Samyutta Nikaya Masthead

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Saṃyutta Nikāya
5. Mahā-Vagga
54. Ānāpāna Saṃyutta
2. Ānanda or Dutiya Vagga

The Book of the Kindred Sayings
5. The Great Chapter
54. Kindred Sayings about
In-Breathing and Out-Breathing
2. [Untitled]

Sutta 13

Paṭhama Ānanda Suttaṃ

Ānanda (a)

Translated by F. L. Woodward
Edited by Mrs. Rhys Davids

Copyright The Pali Text Society
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[1][olds][bodh][than] THUS have I heard:

Once the Exalted One was staying near Sāvatthī
at Jeta Grove,
in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Now the venerable Ānanda came to visit the Exalted One,
and on coming to him saluted him
and sat down at one side.

So seated the venerable Ānanda said this to the Exalted One:

"Pray, lord, is there any one state
which, if cultivated and made much of,
brings four states to completion?

Do four states,
if cultivated and made much of,
complete seven states?

Do seven states,
if cultivated and made much of,
complete two states?"

"Yes, Ānanda.

There is one state
which does complete [292] four.

Four states complete seven,
and seven complete two.

What are they?.

Intent concentration on in-breathing and out-breathing, Ānanda,
is the one state
which, if cultivated and made much of,
brings the four arisings of mindfulness to completion.

The four arisings of mindfulness,
if cultivated and made much of,
bring the seven limbs of wisdom to completion.

The seven limbs of wisdom,
if cultivated and made much of,
complete knowledge and release.[41]


And how cultivated,
how made much of,
does intent concentration on in-breathing and out-breathing
complete the four arisings of mindfulness?

In this method, Ānanda,
a monk who has gone to the forest
or the foot of a tree
or a lonely place,
sits down cross-legged,
holding the body straight.
Setting mindfulness in front of him,
he breathes in mindfully
and mindfully breathes out.

As he draws in a long breath he knows:

'A long breath I draw in.'

As he breathes out a long breath he knows:

'I breathe out a long breath.'

As he draws in a short breath he knows:

'A short breath I draw in.'

As he breathes out a short breath he knows:

'I breathe out a short breath.'

Thus he makes up his mind (repeating):

'I shall breathe in,
feeling it go through the whole body.

Feeling it go through the whole body
I shall breathe out.

Calming down the bodily aggregate
I shall breathe in.

Calming down the bodily aggregate
I shall breathe out.'

Thus he makes up his mind (repeating):

'Feeling the thrill of zest
I shall breathe in.

Feeling the thrill of zest
I shall breathe out.

Feeling the sense of ease
I shall breathe in.

Feeling the sense of ease
I shall breathe out.'

He makes up his mind (repeating):

'Aware of all mental factors
I shall breathe in.

Aware of all mental factors
I shall breathe out.

Calming down the mental factors
I shall breathe in.

Calming down the mental factors
I shall breathe out.

Aware of mind I shall breathe in.

Aware of mind I shall breathe out.'

He makes up his mind (repeating):

'Gladdening my mind I shall breathe in.

Gladdening my mind I shall breathe out.

Composing my mind I shall breathe in.

Composing my mind I shall breathe out.

Detaching my mind I shall breathe in.

Detaching my mind I shall breathe out.'

He makes up his mind (repeating):

'Contemplating impermanence I shall breathe in.

Contemplating impermanence I shall breathe out.

Contemplating dispassion I shall breathe in.

Contemplating dispassion I shall breathe out.

Contemplating cessation I shall breathe in.

Contemplating cessation I shall breathe out.

Contemplating renunciation I shall breathe in.

Contemplating renunciation I shall breathe out.'

Now, Ānanda, at such time as a monk,
while drawing in a long breath,

'A long breath I draw in';

or, breathing out a long breath,

'A long breath I breathe out';

or, when drawing in a short breath,

'A short breath I draw in';

or, when breathing out a short breath,

'A short breath I breathe out';

or, when he makes up his mind

'Feeling it go through the whole body
I shall breathe in;
feeling it go through the whole body
I shall breathe out;
calming down the bodily aggregate
I shall breathe in;
calming down the bodily aggregate
I shall breathe out,' —

at such time, Ānanda,
in body contemplating body
(as transient)
a monk dwells ardent,
and mindful,
by restraining the dejection in the world
that arises from coveting.

