Aṅguttara Nikāya
Chakka Nipāta
X. Ānisaṇsa Vagga
The Book of Sixes
Sutta 99
Dukkha Suttaṃ
Translated from the Pāḷi
Michael M. Olds
Once upon a time, The Lucky Man Sāvatthi Town revisiting, Anāthapiṇḍika Park, Jeta Grove.
There then the Lucky Man addressed the beggars:
And "Bhante!" the beggars responded.
Bhagava said this to them:
"It is certain, beggars,
that for a beggar who perceives anything pleasurable in the own-made,
to become one possessed of a suitable patience,
is not to be seen;
that without possessing a suitable patience,
there is entrance into the consummate way,
is not to be seen;
that without entering into the consummate way,
there is the fruit of Stream-winning,
there is the fruit of Once-returning,
there is the fruit of Non-returning,
there is Arahantship,
is not to be seen.
It is certain, beggars,
that for a beggar who perceives everything own-made as pain,
to become one possessed of a suitable patience,
may be seen;
that possessing a suitable patience,
there is entrance into the consummate way,
may be seen;
that entering into the consummate way,
there is the fruit of Stream-winning,
there is the fruit of Once-returning,
there is the fruit of Non-returning,
there is Arahantship,
may be seen."