Samyutta Nikaya Masthead

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Saṃyutta Nikāya
4. Saḷāyatana Vagga
35. Saḷāyatana Saṃyutta
§ III: Paññāsaka Tatiya
3. Gahapati Vagga

The Book of the Kindred Sayings
4. The Book Called the Saḷāyatana-Vagga
Containing Kindred Sayings on the 'Six-Fold Sphere' of Sense and Other Subjects
35. Kindred Sayings the Sixfold Sphere of Sense
§ III: The 'Third Fifty' Suttas
3. The Chapter on the Householders

Sutta 130

Hāliddaka Suttaṃ


Translated by F. L. Woodward
Edited by Mrs. Rhys Davids

Copyright The Pali Text Society
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[115] [72]

[1][bodh] Thus have I heard:

Once the venerable Kaccāna the Great was staying among the folk of Avanti, at Osprey's Haunt, on a sheer mountain crag.

Then the housefather Hāliddakāni came to see the venerable Kaccāna the Great,
and on coming to him
greeted him in friendly wise,
and after the exchange of courtesies and greetings
sat down at one side.

Seated at one side he said this to the venerable Kaccāna the Great:-

"It has been said by the Exalted One, sir,|| ||

'Owing to diversity in elements
arises diversity of contact.|| ||

Owing to diversity of contact
arises diversity of feeling.'[2]

Pray, sir, how far is this so?"

"Herein, housefather,
seeing a pleasant object with the eye,
a brother, at the thought:

'This is such and such,'[3]

comes to know of eye-consciousness
that is pleasant to experience.

Owing to contact that is pleasant to experience
arises pleasant feeling.

When with the eye
he sees an object that is displeasing,
a brother, at the thought:

'This is such and such,'

comes to know of eye-consciousness
that is unpleasant to experience.

Owing to contact that is unpleasant to experience
arises unpleasant feeling.

When with the eye
he sees an object that is of indifferent effect,
a brother, at the thought:

'This is such and such,'

comes to know of eye-consciousness
that is neutral.

Owing to contact that is neutral to experience
arises feeling that is neutral.

So also, housefather,
hearing a pleasant sound with the ear,
a brother, at the thought:

'This is such and such,'

comes to know of ear-consciousness
that is pleasant to experience.

Owing to contact that is pleasant to experience
arises pleasant feeling.

When with the ear
he hears a sound that is displeasing,
a brother, at the thought:

'This is such and such,'

comes to know of ear-consciousness
that is unpleasant to experience.

Owing to contact that is unpleasant to experience
arises unpleasant feeling.

When with the ear
he hears a sound that is of indifferent effect,
a brother, at the thought:

'This is such and such,'

comes to know of ear-consciousness
that is neutral.

Owing to contact that is neutral to experience
arises feeling that is neutral.

So also, housefather,
smelling a pleasant scent with the nose,
a brother, at the thought:

'This is such and such,'

comes to know of nose-consciousness
that is pleasant to experience.

Owing to contact that is pleasant to experience
arises pleasant feeling.

When with the nose
he smells a scent that is displeasing,
a brother, at the thought:

'This is such and such,'

comes to know of nose-consciousness
that is unpleasant to experience.

Owing to contact that is unpleasant to experience
arises unpleasant feeling.

When with the nose
he smells a scent that is of indifferent effect,
a brother, at the thought:

'This is such and such,'

comes to know of nose-consciousness
that is neutral.

Owing to contact that is neutral to experience
arises feeling that is neutral.

So also, housefather,
tasting a pleasant savour with the tongue,
a brother, at the thought:

'This is such and such,'

comes to know of tongue-consciousness
that is pleasant to experience.

Owing to contact that is pleasant to experience
arises pleasant feeling.

When with the tongue
he tastes a savour that is displeasing,
a brother, at the thought:

'This is such and such,'

comes to know of tongue-consciousness
that is unpleasant to experience.

Owing to contact that is unpleasant to experience
arises unpleasant feeling.

When with the tongue
he tastes a savour that is of indifferent effect,
a brother, at the thought:

'This is such and such,'

comes to know of tongue-consciousness
that is neutral.

Owing to contact that is neutral to experience
arises feeling that is neutral.

So also, housefather,
contacting a pleasant tangible with the body,
a brother, at the thought:

'This is such and such,'

comes to know of body-consciousness
that is pleasant to experience.

Owing to contact that is pleasant to experience
arises pleasant feeling.

When with the body
he contacts a tangible that is displeasing,
a brother, at the thought:

'This is such and such,'

comes to know of body-consciousness
that is unpleasant to experience.

Owing to contact that is unpleasant to experience
arises unpleasant feeling.

When with the body
he contacts a tangible that is of indifferent effect,
a brother, at the thought:

'This is such and such,'

comes to know of body-consciousness
that is neutral.

Owing to contact that is neutral to experience
arises feeling that is neutral.

So also, housefather,
cognizes a pleasant mind-state with the mind,
a brother, at the thought:

'This is such and such,'

comes to know of mind-consciousness
that is pleasant [73] to experience.

Owing to contact that is pleasant to experience
arises pleasant feeling.

When with the mind
he cognizes a mind-state that is displeasing,
a brother, at the thought:

'This is such and such,'

comes to know of mind-consciousness
that is unpleasant to experience.

Owing to contact that is unpleasant to experience
arises unpleasant feeling.

When with the mind
he cognizes a mind-state that is of indifferent effect,
a brother, at the thought:

'This is such and such,'

comes to know of mind-consciousness
that is neutral.

Owing to contact that is neutral to experience
arises feeling that is neutral.


[1] A turmeric dyer (hālidda). At K.S. iii, 10 a housefather of this name questions Mahā Kaccana at the same place. The name is variously spelt. For Avanti, which is N.E. of Bombay in the Vindhya Mts., see Brethren, p. 107 n., and infra. 288. For Kaccāna, Vinaya i, 194; M. ii, 84; iii, 194; Brethren, CCIX, [sic. CCXXIX] etc.

[2] S. ii, 141.

[3] Itthetaṇ (itthaṇ = ita). Burmese MSS. read iṭṭh'etaṇ (cupitum hoc) Comy. 'evam etaṇ, manāpam etaṇ.'

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