Samyutta Nikaya Masthead

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Saṃyutta Nikāya
5. Mahā-Vagga
54. Ānāpāna Saṃyutta
2. Ānanda

Dutiya Vagga

The Aspiration Collection

Book 2: Ānanda

Sutta 11

Icchānangala Suttaṃ


Translated from the Pāḷi
Michael M. Olds



[1][pts][bodh][than] I Hear Tell:

Once upon a time, The Lucky Man, Icchānaṅgale revisiting,
Icchānaṅgala jungle grove.

Then The Lucky Man said this to the beggars there:

"I wish, beggars, to retire to chambers for three months.

No one should approach me
except the one who brings my mess-bowl food."

"Even so, Bhante", the beggars responded in agreement
and subsequently no one approached the Lucky Man
except the one who brought his mess-bowl food.

Then after the lapse of three months,
The Lucky Man emerged from his retirement chambers
and said this to the beggars there:

"Should wanderers of other views, beggars, question you thus:

'In what manner, friends,
does the Shaman Gotama largely live
during the rains residency?'

This being put to you, beggars,
by wanderers of other views,
this is how you should make response:

'The Lucky Man, friends,
largely lives during the rains residency
serenely remembering his respiration.'

Breathing in deeply, I know:
'I am inspiring deeply.'

Breathing out deeply, I know:
'I am expiring deeply.'"

"Breathing in shallowly, I know:
'I am inspiring shallowly.'

Breathing out shallowly, I know:
'I am expiring shallowly.'

Reflecting on the totality of bodily experience,
I breath in knowingly.

Reflecting on the totality of bodily experience,
I breath out knowingly.

Pacifying own-body-making,
I breath in knowingly.

Pacifying own-body-making,
I breath out knowingly.

Reflecting on enthusiasm,
I breath in knowingly.

Reflecting on enthusiasm,
I breath out knowingly.

Observing pleasure,
I breath in knowingly.

Observing pleasure,
I breath out knowingly.

Reflecting on the own-making of the heart, I breath in knowingly.

Reflecting on the own-making of the heart,
I breath out knowingly.

Pacifying the own-making of the heart,
I breath in knowingly.

Pacifying the own-making of the heart,
I breath out knowingly.

Reflecting on the heart,
I breath in knowingly.

Reflecting on the heart,
I breath out knowingly.

Abundantly content in heart,
I breath in knowingly.

Abundantly content in heart,
I breath out knowingly.

Composing the heart,
I breath in knowingly.

Composing the heart,
I breath out knowingly.

Liberating the heart,
I breath in knowingly.

Liberating the heart,
I breath out knowingly.

Reflecting on giving up,
I breath in knowingly.

Reflecting on giving up,
I breath out knowingly.

He, beggars, who speaking highly
would say:

'This is the Aristocratic life,
this is the Brahmā life,
this is the life of the Getter of the Getting'

speaking highly of this
serene remembering of the respiration
would say:

'This is the Aristocratic life,
this is the Brahmā life,
this is the life of the Getter of the Getting'

He who is a seeker, beggars,
a little developed in mind,
short of his intended goal,
one who lives preparing to throw off the yoke,
the throwing off of which there is nothing better,
such a one,
developing serene remembering of the respiration,
making a big thing of it,
will achieve the destruction of the corruptions.

He who, beggars, is an arahant beggar,
corruptions eliminated,
duty's doing done,
load laid down,
his own good gained,
yokes to living thoroughly broken,
highest answer-knowledge free,
even for such a one,
developing serene remembering of the respiration,
making a big thing of it,
is useful for living pleasantly in this seen thing
mindfully self-aware.

He, beggars, who speaking highly would say:

'This is the Aristocratic life,
this is the Brahmā life,
this is the life of the Getter of the Getting'

speaking highly of this serene remembering of the respiration
would say:

'This is the Aristocratic life,
this is the Brahmā life,
this is the life of the Getter of the Getting.'"


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