Aṇguttara Nikāya

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Aṇguttara Nikāya
Chakka Nipāta
Paṇṇāsakāsaṇgahitā Vaggā
Vaggāsaṇgahitā suttantā

Suttas 131-151
[PTS Pali #119-120]

The Book of the Gradual Sayings
The Book of the Sixes
The Recital

Translated from the Pali by E.M. Hare.

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Sutta 131

He Sees The Deathless

[119.1][olds] 'Monks, by having followed six things,
the goodman Tapussa,
because of the Tathāgata,[1]
has gone to the end,[2]
seen the deathless
and has his being[3] in the realization of the deathless.

What six?

Unwavering faith in the Buddha,
unwavering faith in the Dhamma
unwavering faith in the Order,
Ariyan virtue,
Ariyan knowledge
and Ariyan release.

Verily; monks, by having followed these six,
the goodman [314] Tapussa,
because of the Tathāgata,
has gone to the end,
seen the deathless
and has his being in the realization of the deathless.




He sees the Deathless[4]



[120.1][olds] 'Monks, by having followed six things,
the goodman Bhallika,
because of the Tathāgata,
has gone to the end,
seen the deathless
and has his being in the realization of the deathless.

What six?

Unwavering faith in the Buddha,
unwavering faith in the Dhamma
unwavering faith in the Order,
Ariyan virtue,
Ariyan knowledge
and Ariyan release.

Verily; monks, by having followed these six,
the goodman Bhallika,
because of the Tathāgata,
has gone to the end,
seen the deathless
and has his being in the realization of the deathless.





Sudatta Anāthapiṇḍika

[120.2][olds] 'Monks, by having followed six things,
the goodman Sudatta Anāthapiṇḍika,
because of the Tathāgata,
has gone to the end,
seen the deathless
and has his being in the realization of the deathless.

What six?

Unwavering faith in the Buddha,
unwavering faith in the Dhamma
unwavering faith in the Order,
Ariyan virtue,
Ariyan knowledge
and Ariyan release.

Verily; monks, by having followed these six,
the goodman Sudatta Anāthapiṇḍika,
because of the Tathāgata,
has gone to the end,
seen the deathless
and has his being in the realization of the deathless.





Citta Macchikāsaṇḍika

[120.3][olds] 'Monks, by having followed six things,
the goodman Citta Macchikāsaṇḍika,
because of the Tathāgata,
has gone to the end,
seen the deathless
and has his being in the realization of the deathless.

What six?

Unwavering faith in the Buddha,
unwavering faith in the Dhamma
unwavering faith in the Order,
Ariyan virtue,
Ariyan knowledge
and Ariyan release.

Verily; monks, by having followed these six,
the goodman Citta Macchikāsaṇḍika,
because of the Tathāgata,
has gone to the end,
seen the deathless
and has his being in the realization of the deathless.





Hatthaka Āḷavaka

[120.4][olds] 'Monks, by having followed six things,
the goodman Hatthaka Āḷavaka,
because of the Tathāgata,
has gone to the end,
seen the deathless
and has his being in the realization of the deathless.

What six?

Unwavering faith in the Buddha,
unwavering faith in the Dhamma
unwavering faith in the Order,
Ariyan virtue,
Ariyan knowledge
and Ariyan release.

Verily; monks, by having followed these six,
the goodman Hatthaka Āḷavaka,
because of the Tathāgata,
has gone to the end,
seen the deathless
and has his being in the realization of the deathless.





Mahānāma Sakka

[120.5][olds] 'Monks, by having followed six things,
the goodman Mahānāma Sakka,
because of the Tathāgata,
has gone to the end,
seen the deathless
and has his being in the realization of the deathless.

What six?

Unwavering faith in the Buddha,
unwavering faith in the Dhamma
unwavering faith in the Order,
Ariyan virtue,
Ariyan knowledge
and Ariyan release.

Verily; monks, by having followed these six,
the goodman Mahānāma Sakka,
because of the Tathāgata,
has gone to the end,
seen the deathless
and has his being in the realization of the deathless.





Ugga Vesālika

[120.6][olds] 'Monks, by having followed six things,
the goodman Ugga Vesālika,
because of the Tathāgata,
has gone to the end,
seen the deathless
and has his being in the realization of the deathless.

What six?

Unwavering faith in the Buddha,
unwavering faith in the Dhamma
unwavering faith in the Order,
Ariyan virtue,
Ariyan knowledge
and Ariyan release.

