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Saṃyutta Nikāya
5. Mahā-Vagga
52. Anuruddha Saṃyutta
2. Sahassa Vagga

The Book of the Kindred Sayings
5. The Great Chapter
52. Kindred Sayings about Anuruddha
2. Thousandfold

Translated by F. L. Woodward
Edited by Mrs. Rhys Davids

Copyright The Pali Text Society
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Sutta 11


[11.1] THUS have I heard:

Once the venerable Anuruddha was staying near Sāvatthī
at Jeta Grove,
in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Now a number of monks came to visit the venerable Anuruddha,
and on coming to him greeted him courteously,
and after the exchange of greetings and courtesies,
sat down at one side.

As they thus sat
those monks said this to the venerable Anuruddha:

"By cultivating and making much of what conditions
has the venerable Anuruddha
come by great supernormal power?"

"Friends, it is by cultivating and making much of
four arisings of mindfulness
that I have come by great supernormal power.

What are the four?

Herein, friends, I dwell in body contemplating body,
being ardent,
and mindful.

I dwell in feelings contemplating feelings,
being ardent,
and mindful.

I dwell in mind contemplating mind,
being ardent,
and mindful.

I dwell in mind-states contemplating mind-states,
being ardent,
and mindful.

Moreover, friends, it is by the fact
of cultivating and making much of
these four arisings of mindfulness
that I have come to comprehend
the thousandfold world-system."



Sutta 12

Psychic power (a)

[12.1] THUS have I heard:

Once the venerable Anuruddha was staying near Sāvatthī
at Jeta Grove,
in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Now a number of monks came to visit the venerable Anuruddha,
and on coming to him greeted him courteously,
and after the exchange of greetings and courtesies,
sat down at one side.

As they thus sat
those monks said this to the venerable Anuruddha:

"By cultivating and making much of what conditions
has the venerable Anuruddha
come by great supernormal power?"

"Friends, it is by cultivating and making much of
four arisings of mindfulness
that I have come by great supernormal power.

What are the four?

Herein, friends, I dwell in body contemplating body,
being ardent,
and mindful.

I dwell in feelings contemplating feelings,
being ardent,
and mindful.

I dwell in mind contemplating mind,
being ardent,
and mindful.

I dwell in mind-states contemplating mind-states,
being ardent,
and mindful.

Moreover, friends, it is by cultivating and making much of
these four arisings of mindfulness
I enjoy in divers ways
manifold forms of magic power, thus:[ed1]

From being one I become many
from being many I became one:
manifest or invisible
I go unhindered through a wall,
through a rampart,
through a mountain,
as if it were through air.

I plunge into the earth
and shoot up again
as if in water.

I walk upon the water without parting it,
as if on solid ground.

I travel sitting cross-legged through the air,
like a bird upon the wing.

Even this moon and sun,
though they be of such mighty power and majesty,
I handle and stroke them with my hand.

Even as far as the Brahma World
I have power with my body."



Sutta 13

Psychic power (b)

[13.1] THUS have I heard:

Once the venerable Anuruddha was staying near Sāvatthī
at Jeta Grove,
in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Now a number of monks came to visit the venerable Anuruddha,
and on coming to him greeted him courteously,
and after the exchange of greetings and courtesies,
sat down at one side.

As they thus sat
those monks said this to the venerable Anuruddha:

"By cultivating and making much of what conditions
has the venerable Anuruddha
come by great supernormal power?"

"Friends, it is by cultivating and making much of
four arisings of mindfulness
that I have come by great supernormal power.

What are the four?

Herein, friends, I dwell in body contemplating body,
being ardent,
and mindful.

I dwell in feelings contemplating feelings,
being ardent,
and mindful.

I dwell in mind contemplating mind,
being ardent,
and mindful.

I dwell in mind-states contemplating mind-states,
being ardent,
and mindful.

Moreover, friends, it is by cultivating and making much of
these four arisings of mindfulness
that with the deva-power of hearing,
purified and surpassing that of man,
I hear sounds both of devas and of men,
both far and near."



Sutta 14


[14.1] THUS have I heard:

Once the venerable Anuruddha was staying near Sāvatthī
at Jeta Grove,
in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Now a number of monks came to visit the venerable Anuruddha,
and on coming to him greeted him courteously,
and after the exchange of greetings and courtesies,
sat down at one side.

As they thus sat
those monks said this to the venerable Anuruddha:

"By cultivating and making much of what conditions
has the venerable Anuruddha
come by great supernormal power?"

"Friends, it is by cultivating and making much of
four arisings of mindfulness
that I have come by great supernormal power.

What are the four?

Herein, friends, I dwell in body contemplating body,
being ardent,
and mindful.

I dwell in feelings contemplating feelings,
being ardent,
and mindful.

