Aṅguttara Nikāya

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Aṅguttara Nikāya
X. Dasaka-Nipāta
XI: Samaṇa-Saññā Vagga

The Book of Tens

Sutta 101

Samaṇa-Saññā Suttaṃ

A Seeker's Perceptions

Translated from the Pāḷi
Michael M. Olds



[1][pts][than] I Hear Tell:

Once upon a time the Lucky Man said this to the beggars:


And the beggars responding "Elder!" the Lucky Man said this:

"There are three perceptions of the seeker
which if made become,
made a big thing of,
fulfil seven things.

What three?

[1] 'I have come to the state of the outcast;
[2] my life has been reduced to complete dependence;
[3] what is proper for me is now different.'

These three perceptions of the seeker,
if made become,
made a big thing of,
fulfil seven things.

What seven?

[1] Ethical conduct that is uninterrupted,
that is made in an unbroken stretch,
that evolves into an unbroken stretch;
[2] having no covetousness;
[3] having no deviousness;
[4] disinclination to arrogance;
[5] delight in training;
[6] thinking 'This is the purpose!'
with regard to the essentials of life;
[7] and living charged with energy.

These are the seven things
which are fulfilled
when the three perceptions of the seeker
are made become,
made a big thing of.

These are the three perceptions of the seeker
which if made become,
made a big thing of,
fulfil seven things."

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