Now, Ānanda, I declare
that this in-breathing and out-breathing
is a certain body.

Wherefore, Ānanda,
a monk in body contemplating body
(as transient)
dwells ardent,
and mindful,
by restraining the dejection in the world
that arises from coveting.

[48]Again, Ānanda,
at such time as a monk makes up his mind

'Feeling the thrill of zest
I shall breathe in:
feeling the thrill of zest
I shall breathe out:
feeling the sense of ease
I shall breathe in:
feeling the sense of ease
I shall breathe out.

Aware of the mental factors
I shall breathe in:
aware of the mental factors
I shall breathe out.

Calming down the mental factors
I shall breathe in:
calming down the mental factors
I shall breathe out," —
at such time,
in feelings contemplating feelings,
he dwells ardent,
and mindful,
by restraining the dejection in the world
that arises from coveting.'

Now, Ānanda,
I declare that this in-breathing and out-breathing,
this close attention to it,
is a certain feeling.

Wherefore, Ānanda, a monk,
in feelings contemplating feelings,
at such time dwells ardent,
and mindful
by restraining the dejection in the world
that arises from coveting.

Again, Ānanda,
at such time as a monk makes up his mind

'Aware of mind
I shall breathe in:
aware of mind
I shall breathe out.

Gladdening my mind
I shall breathe in:
gladdening my mind I shall breathe out.

Composing my mind
I shall breathe in:
composing my mind I shall breathe out.

Detaching my mind
I shall breathe in:
detaching my mind I shall breathe out,' —

at such time,
in mind contemplating mind
(as transient),
a monk dwells ardent,
and mindful,
by restraining the dejection in the world
that arises from coveting.

What is the cause of that?

I declare, Ānanda,
that the practice of intent concentration
on in-breathing and out-breathing
is not a mindfulness that is relaxed
or not composed.

Wherefore, Ānanda, I say
a monk dwells in mind contemplating mind,
and mindful,
by restraining the dejection in the world
that arises from coveting.

Again, Ānanda,
at such time as a monk makes up his mind

'Contemplating impermanence
I shall breathe in:
contemplating impermanence
I shall breathe out.

Contemplating dispassion
I shall breathe in:
contemplating dispassion
I shall breathe out.

Contemplating cessation
I shall breathe in:
contemplating cessation
I shall breathe out.

Contemplating renunciation
I shall breathe in:
contemplating renunciation
I shall breathe out,' —

at such time,
in mind-states contemplating mind-states,
a 'monk dwells ardent,
and mindful,
by restraining the dejection in the world
that arises from coveting.

Abandoning whatever dejection arises from coveting,
seeing it with the eye of insight,
he is completely disinterested.

Wherefore I say, Ānanda,
at such a time
that monk dwells in mind-states contemplating mind-states,
and mindful,
by restraining the dejection in the world
that arises from coveting.

Thus cultivated, Ānanda,
thus made much of,
intent concentration on in-breathing and out-breathing
completes the four arisings of mindfulness.


And how cultivated, Ānanda,
how made much of,
do the four arisings of mindfulness
complete the seven limbs of wisdom?


The Mindfulness Limb of Wisdom

At such time as a monk dwells,
in body contemplating body,
with mindfulness established,
his mindfulness is not relaxed;
at such time as his mindfulness,
being established,
is not relaxed,
the limb of wisaom which is mindfulness
is established in that monk.

Then it is, Ānanda,
that a monk is cultivating the limb of wisdom which is mindfulness.

Then it is that the limb of wisdom which is mindfulness
by cultivation goes [293] to completion in a monk.

The Norm-Investigation Limb of Wisdom

He, thus dwelling mindful,
investigates that state by insight,
he examines it,
he comes to close scrutiny of it.

At such time, Ānanda, as a monk,
thus dwelling mindful,
investigates that state by insight,[43]
comes to close scrutiny of it,
then it is that the limb of wisdom which is Norm-investigation
is undertaken by a monk;
then it is that a monk cultivates
the limb of wisdom which is Norm-investigation.