Verily; monks, by having followed these six,
the goodman Ugga Vesālika,
because of the Tathāgata,
has gone to the end,
seen the deathless
and has his being in the realization of the deathless.






[120.7][olds] 'Monks, by having followed six things,
the goodman Uggata,
because of the Tathāgata,
has gone to the end,
seen the deathless
and has his being in the realization of the deathless.

What six?

Unwavering faith in the Buddha,
unwavering faith in the Dhamma
unwavering faith in the Order,
Ariyan virtue,
Ariyan knowledge
and Ariyan release.

Verily; monks, by having followed these six,
the goodman Uggata,
because of the Tathāgata,
has gone to the end,
seen the deathless
and has his being in the realization of the deathless.





Sūra Ambaṭṭha

[120.8][olds] 'Monks, by having followed six things,
the goodman Sūra Ambaṭṭha,
because of the Tathāgata,
has gone to the end,
seen the deathless
and has his being in the realization of the deathless.

What six?

Unwavering faith in the Buddha,
unwavering faith in the Dhamma
unwavering faith in the Order,
Ariyan virtue,
Ariyan knowledge
and Ariyan release.

Verily; monks, by having followed these six,
the goodman Sūra Ambaṭṭha,
because of the Tathāgata,
has gone to the end,
seen the deathless
and has his being in the realization of the deathless.





Jīvaka Komārabhacca

[120.9][olds] 'Monks, by having followed six things,
the goodman Jīvaka Komārabhacca,
because of the Tathāgata,
has gone to the end,
seen the deathless
and has his being in the realization of the deathless.

What six?

Unwavering faith in the Buddha,
unwavering faith in the Dhamma
unwavering faith in the Order,
Ariyan virtue,
Ariyan knowledge
and Ariyan release.

Verily; monks, by having followed these six,
the goodman Jīvaka Komārabhacca,
because of the Tathāgata,
has gone to the end,
seen the deathless
and has his being in the realization of the deathless.






[120.10][olds] 'Monks, by having followed six things,
the goodman Nakulapitā,
because of the Tathāgata,
has gone to the end,
seen the deathless
and has his being in the realization of the deathless.

What six?

Unwavering faith in the Buddha,
unwavering faith in the Dhamma
unwavering faith in the Order,
Ariyan virtue,
Ariyan knowledge
and Ariyan release.

Verily; monks, by having followed these six,
the goodman Nakulapitā,
because of the Tathāgata,
has gone to the end,
seen the deathless
and has his being in the realization of the deathless.






[120.11][olds] 'Monks, by having followed six things,
the goodman Tavakaṇṇika,
because of the Tathāgata,
has gone to the end,
seen the deathless
and has his being in the realization of the deathless.

What six?

Unwavering faith in the Buddha,
unwavering faith in the Dhamma
unwavering faith in the Order,
Ariyan virtue,
Ariyan knowledge
and Ariyan release.

Verily; monks, by having followed these six,
the goodman Tavakaṇṇika,
because of the Tathāgata,
has gone to the end,
seen the deathless
and has his being in the realization of the deathless.






[120.12][olds] 'Monks, by having followed six things,
the goodman Pūraṇa,
because of the Tathāgata,
has gone to the end,
seen the deathless
and has his being in the realization of the deathless.

What six?

Unwavering faith in the Buddha,
unwavering faith in the Dhamma
unwavering faith in the Order,
Ariyan virtue,
Ariyan knowledge
and Ariyan release.

Verily; monks, by having followed these six,
the goodman Pūraṇa,
because of the Tathāgata,
has gone to the end,
seen the deathless
and has his being in the realization of the deathless.






[120.13][olds] 'Monks, by having followed six things,
the goodman Isidatta,
because of the Tathāgata,
has gone to the end,
seen the deathless
and has his being in the realization of the deathless.

What six?

Unwavering faith in the Buddha,
unwavering faith in the Dhamma
unwavering faith in the Order,
Ariyan virtue,
Ariyan knowledge
and Ariyan release.

Verily; monks, by having followed these six,
the goodman Isidatta,
because of the Tathāgata,
has gone to the end,
seen the deathless
and has his being in the realization of the deathless.






[120.14][olds] 'Monks, by having followed six things,
the goodman Sandhāna,
because of the Tathāgata,
has gone to the end,
seen the deathless
and has his being in the realization of the deathless.

What six?

Unwavering faith in the Buddha,
unwavering faith in the Dhamma
unwavering faith in the Order,
Ariyan virtue,
Ariyan knowledge
and Ariyan release.

