Samyutta Nikaya Masthead

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Saṃyutta Nikāya
5. Mahā-Vagga
56. Sacca Saṃyutta
3. Koṭigāma Vagga

The Book of the Kindred Sayings
5. The Great Chapter
56. Kindred Sayings about the Truths
3. Koṭigāma

Sutta 22

Dutiya Vijjā Suttaṃ

Knowledge (b)[1]

Translated by F. L. Woodward
Edited by Mrs. Rhys Davids

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[1][bodh] THUS have I heard:

On a certain occasion the Exalted One was staying among the Vajjians
at Koṭigāma.

Then the Exalted One addressed the monks saying:


"Yes, lord," replied those monks to the Exalted One.

The Exalted One said:

"'Monks, whatsoever recluses or brahmins
understand not,
as it really is,
'This is Ill';
who understand not,
as it really is,
'this is the arising of Ill';
who understand not,
as it really is,
'this is the ceasing of Ill';
who understand not,
as it really is,
'this is the practice that leads to the ceasing of Ill', -
such are not reckoned as recluses
among recluses
nor as brahmins
among brahmins,
nor have those worthies,
in this very life,
of themselves realized
by their own knowledge
the reality of recluseship
or of brahminhood.

But whatsoever recluses or brahmins
have understood,
as it really is,
'This is Ill';
who have understood,
as it really is,
'this is the arising of Ill';
who have understood,
as it really is,
'this is the ceasing of Ill';
who have understood,
as it really is,
'this is the practice that leads to the ceasing of Ill', -
such are not reckoned as recluses
among recluses
nor as brahmins
among brahmins,
nor have those worthies,
in this very life,
of themselves realized
by their own knowledge
the reality of recluseship
or of brahminhood."

Thus spake the Exalted One.



Having thus spoken
the Happy One added this as Teacher:

Who understand not Ill, and how Ill comes to be,
And how Ill ceases utterly without remains,
Nor know the Way that leads on to Ill's ending,
Such lack the heart's release, they lack release by insight.
Helpless to make an end, to birth and eld they go.

But understanding Ill and how Ill comes to be,
And where Ill ceases utterly without remains,
Knowing the Way that leads on to Ill's ending,
Blessed with the heart's release, blessed with release by insight,
They, able to end all, go not to birth and eld.


[1] This Sutta occurs at Itivutt. 105-6, [#103] and in a different setting at SnA. v, 725: cf. SnA. 504. Our Comy. passes it by.

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