Samyutta Nikaya Masthead

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Saṃyutta Nikāya
5. Mahā-Vagga
52. Anuruddha Saṃyutta
1. Raho-Gata Vagga

The Book of the Kindred Sayings
5. The Great Chapter
52. Kindred Sayings about Anuruddha
1. In Solitude

Sutta 2

Dutiya Raho-Gata Suttaṃ

In Solitude (b)

Translated by F. L. Woodward
Edited by Mrs. Rhys Davids

Copyright The Pali Text Society
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[1] THUS have I heard:

Once the venerable Anuruddha was staying near Sāvatthī
at Jeta Grove, in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Now when the venerable Anuruddha was meditating in solitude
this train of thought occurred to him:

"Whosoever neglect the four arisings of mindfulness,
by them also is neglected
the Ariyan way that goes on to the utter destruction of ill.

Whosoever undertake the four arisings of mindfulness,
by them also is undertaken
the Ariyan way that goes on to the utter destruction of ill."

Now the venerable Moggallāna the Great,
reading with his mind
the train of thought
in the mind of the venerable Anuruddha, -
just as a strong man might stretch out his bent arm,
or draw in his outstretched arm, -
even so did he appear before the venerable Anuruddha
and said this to him:

"Friend Anuruddha, to what extent
are the four arisings of mindfulness undertaken?"[ed1]




"Friend, a monk dwells contemplating the rise of things
as regards his own personal body;

he dwells contemplating the fall of things
as regards his own personal body;

being ardent,
and mindful,
by restraining the dejection in the world
that arises from coveting.

As regards externals
he dwells contemplating the rise of things in body;

As regards externals
he dwells contemplating the fall of things in body;

being ardent,
and mindful,
by restraining the dejection in the world
that arises from coveting.


Both as regards his own person
and as regards externals,
he dwells in body
contemplating the rise of things in body;

Both as regards his own person
and as regards externals,
he dwells in body
contemplating the fall of things in body;

Both as regards his own person
and as regards externals,
he dwells in body
contemplating both the rise and fall of things in body;

being ardent,
and mindful,
by restraining the dejection in the world
that arises from coveting.




He dwells contemplating the rise of things
as regards his own personal feelings;

he dwells contemplating the fall of things
as regards his own personal feelings;

being ardent,
and mindful,
by restraining the dejection in the world
that arises from coveting.

As regards externals
he dwells contemplating the rise of things in feelings;

As regards externals
he dwells contemplating the fall of things in feelings;

being ardent,
and mindful,
by restraining the dejection in the world
that arises from coveting.


Both as regards his own person
and as regards externals,
he dwells in feelings
contemplating the rise of things in feelings

Both as regards his own person
and as regards externals,
he dwells in feelings
contemplating the fall of things in feelings

Both as regards his own person and as regards externals,
he dwells in feelings
contemplating both the rise and fall of things in feelings;

being ardent,
and mindful,
by restraining the dejection in the world
that arises from coveting.





"He dwells contemplating the rise of things
as regards his own personal mind;

he dwells contemplating the fall of things
as regards his own personal mind;

being ardent,
and mindful,
by restraining the dejection in the world
that arises from coveting.

As regards externals
he dwells contemplating the rise of things in mind;

As regards externals
he dwells contemplating the fall of things in mind;

being ardent,
and mindful,
by restraining the dejection in the world
that arises from coveting.


Both as regards his own person
and as regards externals,
he dwells in mind contemplating the rise of things in mind;

Both as regards his own person
and as regards externals,
he dwells in mind contemplating the fall of things in mind;

Both as regards his own person
and as regards externals,
he dwells in mind contemplating both the rise and fall of things in mind;

being ardent,
and mindful,
by restraining the dejection in the world
that arises from coveting.





"He dwells contemplating the rise of things
as regards his own personal mind-states;

he dwells contemplating the fall of things
as regards his own personal mind-states;

being ardent,
and mindful,
by restraining the dejection in the world
that arises from coveting.

As regards externals
he dwells contemplating the rise of things in mind-states;

As regards externals
he dwells contemplating the fall of things in mind-states;

being ardent,
and mindful,
by restraining the dejection in the world
that arises from coveting.


Both as regards his own person
and as regards externals,
he dwells in mind-states
contemplating the rise of things in mind-states;

Both as regards his own person
and as regards externals,
he dwells in mind-states
contemplating the fall of things in mind-states;

Both as regards his own person
and as regards externals,
he dwells in mind-states
contemplating both the rise and fall of things in mind-states;

being ardent,
and mindful,
by restraining the dejection in the world
that arises from coveting.


Thus far, friend, the four arisings of mindfulness
are undertaken by a monk."


[ed1] Woodward's abridgment indicates that this sutta follows the previous sutta exactly whereas it actually eliminates the refrain concerning what the bhikkhu may wish.

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