Then it is, Ānanda,
that the limb of wisdom which is Norm-investigation
goes to completion in a monk.

The Energy Limb of Wisdom

As he investigates that state by insight,
as he examines it,
as he comes to close scrutiny of it,
unwavering energy is established in him.

At such time, Ānanda,
as unwavering energy is established in a monk
who is investigating that state by insight,
examining it,
coming to close scrutiny of it,
then it is that the limb of wisdom which is energy
is established in that monk.

Then it is that he cultivates that limb of wisdom:
that limb of wisdom goes to completion in that monk
owing to cultivation of it;
and there arises in him
a zest that is not carnal[44]
for the energy which he has established.

The Zest Limb of Wisdom

At such time, Ānanda,
as zest that is not carnal
arises in a monk
whose energy is established,
the limb of wisdom which is zest
is established in him:
then it is that a monk cultivates
the limb of wisdom which is zest.

At such time
the limb of wisdom which is zest
goes to completion in that monk
owing to cultivation of it.

The Tranquillity Limb of Wisdom

In one who is zestful
the body is tranquillized,
the mind is tranquillized.

At such time, Ānanda,
as the body and mind of a monk who is zestfu1[45]
are tranquillized,
the limb of wisdom which is tranquillity
is established in him.

At such time a monk cultivates this limb of wisdom:
it goes to completion in a monk by cultivation.

The Concentration Limb of Wisdom

In him whose body is tranquillized,
who is happy,
the mind is composed.[46]

[294] When, Ānanda,
in a monk whose body is tranquillized,
who is happy,
the mind is composed,
at such time the limb of wisdom which is concentration
is established in him:
he thus cultivates this limb of wisdom,
it goes to completion in him.

The Equanimity Limb of Wisdom

He is a thoroughly disinterested onlooker[47]
of his mind thus composed.

Now, Ānanda, when a monk is a thoroughly disinterested onlooker
of his mind thus composed,
at such time the limb of wisdom which is equanimity
is established in him:
it is then that he cultivates this limb of wisdom,
it is then that this limb of wisdom
goes to completion in him
by cultivation of it.


The Mindfulness Limb of Wisdom

At such time as a monk dwells,
in feeling contemplating feeling,
with mindfulness established,
his mindfulness is not relaxed;
at such time as his mindfulness,
being established,
is not relaxed,
the limb of wisaom which is mindfulness
is established in that monk.

Then it is, Ānanda,
that a monk is cultivating the limb of wisdom which is mindfulness.

Then it is that the limb of wisdom which is mindfulness
by cultivation goes to completion in a monk.

The Norm-Investigation Limb of Wisdom

He, thus dwelling mindful,
investigates that state by insight,
he examines it,
he comes to close scrutiny of it.

At such time, Ānanda, as a monk,
thus dwelling mindful,
investigates that state by insight,
comes to close scrutiny of it,
then it is that the limb of wisdom which is Norm-investigation
is undertaken by a monk;
then it is that a monk cultivates
the limb of wisdom which is Norm-investigation.

Then it is, Ānanda,
that the limb of wisdom which is Norm-investigation
goes to completion in a monk.

The Energy Limb of Wisdom

As he investigates that state by insight,
as he examines it,
as he comes to close scrutiny of it,
unwavering energy is established in him.

At such time, Ānanda,
as unwavering energy is established in a monk
who is investigating that state by insight,
examining it,
coming to close scrutiny of it,
then it is that the limb of wisdom which is energy
is established in that monk.

Then it is that he cultivates that limb of wisdom:
that limb of wisdom goes to completion in that monk
owing to cultivation of it;
and there arises in him
a zest that is not carnal
for the energy which he has established.

The Zest Limb of Wisdom

At such time, Ānanda,
as zest that is not carnal
arises in a monk
whose energy is established,
the limb of wisdom which is zest
is established in him:
then it is that a monk cultivates
the limb of wisdom which is zest.

At such time
the limb of wisdom which is zest
goes to completion in that monk
owing to cultivation of it.

The Tranquillity Limb of Wisdom

In one who is zestful
the body is tranquillized,
the mind is tranquillized.

At such time, Ānanda,
as the body and mind of a monk who is zestfu1
are tranquillized,
the limb of wisdom which is tranquillity
is established in him.

