and hopes
akin to the fetters that bind.

In such case, brethren,
thus should a brother understand:

'Mastered is this sense-sphere.

This was called
"a station of mastery"
by the Exalted One.'

Herein, brethren, on smelling a scent with the nose
evil unprofitable states do not arise in a brother,
memories and hopes
akin to the fetters that bind.

In such case, brethren,
thus should a brother understand:

'Mastered is this sense-sphere.

This was called
"a station of mastery"
by the Exalted One.'

Herein, brethren, on tasting a savour with the tongue
evil unprofitable states do not arise in a brother,
memories and hopes
akin to the fetters that bind.

In such case, brethren,
thus should a brother understand:

'Mastered is this sense-sphere.

This was called
"a station of mastery"
by the Exalted One.'

Herein, brethren, on feeling a tangible with the body
evil unprofitable states do not arise in a brother,
memories and hopes
akin to the fetters that bind.

In such case, brethren,
thus should a brother understand:

'Mastered is this sense-sphere.

This was called
"a station of mastery"
by the Exalted One.'

Herein, brethren, on cognizing a mind-state with the mind
evil unprofitable states do not arise in a brother,
memories and hopes
akin to the fetters that bind.

In such case, brethren,
thus should a brother understand:

'Mastered is this sense-sphere.

This was called
"a station of mastery"
by the Exalted One.'

These, brethren, are called 'the six stations of mastery.'


[1] Parihānaṃ. Cf. K.S. ii, 139.

[2] Usually eight. Cf. infra, § 150.

[3] Sara-sañkappa. Comy. 'Ettha sarantī ti sarā dhāvantī ti attho. Cf. infra, § 203.

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