Saṃyutta Nikāya
I. Sagātha Vagga
1. Devatā-saṇyutta
VII. Addha Vagga
The Connected Discourses of the Buddha
I. The Book with Verses
1. Connected Discourses with Devatās
Suttas 61-70
Weighed Down
Translated from the Pāli by Bhikkhu Bodhi
Copyright Bhikkhu Bodhi 2000, The Connected Discourses of the Buddha (Wisdom Publications, 2000)
This selection from The Connected Discourses of the Buddha: A Translation of the Saṃyutta Nikāya by Bhikkhu Bodhi is reprinted with permission of Wisdom Publications, 199 Elm St., Somerville MA 02144 U.S.A
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Sutta 61
Nāma Suttaṃ
[203] "What has weighed down everything?
What is most extensive?
What is the one thing that has
All under its control?"
[204] "Name has weighed down everything;
Nothing is more extensive than name.
Name is the one thing that has
All under its control."
Sutta 62
Citta Suttaṃ
[205] "By what is the world led around?
By what is it dragged here and there?
What is the one thing that has
All under its control?"
[206] "The world is led around by mind;
By mind it's dragged here and there.
Mind is the one thing that has
All under its control."
Sutta 63
Taṇhā Suttaṃ
[207] "By what is the world led around?
By what is it dragged here and there?
What is the one thing that has
All under its control?"
[208] "The world is led around by craving;
By craving it is dragged here and there.
Craving is the one thing that has
All under its control."
Sutta 64
Samyojana Suttaṃ
[209] "By what is the world tightly fettered?
What is its means of travelling about?
What is it that one must forsake
In order to say, ' Nibbāna'?"
[210] "The world is tightly fettered by delight;
Thought is its means of travelling about.
Craving is what one must forsake
In order to say, 'Nibbāna.'"
Sutta 65
Bandhana Suttaṃ
[211] "By what is the world held in bondage?
What is its means of travelling about?
What is it that one must forsake
To cut off all bondage?"
[40] [212] "The world is held in bondage by delight;
Thought is its means of travelling about.
Craving is what one must forsake
To cut off all bondage."
Sutta 66
Abbhāta Suttaṃ
[213] "By what is the world afflicted?
By what is it enveloped?
By what dart has it been wounded?
With what is it always burning?"
[214] "The world is afflicted with death,
Enveloped by old age;
Wounded by the dart of craving,
It is always burning with desire."
Sutta 67
Uḍḍito Suttaṃ
[215] "By what is the world ensnared?
By what is it enveloped?
By what is the world shut in?
On what is the world established?"
[216] "The world is ensnared by craving;
It is enveloped by old age;
The world is shut in by death;
The world is established on suffering."
Sutta 68
Pihito Suttaṃ
Shut In
[217] "By what is the world shut in?
On what is the world established?
By what is the world ensnared?
By what is it enveloped?"
[218] "The world is shut in by death;
The world is established on suffering;
The world is ensnared by craving;
It is enveloped by old age."
Sutta 69
Icchā Suttaṃ
[219] "By what is the world bound?
By the removal of what is it freed?
What is it that one must forsake
To cut off all bondage?"
[220] "By desire is the world bound;
By the removal of desire it is freed.
Desire is what one must forsake
To cut off all bondage."
Sutta 70
Loka Suttaṃ
[221] "In what has the world arisen?
In what does it form intimacy?
By clinging to what is the world
Harassed in regard to what?"
[222] "In six has the world arisen;
In six it forms intimacy;
By clinging to six the world
Is harassed in regard to six."