At such time a monk cultivates this limb of wisdom:
it goes to completion in a monk by cultivation.

The Concentration Limb of Wisdom

In him whose body is tranquillized,
who is happy,
the mind is composed.

When, Ānanda,
in a monk whose body is tranquillized,
who is happy,
the mind is composed,
at such time the limb of wisdom which is concentration
is established in him:
he thus cultivates this limb of wisdom,
it goes to completion in him.

The Equanimity Limb of Wisdom

He is a thoroughly disinterested onlooker
of his mind thus composed.

Now, Ānanda, when a monk is a thoroughly disinterested onlooker
of his mind thus composed,
at such time the limb of wisdom which is equanimity
is established in him:
it is then that he cultivates this limb of wisdom,
it is then that this limb of wisdom
goes to completion in him
by cultivation of it.


The Mindfulness Limb of Wisdom

At such time as a monk dwells,
in mind contemplating mind,
with mindfulness established,
his mindfulness is not relaxed;
at such time as his mindfulness,
being established,
is not relaxed,
the limb of wisaom which is mindfulness
is established in that monk.

Then it is, Ānanda,
that a monk is cultivating the limb of wisdom which is mindfulness.

Then it is that the limb of wisdom which is mindfulness
by cultivation goes to completion in a monk.

The Norm-Investigation Limb of Wisdom

He, thus dwelling mindful,
investigates that state by insight,
he examines it,
he comes to close scrutiny of it.

At such time, Ānanda, as a monk,
thus dwelling mindful,
investigates that state by insight,
comes to close scrutiny of it,
then it is that the limb of wisdom which is Norm-investigation
is undertaken by a monk;
then it is that a monk cultivates
the limb of wisdom which is Norm-investigation.

Then it is, Ānanda,
that the limb of wisdom which is Norm-investigation
goes to completion in a monk.

The Energy Limb of Wisdom

As he investigates that state by insight,
as he examines it,
as he comes to close scrutiny of it,
unwavering energy is established in him.

At such time, Ānanda,
as unwavering energy is established in a monk
who is investigating that state by insight,
examining it,
coming to close scrutiny of it,
then it is that the limb of wisdom which is energy
is established in that monk.

Then it is that he cultivates that limb of wisdom:
that limb of wisdom goes to completion in that monk
owing to cultivation of it;
and there arises in him
a zest that is not carnal
for the energy which he has established.

The Zest Limb of Wisdom

At such time, Ānanda,
as zest that is not carnal
arises in a monk
whose energy is established,
the limb of wisdom which is zest
is established in him:
then it is that a monk cultivates
the limb of wisdom which is zest.

At such time
the limb of wisdom which is zest
goes to completion in that monk
owing to cultivation of it.

The Tranquillity Limb of Wisdom

In one who is zestful
the body is tranquillized,
the mind is tranquillized.

At such time, Ānanda,
as the body and mind of a monk who is zestfu1
are tranquillized,
the limb of wisdom which is tranquillity
is established in him.

At such time a monk cultivates this limb of wisdom:
it goes to completion in a monk by cultivation.

The Concentration Limb of Wisdom

In him whose body is tranquillized,
who is happy,
the mind is composed.

When, Ānanda,
in a monk whose body is tranquillized,
who is happy,
the mind is composed,
at such time the limb of wisdom which is concentration
is established in him:
he thus cultivates this limb of wisdom,
it goes to completion in him.

The Equanimity Limb of Wisdom

He is a thoroughly disinterested onlooker
of his mind thus composed.

Now, Ānanda, when a monk is a thoroughly disinterested onlooker
of his mind thus composed,
at such time the limb of wisdom which is equanimity
is established in him:
it is then that he cultivates this limb of wisdom,
it is then that this limb of wisdom
goes to completion in him
by cultivation of it.


The Mindfulness Limb of Wisdom

At such time as a monk dwells,
in mind-states contemplating mind-states,
with mindfulness established,
his mindfulness is not relaxed;
at such time as his mindfulness,
being established,
is not relaxed,
the limb of wisaom which is mindfulness
is established in that monk.

Then it is, Ānanda,
that a monk is cultivating the limb of wisdom which is mindfulness.