I dwell in mind contemplating mind,
being ardent,
and mindful.

I dwell in mind-states contemplating mind-states,
being ardent,
and mindful.

Moreover, friends, it is by cultivating and making much of
these four arisings of mindfulness
that with my mind
I read and know the minds of beings,
of other persons.

I know the lustful mind as lustful,
of the mind that is free from lust I know it to be so,
of the mind that is full of hate I know it to be so,
of the mind that is free from hate I know it to be so,
of the mind that is deluded I know it to be deluded,
of the mind that is free from delusion I know it to be free,
of the mind that is cramped, I know it to be cramped,
of the mind that is diffuse, I know it to be diffuse,
of the lofty mind I know it to be lofty,
of the mean mind, I know it to be mean,
of the mind which is inferior I know it to be so,
of the mind that is superior I know it to be so,
Of the mind that is uncontrolled, I know it is uncontrolled,
of the mind that is controlled I know it to be controlled,
of the mind that is in bondage, I know it to be in bondage,
of the mind that is liberated, I know it as liberated."



Sutta 15

Causal occasion (a)

[15.1] THUS have I heard:

Once the venerable Anuruddha was staying near Sāvatthī
at Jeta Grove,
in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Now a number of monks came to visit the venerable Anuruddha,
and on coming to him greeted him courteously,
and after the exchange of greetings and courtesies,
sat down at one side.

As they thus sat
those monks said this to the venerable Anuruddha:

"By cultivating and making much of what conditions
has the venerable Anuruddha
come by great supernormal power?"

"Friends, it is by cultivating and making much of
four arisings of mindfulness
that I have come by great supernormal power.

What are the four?

Herein, friends, I dwell in body contemplating body,
being ardent,
and mindful.

I dwell in feelings contemplating feelings,
being ardent,
and mindful.

I dwell in mind contemplating mind,
being ardent,
and mindful.

I dwell in mind-states contemplating mind-states,
being ardent,
and mindful.

Moreover, friends, it is by cultivating and making much of
these four arisings of mindfulness
that I know as it really is the causal occasion[1] as such, and wbat is not the causal occasion as such."



Sutta 16

Causal occasion (b)

[16.1] THUS have I heard:

Once the venerable Anuruddha was staying near Sāvatthī
at Jeta Grove,
in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Now a number of monks came to visit the venerable Anuruddha,
and on coming to him greeted him courteously,
and after the exchange of greetings and courtesies,
sat down at one side.

As they thus sat
those monks said this to the venerable Anuruddha:

"By cultivating and making much of what conditions
has the venerable Anuruddha
come by great supernormal power?"

"Friends, it is by cultivating and making much of
four arisings of mindfulness
that I have come by great supernormal power.

What are the four?

Herein, friends, I dwell in body contemplating body,
being ardent,
and mindful.

I dwell in feelings contemplating feelings,
being ardent,
and mindful.

I dwell in mind contemplating mind,
being ardent,
and mindful.

I dwell in mind-states contemplating mind-states,
being ardent,
and mindful.

Moreover, friends, it is by cultivating and making much of
these four arisings of mindfulness
that I know in its causal occasion and conditions the fruit of actions[2] done in past, future and present times."



Sutta 17


[17.1] THUS have I heard:

Once the venerable Anuruddha was staying near Sāvatthī
at Jeta Grove,
in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Now a number of monks came to visit the venerable Anuruddha,
and on coming to him greeted him courteously,
and after the exchange of greetings and courtesies,
sat down at one side.

As they thus sat
those monks said this to the venerable Anuruddha:

"By cultivating and making much of what conditions
has the venerable Anuruddha
come by great supernormal power?"

"Friends, it is by cultivating and making much of
four arisings of mindfulness
that I have come by great supernormal power.

What are the four?

Herein, friends, I dwell in body contemplating body,
being ardent,
and mindful.

I dwell in feelings contemplating feelings,
being ardent,
and mindful.

I dwell in mind contemplating mind,
being ardent,
and mindful.

I dwell in mind-states contemplating mind-states,
being ardent,
and mindful.

Moreover, friends, it is by cultivating and making much of
these four arisings of mindfulness
that I know, as it really is, all the directions[3] whatsoever of each practice."



Sutta 18

The world

[18.1] THUS have I heard:

Once the venerable Anuruddha was staying near Sāvatthī
at Jeta Grove,
in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Now a number of monks came to visit the venerable Anuruddha,
and on coming to him greeted him courteously,
and after the exchange of greetings and courtesies,
sat down at one side.

As they thus sat
those monks said this to the venerable Anuruddha:

"By cultivating and making much of what conditions
has the venerable Anuruddha
come by great supernormal power?"

"Friends, it is by cultivating and making much of
four arisings of mindfulness
that I have come by great supernormal power.

What are the four?

