Saṃyutta Nikāya
4. Saḷāyatana Vagga
38. Jambukhādaka Saṃyutta
Roseapple-Eater's Questions
Sutta 10
Taṇhā Suttaṃ
Translated from the Pāḷi
Michael M. Olds
Once upon a time, Old Man Sāriputta,
was living amungst the Magadhese,
in Nālagā town.
There then Roseapple-Eater, the wanderer,
went to where Old Man Sāriputta was located,
where he drew near and
having drawn near Old Man Sāriputta,
having given salutation,
took a seat to one side.
Having taken a seat to one side then,
Roseapple-Eater, the wanderer, said this
to Old Man Sāriputta:
"'Thirst, thirst,'
they say, friend Sāriputta.
What then, friend,
is this thirst?"
"There are these three thists:
Thirst for sense-pleasures,
thirst for existence,
thirst for non-existence.[1]
These, friend,
are what is called thirst."
"Is there, friend, a Way,
is there a path
to thoroughly let go of
these thirsts?"
"There is, friend, a Way,
there is a path
to thoroughly let go of
these thirsts.'
"What, friend, is that Way,
what is that path
to thoroughly let go of
these thirsts?"
"This, friend:
The Aristocratic Multi-dimensional Way,[2]
that is:
Consummate view,
consummate principles,
consummate talk,
consummate works,
consummate lifestyle,
consummate self-control,
consummate mind,
consummate serenity.
"This is, friend, that Way,
that path
to thoroughly let go of
these thirsts.'
"A lucky Way, friend,
a lucky path,
to thoroughly let go of
these thirsts and
moreover, friend Sāriputta,
there is enough there
to bring about non-carelessness."
[1] Vibhava. This word could be translated "re-becoming" (meaning rebirth) or 'enhanced becoming,' (meaning greater pleasures here) or un-becoming (or 'existence' as I have it, or 'living,' or 'being.') "Bhava" by itself should be understood as becoming, but as 'existence' and 'being' and 'living' are words for describing the way this is seen today, and, (more importantly) since the idea in the Buddha's system is that a thing only has becoming, or existence when consciousness is focused on named-forms, I use 'existence'.
[2] For details, see Footnote 1 of SN 4.38.01.