Samyutta Nikaya Masthead

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Saṃyutta Nikāya
5. Mahā-Vagga
56. Sacca Saṃyutta
1. Samādhi Vagga

The Book of the Kindred Sayings
5. The Great Chapter
56. Kindred Sayings about the Truths
1. Concentration

Sutta 4

Dutiya Kulaputta Suttaṃ

Clansman (b)

Translated by F. L. Woodward

Copyright The Pali Text Society
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[1][bodh] Thus have I heard:

On a certain occasion the Exalted One was staying near Sāvatthī.

Then the Exalted One addressed the monks, saying:


"Yes, lord," replied those monks to the Exalted One.

The Exalted One said:

"Monks, whatsoever clansmen have
in time past
rightly gone forth from the home
to the homeless life,
who have fully comprehended what really is
all of them have fully comprehended,
as they really are,
the Four Ariyan truths.

Monks, whatsoever clansmen shall
in future time
rightly go forth from the home
to the homeless life,
who will fully comprehend what really is
all of them will do so
to get full comprehension of the four Ariyan truths,
as they really are.

Monks, whatsoever clansmen
do now
rightly go forth from the home
to the homeless life,
who fully comprehend what really is
all of them do so
to get full comprehension of the four Ariyan truths.

Of what four?

The Ariyan truth of ill,
the Ariyan truth of the arising of ill,
the Ariyan truth of the ceasing of ill,
the Ariyan truth of the practice
that leads to the ceasing of ill.

"Monks, whatsoever clansmen have
in time past
rightly gone forth from the home
to the homeless life,
who have fully comprehended what really is
all of them have fully comprehended,
as they really are,
the Four Ariyan truths.

Monks, whatsoever clansmen shall
in future time
rightly go forth from the home
to the homeless life,
who will fully comprehend what really is
all of them will do so
to get full comprehension of the four Ariyan truths,
as they really are.

Monks, whatsoever clansmen
do now
rightly go forth from the home
to the homeless life,
who fully comprehend what really is
all of them do so
to get full comprehension of the four Ariyan truths.

Wherefore, monks, an effort must be made to realize:

'This is ill.'

'This is the arising of ill.'

'This is the ceasing of ill.'

'This is the practice that leads to the ceasing of ill.'"

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