Herein, friends, I dwell in body contemplating body,
being ardent,
and mindful.

I dwell in feelings contemplating feelings,
being ardent,
and mindful.

I dwell in mind contemplating mind,
being ardent,
and mindful.

I dwell in mind-states contemplating mind-states,
being ardent,
and mindful.

Moreover, friends, it is by cultivating and making much of
these four arisings of mindfulness
that I know the world as it really is,
in its divers shapes and forms."



Sutta 19

Of Divers Characters

[19.1] THUS have I heard:

Once the venerable Anuruddha was staying near Sāvatthī
at Jeta Grove,
in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Now a number of monks came to visit the venerable Anuruddha,
and on coming to him greeted him courteously,
and after the exchange of greetings and courtesies,
sat down at one side.

As they thus sat
those monks said this to the venerable Anuruddha:

"By cultivating and making much of what conditions
has the venerable Anuruddha
come by great supernormal power?"

"Friends, it is by cultivating and making much of
four arisings of mindfulness
that I have come by great supernormal power.

What are the four?

Herein, friends, I dwell in body contemplating body,
being ardent,
and mindful.

I dwell in feelings contemplating feelings,
being ardent,
and mindful.

I dwell in mind contemplating mind,
being ardent,
and mindful.

I dwell in mind-states contemplating mind-states,
being ardent,
and mindful.

Moreover, friends, it is by cultivating and making much of
these four arisings of mindfulness
that I know,
as they really are,
the divers characters of beings."[4]



Sutta 20


[20.1] THUS have I heard:

Once the venerable Anuruddha was staying near Sāvatthī
at Jeta Grove,
in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Now a number of monks came to visit the venerable Anuruddha,
and on coming to him greeted him courteously,
and after the exchange of greetings and courtesies,
sat down at one side.

As they thus sat
those monks said this to the venerable Anuruddha:

"By cultivating and making much of what conditions
has the venerable Anuruddha
come by great supernormal power?"

"Friends, it is by cultivating and making much of
four arisings of mindfulness
that I have come by great supernormal power.

What are the four?

Herein, friends, I dwell in body contemplating body,
being ardent,
and mindful.

I dwell in feelings contemplating feelings,
being ardent,
and mindful.

I dwell in mind contemplating mind,
being ardent,
and mindful.

I dwell in mind-states contemplating mind-states,
being ardent,
and mindful.

Moreover, friends, it is by cultivating and making much of
these four arisings of mindfulness
that I know,
as they really are,
the natures of the minds of other beings,
of other persons."[5]



Sutta 21


[21.1] THUS have I heard:

Once the venerable Anuruddha was staying near Sāvatthī
at Jeta Grove,
in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Now a number of monks came to visit the venerable Anuruddha,
and on coming to him greeted him courteously,
and after the exchange of greetings and courtesies,
sat down at one side.

As they thus sat
those monks said this to the venerable Anuruddha:

"By cultivating and making much of what conditions
has the venerable Anuruddha
come by great supernormal power?"

"Friends, it is by cultivating and making much of
four arisings of mindfulness
that I have come by great supernormal power.

What are the four?

Herein, friends, I dwell in body contemplating body,
being ardent,
and mindful.

I dwell in feelings contemplating feelings,
being ardent,
and mindful.

I dwell in mind contemplating mind,
being ardent,
and mindful.

I dwell in mind-states contemplating mind-states,
being ardent,
and mindful.

Moreover, friends, it is by cultivating and making much of
these four arisings of mindfulness
that I know,
as they really are,
the corruption,
purification[7] and uprising[8] of the attainments in trance,
and concentration."



Sutta 22

Knowledge (a)

[22.1] THUS have I heard:

Once the venerable Anuruddha was staying near Sāvatthī
at Jeta Grove,
in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Now a number of monks came to visit the venerable Anuruddha,
and on coming to him greeted him courteously,
and after the exchange of greetings and courtesies,
sat down at one side.

As they thus sat
those monks said this to the venerable Anuruddha:

"By cultivating and making much of what conditions
has the venerable Anuruddha
come by great supernormal power?"

"Friends, it is by cultivating and making much of
four arisings of mindfulness
that I have come by great supernormal power.

What are the four?

Herein, friends, I dwell in body contemplating body,
being ardent,
and mindful.

I dwell in feelings contemplating feelings,
being ardent,
and mindful.

I dwell in mind contemplating mind,
being ardent,
and mindful.

I dwell in mind-states contemplating mind-states,
being ardent,
and mindful.

Moreover, friends, it is by cultivating and making much of
these four arisings of mindfulness
that I can remember my divers existences in the past,
to wit:

One birth,
two births,
three, four, five,
even ten births,
twenty, thirty, forty, fifty births;
even a hundred births,
a thousand, a hundred thousand births.

