Aṅguttara Nikāya
9. Navaka Nipāta
2. Sīhanāda Vagga
The Book of Nines
Sutta 16
Saññā Suttaṃ
Translated from the Pāḷi
Michael M. Olds
[1][than][pts][upal] I Hear Tell:
Once upon a time, Bhagava, Sāvatthi-town revisiting.
There, to the beggars gathered round,
he said this:
"There are these nine perceptions, beggars,
which, made a big thing of,
have great fruit
are of great advantage;
lead on to the deathless,
culminate in the deathless.
What nine?
Perception of the ugly,
perception of death,
perception of the revolting nature of food,
perception of non-indulgence in all worlds,
perception of change,
perception of pain in change,
perception of not-self in the painful,
perception of letting go,
perception of dispassion.
These are those nine perceptions, beggars,
which, made a big thing of,
have great fruit
are of great advantage;
lead on to the deathless,
culminate in the deathless."