Aṇguttara Nikāya

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Aṇguttara Nikāya
Pañcaka Nipāta
11. Phāsu-Vihāra Vagga

Sutta 110

Arañña Suttaṃ


Translated from the Pali by Thanissaro Bhikkhu.
Sourced from the edition at dhammatalks.org
For free distribution only.



[1][pts] "Endowed with five qualities, monks, a monk is fit to resort to isolated dwellings in the wilderness and in forest groves.

Which five?

"There is the case where a monk is virtuous.

He dwells restrained in accordance with the Pāṭimokkha, consummate in his behavior and sphere of activity.

He trains himself, having undertaken the training rules, seeing danger in the slightest faults.

"He has heard much, has retained what he has heard, has stored what he has heard.

Whatever teachings are admirable in the beginning, admirable in the middle, admirable in the end, that — in their meaning and expression — proclaim the holy life that is entirely perfect, surpassingly pure: Those he has listened to often, retained, discussed, accumulated, examined with his mind, and well-penetrated in terms of his views.

"He keeps his persistence aroused for abandoning unskillful qualities and for taking on skillful qualities.

He is steadfast, solid in his effort, not shirking his duties with regard to skillful qualities.

"He attains — whenever he wants, without strain, without difficulty — the four jhānas that are heightened mental states, pleasant abidings in the here and now.

"He — with the ending of effluents — remains in the effluent-free awareness-release and discernment-release, having directly known and realized them for himself right in the here and now.

"Endowed with these five qualities, monks, a monk is fit to resort to isolated dwellings in the wilderness and in forest groves."



Of Related Interest:

MN 4;
AN 10:99


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