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Saṃyutta Nikāya
4. Saḷāyatana Vagga
40. Moggallāna Saṃyutta

The Book of the Kindred Sayings
4. The Book Called the Saḷāyatana-Vagga
Containing Kindred Sayings on the 'Six-Fold Sphere' of Sense and Other Subjects
40. Kindred Sayings about Moggallāna

Sutta 11

Candana, Suyāma, Santusita, Sunimmita, Vasavatti

Translated by F. L. Woodward
Edited by Mrs. Rhys Davids

Copyright The Pali Text Society
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[1] THUS have I heard:

ONCE the venerable Moggallāna the Great was staying near Sāvatthī,
at Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then, just as a strong man might stretch out his bent arm
or bend his outstretched arm,
even so did the venerable Moggallāna the Great
vanish from Jeta Grove
and appear among the Devas of the Thirty-Three.




Then Candana, son of a deva,
together with five hundred of the devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great,
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Candana, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

Such going to take refuge in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

Such going to take refuge in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

Such going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World."

"Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World."




Then Candana, son of a deva,
together with six hundred of the devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great,
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Candana, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

Such going to take refuge in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

Such going to take refuge in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

Such going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World."

"Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World."




Then Candana, son of a deva,
together with seven hundred of the devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great,
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Candana, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

Such going to take refuge in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

Such going to take refuge in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

Such going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World."

"Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World."




Then Candana, son of a deva,
together with eight hundred of the devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great,
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Candana, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

Such going to take refuge in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

Such going to take refuge in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

Such going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World."

"Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World."




Then Candana, son of a deva,
together with eight thousand of the devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great,
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Candana, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

Such going to take refuge in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

Such going to take refuge in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

Such going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World."

"Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World."




Then Candana, son of a deva,
together with five hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Candana, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, O son of a deva,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World."

"Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World."




Then Candana, son of a deva,
together with six hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Candana, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, O son of a deva,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World."

"Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


'Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World."




Then Candana, son of a deva,
together with seven hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Candana, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, O son of a deva,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World."

"Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


'Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World."




Then Candana, son of a deva,
together with eight hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Candana, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, O son of a deva,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World."

"Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


'Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World."




Then Candana, son of a deva,
together with eight thousand devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Candana, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, O son of a deva,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World."

"Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


'Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World."




Then Candana, son of a deva,
together with five hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Candana, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

Such going to take refuge in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

Such going to take refuge in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

Such going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."

"Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


'Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


'Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."




Then Candana, son of a deva,
together with six hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Candana, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

Such going to take refuge in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

Such going to take refuge in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

Such going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."

"Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


'Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


'Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."




Then Candana, son of a deva,
together with seven hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Candana, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

Such going to take refuge in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

Such going to take refuge in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

Such going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."

"Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


'Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


'Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."




Then Candana, son of a deva,
together with eight hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Candana, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

Such going to take refuge in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

Such going to take refuge in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

Such going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."

"Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


'Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


'Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."




Then Candana, son of a deva,
together with eight thousand devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Candana, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

Such going to take refuge in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

Such going to take refuge in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

Such going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."

"Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


'Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


'Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."




Then Candana, son of a deva,
together with five hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Candana, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, O son of a deva,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."

"Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.'


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."




Then Candana, son of a deva,
together with six hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Candana, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, O son of a deva,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."

"Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.'


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."




Then Candana, son of a deva,
together with seven hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Candana, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, O son of a deva,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."

"Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.'


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."




Then Candana, son of a deva,
together with eight hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Candana, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One, perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, O son of a deva,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."

"Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.'


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."




Then Candana, son of a deva,
together with eight thousand devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Candana, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One, perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, O son of a deva,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."

"Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.'


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."





Then Suyāma, son of a deva,
together with five hundred of the devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great,
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Suyāma, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

Such going to take refuge in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

Such going to take refuge in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

Such going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World."

"Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World."




Then Suyāma, son of a deva,
together with six hundred of the devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great,
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Suyāma, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

Such going to take refuge in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

Such going to take refuge in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

Such going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World."

"Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World."




Then Suyāma, son of a deva,
together with seven hundred of the devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great,
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Suyāma, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

Such going to take refuge in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

Such going to take refuge in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

Such going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World."

"Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World."




Then Suyāma, son of a deva,
together with eight hundred of the devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great,
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Suyāma, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

Such going to take refuge in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

Such going to take refuge in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

Such going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World."

"Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World."




Then Suyāma, son of a deva,
together with eight thousand of the devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great,
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Suyāma, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

Such going to take refuge in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

Such going to take refuge in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

Such going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World."

"Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World."




Then Suyāma, son of a deva,
together with five hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Suyāma, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, O son of a deva,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World."

"Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World."




Then Suyāma, son of a deva,
together with six hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Suyāma, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, O son of a deva,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World."

"Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


'Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World."




Then Suyāma, son of a deva,
together with seven hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Suyāma, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, O son of a deva,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World."

"Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


'Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World."




Then Suyāma, son of a deva,
together with eight hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Suyāma, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, O son of a deva,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World."

"Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


'Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World."




Then Suyāma, son of a deva,
together with eight thousand devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Suyāma, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, O son of a deva,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World."

"Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


'Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World."




Then Suyāma, son of a deva,
together with five hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Suyāma, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

Such going to take refuge in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

Such going to take refuge in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

Such going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."

"Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


'Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


'Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."




Then Suyāma, son of a deva,
together with six hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Suyāma, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

Such going to take refuge in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

Such going to take refuge in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

Such going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."

"Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


'Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


'Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."




Then Suyāma, son of a deva,
together with seven hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Suyāma, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

Such going to take refuge in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

Such going to take refuge in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

Such going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."

"Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


'Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


'Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."




Then Suyāma, son of a deva,
together with eight hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Suyāma, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

Such going to take refuge in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

Such going to take refuge in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

Such going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."

"Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


'Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


'Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."




Then Suyāma, son of a deva,
together with eight thousand devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Suyāma, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

Such going to take refuge in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

Such going to take refuge in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

Such going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."

"Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


'Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


'Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."




Then Suyāma, son of a deva,
together with five hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Suyāma, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, O son of a deva,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."

"Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.'


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."




Then Suyāma, son of a deva,
together with six hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Suyāma, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, O son of a deva,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."

"Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.'


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."




Then Suyāma, son of a deva,
together with seven hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Suyāma, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, O son of a deva,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."

"Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.'


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."




Then Suyāma, son of a deva,
together with eight hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Suyāma, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One, perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, O son of a deva,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."

"Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.'


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."




Then Suyāma, son of a deva,
together with eight thousand devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Suyāma, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One, perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, O son of a deva,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."

"Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.'


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."





Then Santusita, son of a deva,
together with five hundred of the devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great,
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Santusita, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

Such going to take refuge in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

Such going to take refuge in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

Such going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World."

"Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World."




Then Santusita, son of a deva,
together with six hundred of the devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great,
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Santusita, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

Such going to take refuge in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

Such going to take refuge in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

Such going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World."

"Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World."




Then Santusita, son of a deva,
together with seven hundred of the devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great,
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Santusita, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

Such going to take refuge in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

Such going to take refuge in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

Such going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World."

"Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World."




Then Santusita, son of a deva,
together with eight hundred of the devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great,
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Santusita, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

Such going to take refuge in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

Such going to take refuge in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

Such going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World."

"Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World."




Then Santusita, son of a deva,
together with eight thousand of the devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great,
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Santusita, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

Such going to take refuge in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

Such going to take refuge in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

Such going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World."

"Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World."




Then Santusita, son of a deva,
together with five hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Santusita, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, O son of a deva,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World."

"Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World."




Then Santusita, son of a deva,
together with six hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Santusita, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, O son of a deva,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World."

"Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


'Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World."




Then Santusita, son of a deva,
together with seven hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Santusita, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, O son of a deva,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World."

"Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


'Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World."




Then Santusita, son of a deva,
together with eight hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Santusita, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, O son of a deva,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World."

"Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


'Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World."




Then Santusita, son of a deva,
together with eight thousand devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Santusita, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, O son of a deva,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World."

"Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


'Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World."




Then Santusita, son of a deva,
together with five hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Santusita, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

Such going to take refuge in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

Such going to take refuge in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

Such going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."

"Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


'Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


'Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."




Then Santusita, son of a deva,
together with six hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Santusita, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

Such going to take refuge in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

Such going to take refuge in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

Such going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."

"Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


'Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


'Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."




Then Santusita, son of a deva,
together with seven hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Santusita, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

Such going to take refuge in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

Such going to take refuge in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

Such going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."

"Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


'Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


'Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."




Then Santusita, son of a deva,
together with eight hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Santusita, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

Such going to take refuge in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

Such going to take refuge in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

Such going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."

"Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


'Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


'Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."




Then Santusita, son of a deva,
together with eight thousand devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Santusita, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

Such going to take refuge in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

Such going to take refuge in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

Such going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."

"Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


'Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


'Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."




Then Santusita, son of a deva,
together with five hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Santusita, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, O son of a deva,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."

"Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.'


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."




Then Santusita, son of a deva,
together with six hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Santusita, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, O son of a deva,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."

"Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.'


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."




Then Santusita, son of a deva,
together with seven hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Santusita, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, O son of a deva,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."

"Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.'


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."




Then Santusita, son of a deva,
together with eight hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Santusita, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One, perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, O son of a deva,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."

"Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.'


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."




Then Santusita, son of a deva,
together with eight thousand devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Santusita, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One, perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, O son of a deva,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."

"Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.'


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."






Then Sunimmita, son of a deva,
together with five hundred of the devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great,
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Sunimmita, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

Such going to take refuge in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

Such going to take refuge in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

Such going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World."

"Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World."




Then Sunimmita, son of a deva,
together with six hundred of the devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great,
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Sunimmita, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

Such going to take refuge in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

Such going to take refuge in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

Such going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World."

"Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World."




Then Sunimmita, son of a deva,
together with seven hundred of the devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great,
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Sunimmita, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

Such going to take refuge in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

Such going to take refuge in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

Such going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World."

"Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World."




Then Sunimmita, son of a deva,
together with eight hundred of the devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great,
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Sunimmita, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

Such going to take refuge in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

Such going to take refuge in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

Such going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World."

"Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World."




Then Sunimmita, son of a deva,
together with eight thousand of the devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great,
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Sunimmita, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

Such going to take refuge in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

Such going to take refuge in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

Such going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World."

"Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World."




Then Sunimmita, son of a deva,
together with five hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Sunimmita, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, O son of a deva,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World."

"Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World."




Then Sunimmita, son of a deva,
together with six hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Sunimmita, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, O son of a deva,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World."

"Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


'Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World."




Then Sunimmita, son of a deva,
together with seven hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Sunimmita, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, O son of a deva,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World."

"Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


'Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World."




Then Sunimmita, son of a deva,
together with eight hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Sunimmita, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, O son of a deva,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World."

"Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


'Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World."




Then Sunimmita, son of a deva,
together with eight thousand devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Sunimmita, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, O son of a deva,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World."

"Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


'Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World."




Then Sunimmita, son of a deva,
together with five hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Sunimmita, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

Such going to take refuge in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

Such going to take refuge in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

Such going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."

"Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


'Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


'Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."




Then Sunimmita, son of a deva,
together with six hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Sunimmita, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

Such going to take refuge in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

Such going to take refuge in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

Such going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."

"Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


'Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


'Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."




Then Sunimmita, son of a deva,
together with seven hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Sunimmita, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

Such going to take refuge in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

Such going to take refuge in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

Such going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."

"Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


'Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


'Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."




Then Sunimmita, son of a deva,
together with eight hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Sunimmita, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

Such going to take refuge in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

Such going to take refuge in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

Such going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."

"Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


'Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


'Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."




Then Sunimmita, son of a deva,
together with eight thousand devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Sunimmita, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

Such going to take refuge in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

Such going to take refuge in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

Such going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."

"Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


'Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


'Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."




Then Sunimmita, son of a deva,
together with five hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Sunimmita, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, O son of a deva,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."

"Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.'


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."




Then Sunimmita, son of a deva,
together with six hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Sunimmita, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, O son of a deva,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."

"Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.'


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."




Then Sunimmita, son of a deva,
together with seven hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Sunimmita, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, O son of a deva,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."

"Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.'


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."




Then Sunimmita, son of a deva,
together with eight hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Sunimmita, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One, perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, O son of a deva,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."

"Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.'


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."




Then Sunimmita, son of a deva,
together with eight thousand devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Sunimmita, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One, perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, O son of a deva,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."

"Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.'


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."






Then Vasavatti, son of a deva,
together with five hundred of the devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great,
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Vasavatti, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

Such going to take refuge in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

Such going to take refuge in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

Such going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World."

"Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World."




Then Vasavatti, son of a deva,
together with six hundred of the devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great,
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Vasavatti, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

Such going to take refuge in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

Such going to take refuge in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

Such going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World."

"Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World."




Then Vasavatti, son of a deva,
together with seven hundred of the devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great,
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Vasavatti, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

Such going to take refuge in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

Such going to take refuge in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

Such going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World."

"Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World."




Then Vasavatti, son of a deva,
together with eight hundred of the devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great,
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Vasavatti, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

Such going to take refuge in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

Such going to take refuge in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

Such going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World."

"Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World."




Then Vasavatti, son of a deva,
together with eight thousand of the devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great,
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Vasavatti, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

Such going to take refuge in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

Such going to take refuge in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

Such going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World."

"Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World."




Then Vasavatti, son of a deva,
together with five hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Vasavatti, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, O son of a deva,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World."

"Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World."




Then Vasavatti, son of a deva,
together with six hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Vasavatti, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, O son of a deva,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World."

"Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


'Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World."




Then Vasavatti, son of a deva,
together with seven hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Vasavatti, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, O son of a deva,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World."

"Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


'Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World."




Then Vasavatti, son of a deva,
together with eight hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Vasavatti, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, O son of a deva,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World."

"Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


'Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World."




Then Vasavatti, son of a deva,
together with eight thousand devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Vasavatti, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, O son of a deva,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World."

"Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.


'Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World."




Then Vasavatti, son of a deva,
together with five hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Vasavatti, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

Such going to take refuge in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

Such going to take refuge in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

Such going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."

"Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


'Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


'Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."




Then Vasavatti, son of a deva,
together with six hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Vasavatti, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

Such going to take refuge in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

Such going to take refuge in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

Such going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."

"Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


'Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


'Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."




Then Vasavatti, son of a deva,
together with seven hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Vasavatti, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

Such going to take refuge in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

Such going to take refuge in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

Such going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."

"Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


'Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


'Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."




Then Vasavatti, son of a deva,
together with eight hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Vasavatti, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

Such going to take refuge in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

Such going to take refuge in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

Such going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."

"Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


'Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


'Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."




Then Vasavatti, son of a deva,
together with eight thousand devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Vasavatti, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

Such going to take refuge in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

Such going to take refuge in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

Such going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."

"Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Buddha.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


'Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Norm.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


'Good indeed, as you say, my good sir, Moggallāna,
is the going to take refuge in the Order of Brethren.

It is indeed the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some beings are born here in the Happy State,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."




Then Vasavatti, son of a deva,
together with five hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Vasavatti, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, O son of a deva,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."

"Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.'


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."




Then Vasavatti, son of a deva,
together with six hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Vasavatti, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, O son of a deva,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."

"Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.'


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."




Then Vasavatti, son of a deva,
together with seven hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Vasavatti, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, O son of a deva,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."

"Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.'


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."




Then Vasavatti, son of a deva,
together with eight hundred devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Vasavatti, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One, perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, O son of a deva,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."

"Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.'


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."




Then Vasavatti, son of a deva,
together with eight thousand devatas,
came to visit the venerable Moggallāna the Great
and on coming to him
saluted him
and stood at one side.

As they thus stood,
the venerable Moggallāna the Great
said to Vasavatti, son of a deva: -

"Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One, perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, O son of a deva,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, O son of a deva,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."

"Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha,
saying thus:

'Tis he, that Exalted One,
All-enlightened One,
perfect in knowledge and practice,
Happy One,
unsurpassed Charioteer of men to be tamed,
Teacher of devas and mankind,
the Buddha,
the Exalted One.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Buddha
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm,
saying thus:

'Well proclaimed by the Exalted One
is the Norm,
seen in this very life,
a thing not involving time,
inviting one to come and see,
leading onward,
to be known for themselves by the wise.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Norm
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.'


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order, saying thus:

'Walking righteously
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
walking uprightly,
walking in the right path,
walking dutifully
is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples,
namely, the four pairs of men,
the eight sorts of men.

That is the Exalted One's Order of Disciples.

Worthy of honour are they,
worthy of reverence,
worthy of offerings,
worthy of salutations with clasped hands,
a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.'

Such going to win possession
of unwavering faith in the Order
is the reason why,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible.


Good indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
as you say,
is the going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind.

Indeed, my good sir, Moggallāna,
such going to win possession unwavering
of the virtues loved by the Ariyans,
virtues unbroken,
giving freedom,
praised by the wise:
virtues which are untainted
(by craving or delusion),
which lead to concentration of mind,
when body breaks up,
after death,
some bemgs are born here
in the Happy Lot,
in the Heaven World.

Of these, some devas win excellence in ten things,
to wit:
in the heavenly life,
the heavenly colour,
the heavenly bliss,
the heavenly fame,
the heavenly supremacy,
in heavenly objects,
the heavenly sounds,
the heavenly scents,
the heavenly savours
the heavenly things tangible."


[1] Cf. K.S. i, 75.

[2] Vasavatti. Cf. S. i, 133; It. 94, 112 (a class of devas who control what others havo created). The foregoing three and this one seem to be selected as representatives with Candana of the five divisions (?) of the next, or Kāma-world.

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