Samyutta Nikaya Masthead

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Saṃyutta Nikāya
4. Saḷāyatana Vagga
35. Saḷāyatana Saṃyutta
§ III: Paññāsaka Tatiya
2. Loka-Kāma-Guṇa Vagga

Sutta 115

Dutiya Māra-Pāsa Suttaṃ

Mara's Power

Translated from the Pali by Thanissaro Bhikkhu.
Provenance, terms and conditons



[1][pts][bodh] "There are forms, monks, cognizable via the eye — agreeable, pleasing, charming, endearing, enticing, linked to sensual desire.

If a monk relishes them, welcomes them, and remains fastened to them, he is said to be a monk fettered to forms cognizable by the eye.

He has gone over to Māra’s camp; he has come under Māra’s power.

The Evil One can do with him as he will.

"There are sounds cognizable via the ear...

"There are aromas cognizable via the nose...

"There are flavors cognizable via the tongue...

"There are tactile sensations cognizable via the body...

"There are ideas cognizable via the intellect — agreeable, pleasing, charming, endearing, enticing, linked to sensual desire.

If a monk relishes them, welcomes them, and remains fastened to them, he is said to be a monk fettered to ideas cognizable by the intellect.

He has gone over to Māra’s camp; he has come under Māra’s power.

The Evil One can do with him as he will.

"Now, there are forms cognizable via the eye — agreeable, pleasing, charming, endearing, enticing, linked to sensual desire.

If a monk does not relish them, welcome them, or remain fastened to them, he is said to be a monk freed from forms cognizable by the eye.

He has not gone over to Māra’s camp; he has not come under Māra’s power.

The Evil One cannot do with him as he will.

"There are sounds cognizable via the ear...

"There are aromas cognizable via the nose...

"There are flavors cognizable via the tongue...

"There are tactile sensations cognizable via the body...

"There are ideas cognizable via the intellect — agreeable, pleasing, charming, endearing, enticing, linked to sensual desire.

If a monk does not relish them, welcome them, or remain fastened to them, he is said to be a monk freed from ideas cognizable by the intellect.

He has not gone over to Māra’s camp; he has not come under Māra’s power.

The Evil One cannot do with him as he will."



Of Related Interest:

MN 49;
SN 4:19;
SN 5:1–10;
SN 35:202;
SN 47:6–7;
AN 9:39;
AN 10:72;
Sn 4:2


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