I call to mind divers aeons
of involution and evolution.

I know:

'Such was I by name,
such was I by clan,
by caste.

Thus was I nourished,
thus did I undergo pleasure and pain,
such was my span of life.'

I know:

'Thence I deceased
and rose up so and so.

There I dwelt,
of such and such a name,
of such a clan,
of such a caste,
so nourished;
such and such pleasure and pain did I undergo,
such my span of life.

Then deceased
I rose up in the present life.'

That is how
with all details and characteristics
I can remember my divers existences
in past time."



Sutta 23

Knowledge (b)

[23.1] THUS have I heard:

Once the venerable Anuruddha was staying near Sāvatthī
at Jeta Grove,
in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Now a number of monks came to visit the venerable Anuruddha,
and on coming to him greeted him courteously,
and after the exchange of greetings and courtesies,
sat down at one side.

As they thus sat
those monks said this to the venerable Anuruddha:

"By cultivating and making much of what conditions
has the venerable Anuruddha
come by great supernormal power?"

"Friends, it is by cultivating and making much of
four arisings of mindfulness
that I have come by great supernormal power.

What are the four?

Herein, friends, I dwell in body contemplating body,
being ardent,
and mindful.

I dwell in feelings contemplating feelings,
being ardent,
and mindful.

I dwell in mind contemplating mind,
being ardent,
and mindful.

I dwell in mind-states contemplating mind-states,
being ardent,
and mindful.

Moreover, friends, it is by cultivating and making much of
these four arisings of mindfulness
that with the deva-sight,
purified and surpassing that of men
I behold beings:
as they decease and rise up (elsewhre)
I discern them,
both mean and exalted,
of features fair and foul,
gone to weal or gone to woe,
according to their deeds,

'Alas! these good folk,
given to the practice of evil deeds,
of evil words,
of evil thoughts,
scoffing at the noble ones,
of perverted views
and reaping the fruit of their perverted views, —
these folk,
on the dissolution of the body,
after death arose again in the Waste,
the Downfall
and the Constant Round.

Ah! and these good folk,
given to the practice of good deeds,
of good words,
of good thoughts,
not scoffing at the noble ones,
of sound views
and reaping the fruits of their sound views, —
these beings,
on the dissolution of the body,
after death arose again in the Happy Way,
the Heaven World.'

Thus with deva-sight,
purified and surpassing that of man
do I behold beings as they decease
and rise up (elsewhere):
I discern them, both mean and exalted,
of features fair and foul,
gone to weal or gone to woe
according to their merits."



Sutta 24

Knowledge (c)

[24.1] THUS have I heard:

Once the venerable Anuruddha was staying near Sāvatthī
at Jeta Grove,
in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Now a number of monks came to visit the venerable Anuruddha,
and on coming to him greeted him courteously,
and after the exchange of greetings and courtesies,
sat down at one side.

As they thus sat
those monks said this to the venerable Anuruddha:

"By cultivating and making much of what conditions
has the venerable Anuruddha
come by great supernormal power?"

"Friends, it is by cultivating and making much of
four arisings of mindfulness
that I have come by great supernormal power.

What are the four?

Herein, friends, I dwell in body contemplating body,
being ardent,
and mindful.

I dwell in feelings contemplating feelings,
being ardent,
and mindful.

I dwell in mind contemplating mind,
being ardent,
and mindful.

I dwell in mind-states contemplating mind-states,
being ardent,
and mindful.

Moreover, friends, it is by cultivating and making much of
these four arisings of mindfulness,
by destroying the āsavas,
I realize in this very life,
by my own unaided power,
I attain and abide in that heart's release,
that release by insight
which is freed from the āsavas."


[1] Ṭhānaṃ. Cf. Pts. of Contr., 139; A. iii, 417, where Comy. paraphrases as kāraṇaṃ kāraṇato. Here Comy. says: 'Disciples have this knowledge partially (ehadesena), but omniscient Buddhas have it in every particular.' These powers are the attributes [or dasa-balānī] of the Tathāgata or of one who utters the bull-like utterance, enumerated at M. 1, 69 ff.

[2] Kamma-samādāna (text 266). Cf. Expositor ii, 399.

[3] Sabbattha-gāmini.

[4] Nānādhimuttikaṃ sattānaṃ (at M. i the reading is -muttikataṃ).

[5] Indriya-paro-pariyattiṃ (at M. i, -yattaṃ).

[6] Uddāna has jānaṃ; Sinh. MSS. jānana.

[7] Vodāna. Compend. 68, 4 'adoption (gotrabhu) receives the special name of the moment of purification.'

[8] Cf. Compend., 67.


[ed1] I have picked up the abridged passages from Woodwards translation of SN 5.51.11. He has made some changes as indicated in his abridgements which I have incorporated as I think appropriate.

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