Aṅguttara Nikāya

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Aṅguttara Nikāya
Pañcaka Nipata

The Book of Fives

Sutta 147

A-Sappurisa-Dāna Suttaṃ

Not a Goodman's Givings

Translated from the Pāḷi
Michael M. Olds



[1][pts] "Beggars! These five are not the good man's givings.

What five?

The given without respect.

The given without thought.

That not given by one's own hand.

That given because it is not wanted.

That given without trust in the fruit of good deeds.

Indeed, Beggars, these five are not the good man's givings.

"Beggars! These five are the good man's givings.

What five?

The given with respect.

The given with thought.

That given by one's own hand.

That given because it is desirable.

That given with trust in the fruit of good deeds.

Indeed, Beggars, these five are the good man's givings.


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