Aṅguttara Nikāya
VIII. Aṭṭhaka Nipāta
III: Gahapati Vagga
The Book of Eights
Sutta 24
Hatthaka-Āḷavaka Sangaha-Vatthu Suttaṃ
Hatthaka-Āḷavaka's Tactics
Gathering a Company
Translated from the Pāḷi
Michael M. Olds
[1][pts][than][bodh] Once upon a time The Lucky Man,
Āḷavi-town, Aggālave shrine revisiting.
There then Hatthaka Āḷavaka surrounded by Upāsakas,
some five-hundred by count,
approached the Lucky Man.
Having approached and given salutation,
they took seats to one side.
When they were seated to one side then
The Lucky Man said this to Hatthaka Āḷavaka:
"Great, indeed, Hatthaka, is your company!
How, Hatthaka, did you gather together
this great company of yours?"
"It is, Bhante, by way of
these four gathering-tactics
taught by the Lucky Man
that I have gathered this company:
I, Bhante, knowing:
'This one, gifts will gather in,'
— he by gifts I gather in.
Knowing such:
'This one, kind words will gather in,'
— he by kind words I gather in.
Knowing such:
'This one, helpfulness will gather in,'
— he by my being helpful I gather in.
Knowing such:
'This one, impartiality will gather in,'
— he by impartiality I gather in.
Then again, bhante,
there is immense wealth found in my family
no one thinks to listen to one impoverished."
"Well-said, well-said, Hatthaka!
This is the very way to begin, Hatthaka,
the gathering of a great company.
Whomsoever, Hatthaka, during the past,
gathered a company
all such did so with these same four gathering-tactics
for gathering a great company.
Whomsoever, Hatthaka, during the future,
will gather a company
all such will do so with these same four gathering-tactics
for gathering a great company.
Whomsoever, Hatthaka, presently,
gathers a company
all such do so with these same four gathering-tactics
for gathering a great company."
There then Hatthaka Āḷavaka,
instructed, made enthusiastic, aroused, convinced
by Dhamma-talk from the Lucky Man,
rose from his seat,
and keeping the Lucky Man to his right,
There then the Lucky man
not long after the departure of Hatthaka Āḷavaka
addressed the beggars:
"Bear in mind, beggars, these eight wonderful and marvelous things
possessed by Hatthaka Āḷavaka.
What eight?
Convinced, beggars, is Hatthaka Āḷavaka,
virtuous, beggars, is Hatthaka Āḷavaka,
possessed of a sense of shame, beggars, is Hatthaka Āḷavaka,
possessed of fear of blame, beggars, is Hatthaka Āḷavaka,
well-read, beggars, is Hatthaka Āḷavaka,
generous, beggars, is Hatthaka Āḷavaka,
wise, beggars, is Hatthaka Āḷavaka,
modest, beggars, is Hatthaka Āḷavaka.
These are, beggars, the eight wonderful and marvelous things
possessed by Hatthaka Āḷavaka
which should be born in mind."