Samyutta Nikaya Masthead

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Saṃyutta Nikāya
4. Saḷāyatana Vagga
35. Saḷāyatana Saṃyutta
§ IV: Paññāsaka Catuttha
1. Nandi-k-Khaya Vagga

The Book of the Kindred Sayings
4. The Book Called the Saḷāyatana-Vagga
Containing Kindred Sayings on the 'Six-Fold Sphere' of Sense and Other Subjects
35. Kindred Sayings the Sixfold Sphere of Sense
§ IV: The 'Fourth Fifty' Suttas
1. The Chapter on the Destruction of the Lure

Sutta 161

Paṭhama Koṭṭhita Suttaṃ (Anicca)

Koṭṭhika (i)

Translated by F. L. Woodward
Edited by Mrs. Rhys Davids

Copyright The Pali Text Society
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Creative Commons Licence
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[1][olds] Thus have I heard:

Once the Exalted One was staying near Rājagaha
in Jivaka's Mango Grove.

Then the venerable Koṭṭhika[1] the Great came to see the Exalted One
on coming to him greeted him courteously,
and after the exchange of greetings and compliments
sat down at one side.

Seated at one side he said to the Exalted One:

"Well for me, lord, if the Exalted One would teach me the Norm in brief,
hearing which teaching from the Exalted One
I might dwell solitary,
and aspiring."




"What is impermanent, Koṭṭhika, -
you should put away desire for that.

And what is impermanent?

The eye, Koṭṭhika, is impermanent.

You should put away desire for that.

Objects, Koṭṭhika, are impermanent.

You should put away desire for them.

Eye-consciousness, Koṭṭhika, is impermanent.

You should put away desire for that.

Eye-contact, Koṭṭhika, is impermanent.

You should put away desire for that.

The weal or woe or neutral state experienced
that arises owing to eye-contact, Koṭṭhika, is impermanent.

You should put away desire for that.

The ear, Koṭṭhika, is impermanent.

You should put away desire for that.

Sounds, Koṭṭhika, are impermanent.

You should put away desire for them.

Ear-consciousness, Koṭṭhika, is impermanent.

You should put away desire for that.

Ear-contact, Koṭṭhika, is impermanent.

You should put away desire for that.

The weal or woe or neutral state experienced
that arises owing to ear-contact, Koṭṭhika, is impermanent.

You should put away desire for that.

The nose, Koṭṭhika, is impermanent.

You should put away desire for that.

Scents, Koṭṭhika, are impermanent.

You should put away desire for them.

Nose-consciousness, Koṭṭhika, is impermanent.

You should put away desire for that.

Nose-contact, Koṭṭhika, is impermanent.

You should put away desire for that.

The weal or woe or neutral state experienced
that arises owing to nose-contact, Koṭṭhika, is impermanent.

You should put away desire for that.

The tongue, Koṭṭhika, is impermanent.

You should put away desire for that.

Savours, Koṭṭhika, are impermanent.

You should put away desire for them.

Tongue-consciousness, Koṭṭhika, is impermanent.

You should put away desire for that.

Tongue-contact, Koṭṭhika, is impermanent.

You should put away desire for that.

The weal or woe or neutral state experienced
that arises owing to tongue-contact, Koṭṭhika, is impermanent.

You should put away desire for that.

The body, Koṭṭhika, is impermanent.

You should put away desire for that.

Tangibles, Koṭṭhika, are impermanent.

You should put away desire for them.

Body-consciousness, Koṭṭhika, is impermanent.

You should put away desire for that.

Body-contact, Koṭṭhika, is impermanent.

You should put away desire for that.

The weal or woe or neutral state experienced
that arises owing to body-contact, Koṭṭhika, is impermanent.

You should put away desire for that.

The mind, Koṭṭhika, is impermanent.

You should put away desire for that.

Mind-states, Koṭṭhika, are impermanent.

You should put away desire for them.

Mind-consciousness, Koṭṭhika, is impermanent.

You should put away desire for that.

Mind-contact, Koṭṭhika, is impermanent.

You should put away desire for that.

The weal or woe or neutral state experienced
that arises owing to mind-contact, Koṭṭhika, is impermanent.

You should put away desire for that.

What is impermanent, Koṭṭhika, -
you should put away debire for that."


[1] Koṭṭhita. Cf. Brethren, 6 and n., M. i, 292 f.; K.S. ii, 79.
He was famous for his proficiency in jhāna. Infra, § 191

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