Verily; monks, by having followed these six,
the goodman Sandhāna,
because of the Tathāgata,
has gone to the end,
seen the deathless
and has his being in the realization of the deathless.






[120.15][olds] 'Monks, by having followed six things,
the goodman Vijaya,
because of the Tathāgata,
has gone to the end,
seen the deathless
and has his being in the realization of the deathless.

What six?

Unwavering faith in the Buddha,
unwavering faith in the Dhamma
unwavering faith in the Order,
Ariyan virtue,
Ariyan knowledge
and Ariyan release.

Verily; monks, by having followed these six,
the goodman Vijaya,
because of the Tathāgata,
has gone to the end,
seen the deathless
and has his being in the realization of the deathless.






[120.16][olds] 'Monks, by having followed six things,
the goodman Vajiyamāhita,
because of the Tathāgata,
has gone to the end,
seen the deathless
and has his being in the realization of the deathless.

What six?

Unwavering faith in the Buddha,
unwavering faith in the Dhamma
unwavering faith in the Order,
Ariyan virtue,
Ariyan knowledge
and Ariyan release.

Verily; monks, by having followed these six,
the goodman Vajiyamāhita,
because of the Tathāgata,
has gone to the end,
seen the deathless
and has his being in the realization of the deathless.






[120.17][olds] 'Monks, by having followed six things,
the goodman Meṇḍaka,
because of the Tathāgata,
has gone to the end,
seen the deathless
and has his being in the realization of the deathless.

What six?

Unwavering faith in the Buddha,
unwavering faith in the Dhamma
unwavering faith in the Order,
Ariyan virtue,
Ariyan knowledge
and Ariyan release.

Verily; monks, by having followed these six,
the goodman Meṇḍaka,
because of the Tathāgata,
has gone to the end,
seen the deathless
and has his being in the realization of the deathless.






[120.18][olds] 'Monks, by having followed six things,
the goodman Vāseṭṭha,
because of the Tathāgata,
has gone to the end,
seen the deathless
and has his being in the realization of the deathless.

What six?

Unwavering faith in the Buddha,
unwavering faith in the Dhamma
unwavering faith in the Order,
Ariyan virtue,
Ariyan knowledge
and Ariyan release.

Verily; monks, by having followed these six,
the goodman Vāseṭṭha,
because of the Tathāgata,
has gone to the end,
seen the deathless
and has his being in the realization of the deathless.






[120.19][olds] 'Monks, by having followed six things,
the goodman Ariṭṭha,
because of the Tathāgata,
has gone to the end,
seen the deathless
and has his being in the realization of the deathless.

What six?

Unwavering faith in the Buddha,
unwavering faith in the Dhamma
unwavering faith in the Order,
Ariyan virtue,
Ariyan knowledge
and Ariyan release.

Verily; monks, by having followed these six,
the goodman Ariṭṭha,
because of the Tathāgata,
has gone to the end,
seen the deathless
and has his being in the realization of the deathless.






[120.20][olds] 'Monks, by having followed six things,
the goodman Sārangga,
because of the Tathāgata,
has gone to the end,
seen the deathless
and has his being in the realization of the deathless.

What six?

Unwavering faith in the Buddha,
unwavering faith in the Dhamma
unwavering faith in the Order,
Ariyan virtue,
Ariyan knowledge
and Ariyan release.

Verily; monks, by having followed these six,
the goodman Sārangga,
because of the Tathāgata,
has gone to the end,
seen the deathless
and has his being in the realization of the deathless.


[1] Tathāgate. Is Tapussa he of Vin., Mhv. i, 4 and A. iv, 438?

[2] Niṭṭhaṃ gato; a monkish gloss, quoted by P.E.D., observes: pabbajitānaṃ arahattaṃ patta; but here all are home-folk who are said have won to Nibbāna, the deathless. For some not otherwise noted here see G.S. i, 22 ff.

[3] Iriyati.

[4] I number differently from the text. For Pūraṇa and Isidatta, see above VI, § 44; Menṇḍaka at V, § 33; Ariṭṭha at K.S. v. 278, is a monk; for Vāseṭṭha see D. iii, 80; M. ii, 169; but these must be different; for Sandhāna see DA. i, 45; for Bhallika see p. 313, A. 3. Our Comy. mentions Tavakaññika only, observing 'evan nāmako gahupati' which we already knew from the text! Is he connected with Tikñña of G.S. i, 145?


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