Then it is that the limb of wisdom which is mindfulness
by cultivation goes to completion in a monk.

The Norm-Investigation Limb of Wisdom

He, thus dwelling mindful,
investigates that state by insight,
he examines it,
he comes to close scrutiny of it.

At such time, Ānanda, as a monk,
thus dwelling mindful,
investigates that state by insight,
comes to close scrutiny of it,
then it is that the limb of wisdom which is Norm-investigation
is undertaken by a monk;
then it is that a monk cultivates
the limb of wisdom which is Norm-investigation.

Then it is, Ānanda,
that the limb of wisdom which is Norm-investigation
goes to completion in a monk.

The Energy Limb of Wisdom

As he investigates that state by insight,
as he examines it,
as he comes to close scrutiny of it,
unwavering energy is established in him.

At such time, Ānanda,
as unwavering energy is established in a monk
who is investigating that state by insight,
examining it,
coming to close scrutiny of it,
then it is that the limb of wisdom which is energy
is established in that monk.

Then it is that he cultivates that limb of wisdom:
that limb of wisdom goes to completion in that monk
owing to cultivation of it;
and there arises in him
a zest that is not carnal
for the energy which he has established.

The Zest Limb of Wisdom

At such time, Ānanda,
as zest that is not carnal
arises in a monk
whose energy is established,
the limb of wisdom which is zest
is established in him:
then it is that a monk cultivates
the limb of wisdom which is zest.

At such time
the limb of wisdom which is zest
goes to completion in that monk
owing to cultivation of it.

The Tranquillity Limb of Wisdom

In one who is zestful
the body is tranquillized,
the mind is tranquillized.

At such time, Ānanda,
as the body and mind of a monk who is zestfu1
are tranquillized,
the limb of wisdom which is tranquillity
is established in him.

At such time a monk cultivates this limb of wisdom:
it goes to completion in a monk by cultivation.

The Concentration Limb of Wisdom

In him whose body is tranquillized,
who is happy,
the mind is composed.

When, Ānanda,
in a monk whose body is tranquillized,
who is happy,
the mind is composed,
at such time the limb of wisdom which is concentration
is established in him:
he thus cultivates this limb of wisdom,
it goes to completion in him.

The Equanimity Limb of Wisdom

He is a thoroughly disinterested onlooker
of his mind thus composed.

Now, Ānanda, when a monk is a thoroughly disinterested onlooker
of his mind thus composed,
at such time the limb of wisdom which is equanimity
is established in him:
it is then that he cultivates this limb of wisdom,
it is then that this limb of wisdom
goes to completion in him
by cultivation of it.

Thus cultivated, Ānanda,
thus made much of,
the four arisings of mindfulness
complete the seven limbs of wisdom.


Now, Ānanda, how cultivated,
how made much of,
do the seven limbs of wisdom
complete knowledge and release?

Herein, Ānanda, a monk cultivates the limb of wisdom
that is mindfulness,
which is based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He cultivates the limb of wisdom
that is investigation of the Norm,
which is based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He cultivates the limb of wisdom
that is energy,
which is based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He cultivates the limb of wisdom
that is zest,
which is based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He cultivates the limb of wisdom
that is tranquillity,
which is based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He cultivates the limb of wisdom
that is concentration,
which is based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He cultivates the limb of wisdom
that is equanimity,
which is based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

Thus cultivated,
thus made much of,
the seven limbs of wisdom
complete knowledge and release."


[41] Cf. VM. i, 291; M. iii, 82.

[42] This section repeats matters at text, 68 ff.

[43] Comy. 'by way of impermanence,' etc.

[44] Nirāmisā pīti = nikkilesā p. (untainted). Comy. Cf. K.S. iv, 147 n., 160 (the zest of the first trance, which is refined in each succeeding stage of trance).

[45] Pītimanasa.

[46] Samādhi-gati, 'as if in ecstasy (appanā).' Comy.

[47] Ajjhupekkhitā ('inwardly neutral'). Cf. n. on text, 69. [Ed.: Note reads: S1-3 °pekkhitaṃ]

[48] Text does not add the contemplation on mind and mind-states, which should be [Ed.: have been] included here.

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